[FRA新聞] 法國準備好了!Toulalan準備好了!

看板UEFA作者 (agGREssion)時間16年前 (2008/06/07 05:37), 編輯推噓2(201)
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http://en.euro2008.uefa.com/tournament/teams/team=43/index.html Friday 6 June 2008 Toulalan ready to fill Vieira role The thigh strain picked up by Patrick Vieira a week ago has sparked great concern in France, with comparisons being made between his current condition and the fitness problems Zinedine Zidane faced before the 2002 FIFA World Cup. The captain of Les Bleus is doubtful for the opening Group C match against Romania on Monday and, despite returning to training on Thursday, could even cede his place in the 23-man group to Mathieu Flamini. 一週前韋爺的大腿傷勢吸引了全部法國人的目光 因為這個狀況讓人想到2002世界盃之前齊祖的情形 目前韋爺能否在開幕首戰迎戰羅馬尼亞依舊成謎 不過他五日已經開始訓練了,這也可能讓佛拉迷你又要傷心的去度假 Similar styles Yet while Zidane proved irreplaceable six years ago, the same cannot be said of Vieira. With the outstanding Jeremy Toulalan of Olympique Lyonnais ready to step into midfield alongside Claude Makelele, the FC Internazionale Milano player's absence might not be as sorely felt as many fear. Vieira and Toulalan have similar styles: both are fierce competitors, cover a lot of ground and use the ball intelligently. 六年前,齊祖無可取代,這讓法國在小組賽有了慘澹的結局 但是這一回同樣場景不會重演,因為我們有圖拉朗 這名里昂後腰已經準備好要和馬卡一同先發捍衛法國防守線 圖拉朗和韋爺有許多相似處:場上鬥志強,跑動範圍廣,控球能力高 Greater mobility While Toulalan rarely strides forward and will not score vital goals as Vieira has in the past (Toulalan has just one Ligue 1 strike in six seasons), his greater mobility will give Raymond Domenech's side more bite where it matters most. At 24, Toulalan is primed for a major international competition having played a leading role in Lyon's double-winning campaign – in contrast to Vieira whose season in Italy was blighted by injury and whose best days could be behind him. Can Toulalan make the most of his chance? Or will France struggle without the talismanic Vieira? 雖然圖拉朗在球會裡頭的表現,沒有像韋爺那樣有得分能力 但這並沒有讓他的評價下滑 現年二十四歲的他,已經成為里昂先發主力不可或缺的一員 相較之下,本季始終受到傷勢影響的韋爺,就沒有那麼亮眼了 這一回,圖拉朗能否掌握機會? 還是說法國又要遭逢六年前一樣的苦果? -- ██ ▂▂▂▂▂ 【★ ██ II █████ ██ ▆▆▆▆▆ ▄▄▄EURO 2008 ▄▄▄ █████ ▄▄▄▄▄6/07-6/29 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/07 11:15, , 1F
說好不提02年的... 那年世界盃不是停辦嗎 (誤)
06/07 11:15, 1F

06/07 14:33, , 2F
說好不提02年的... 那年不是沒有世界盃嗎
06/07 14:33, 2F

06/07 15:45, , 3F
好不提02年的... 那年不是法國拿冠軍嗎 (淚)
06/07 15:45, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #18IQulZb (UEFA)