[發問] 請問W3的PTT-NWA

看板TribalWars作者 (幸福)時間17年前 (2007/04/09 22:51), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
請問world 3的PTT-NWA tribe是否為PTT鄉民為主的tribe呢? 因為我打下了一個村,結果有某附近大tribe要脅說是他們先攻擊的 (莫名其妙,打了三天僅三波笨笨的攻擊還沒打下來,兩千多/兩千多的防兵都是我清的) 但是我的盟的leader想屈服於他們,叫我把村還給他們 因為我旁邊看到有許多PTT-NWA的人, 所以我想我不為難tribe leader了, 如果這是PTT鄉民為主的tribe,那我想歸隊了 :D 拜託大家告知~謝謝:) 另外如果鄉民想幫助我對抗威脅我的強權(sprogs--聚集於我南邊), 麻煩盡量送防兵到292|304,sp/sw/hc都升到level3了 我不打算退縮了,要打就打吧 附上和tribe leader往來的信件: I totally agree that the village should belong to you, I hate it when player contact me and tell me that a recently conquered village belongs to them because the attacked it first. And I am always preperred to defend it with everthing I have. The problem is that this is a tribe that controlles K32 and will have no problem taking back the village by force without us being able to defend it for very long. I believe that we can turn this arround to our favour but we will have to give this village back.. They did offer to help us get another village for which I will sent you the coordinates. This is one of those times when we need to be smart and use a bas situation to our advantage. shaunchang wrote: --> Dear Montegue, First, I thank you very much for communication with this guy. However, after reviewing his report, I think he did not do preparation and carefully planning. It's not fair that the village belonged to the person who first start attacking without ability to take it! He claimed he was nobling it, and the fact shows that he did not noble it, only sending troops to be killed without collecting any information of the village. I am well prepared and take the village within only 8 hours from my first attack to last noble. I personally think that the village should belong to me. How do you think? I still want to thank you again for your kindness to communicate with him. Best Regards, Shaun Montegue wrote: --> hey shaun, I sent you the reports that where sent by the sprogs member. It looks like they incurred some losses aswell. shaunchang wrote: --> May I send you my report that shows the process I noble him from 100 to 0. And I cleared a lot of the forces. Montegue wrote: --> Hey Shaun, I received a message from a member of Sprogs who claims that he was clearing and nobling the village you took. I asked him to sent me the report which proves this and if he has that we will have no option but to leave the vill to him. Sprogs is a to powerfull tribe to piss of in this stage of the game... I am sorry dude but if he is right I have no other option. Grtz Edwin -- 這神聖的稜線啊 誰能真正完成從大霸尖到雪山的縱走 戴上勝利的桂冠 述說完成縱走的真與美 ~~沼鐵太郎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hsiaotse 來自: (04/09 22:54)

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04/10 10:53, , 6F
PTT-NW 成員+1
04/10 10:53, 6F
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