[分享] Side/ As You Are [Glasgow 2001]

看板Travis作者 (XinGiangGuXiao)時間16年前 (2008/07/28 21:08), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
話說~在Travis版上Po有關他們的心得文有點不好意思~><~ 因為版上精選好文太多啦~不過,我是偶然聽到下面幾首忍不住寫了, 還有我覺得這場Live表現相當不錯!(奇怪的是點閱數不算很多) 如果覺得我的文太boring 還是推薦點進youtube去聽喔!^^b 影音網誌:http://blog.roodo.com/juicybear/archives/6600455.html Travis - Side http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH7sOGx_V1A
We all try hard to live our lives in harmony For fear of falling swiftly overboard But life is both a major and minor key Just open up the chord But the grass is always greener on the other side The neighbours got a new car that you wanna drive And when time is running out you wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live, we all will die There is no wrong, there is no right The circle only has one side 偶然注意到這首歌的歌詞,細聽之下還挺有意思的, 所以就分享一下吧!歌名Side本身也蠻有趣的, 可能是我這前陣子老是和人聊到"選邊""分類""是非對錯"等這些主題, 所以聽到這首歌,或多或少又想起了選擇和執著的問題, 就不由自主留意然後胡思亂想了起來。 說到選擇,還真是個大問題啊!(對貪心的雙子座如我尤其如此Orz) 人生其實就在不斷做出選擇吧!時時刻刻,人都被推動著必須做出選擇, 這既是一種責任,也是一種實踐的必須。 可是,該如何選擇呢?一旦選擇了A,就不能是B,但是A是絕對的嗎? 當然不可能,不想要執著,不想要被選擇限制住, 但在現實人生中,這樣又會成為一種逃避......。 要怎麼樣才能做出不執著的選擇呢?這就是個問題了。 (這時我腦中只浮現出易經中講的"時""位" XD) 其實歌詞最後一句的 circle 讓我想到老子那物極必反的圓呢! 確實,從相對來看,There is no wrong, there is no right, 不是只有單面的Side,而要能看到整體的circle, 可是,老子雖說一切是循環反覆的,卻並沒有說怎樣都好, 他還是說要致虛守靜啊!如果物極必反,一切都是相對的,何必守靜呢? 反正動靜虛實也是相對的不是嗎?可是,人還是要致虛守靜, 那是因為,在不斷流動的變遷中,我們還是可以選擇一個相對好的位置, 一個不會立刻game over,而要能更常常久久發展下去的點, 這個點並不是固定的(啊應該說是與時俱進的), 然而,時刻把握住這樣的點還是重要的, 因為唯有站穩了腳步,才能不在變化的洪流中滅頂吧! 好吧我承認講這個有點無趣了,不過,我想說的只是最近的一點心得, 就是啊~我也覺得世間的是非對錯是相對的, 但正因為如此,隨波逐流才更為可怕......。 所謂的鄉愿,也不過就是模糊立場,對自我的抉擇不能真心表白,具體實踐吧! 一開頭未必那麼壞,但最後陷入只有姿態,沒有實質的窘境。...... (不過說來說去,最主要的問題還是"自私"和"貪心"吧) 而且,不是只有怎麼樣的人才有這樣的危險,每個在世間的人都有這樣的危險的, 怕只怕自己沒有察覺的能力(本來要看到自己最難),所以,如果有人能從旁提醒, 不管是不是個誤會,我覺得都是件好事吧!(哈 我好像想太多了)^^ 下面順帶再多分享一兩首歌,也是偶然聽到的, 第一首"As You Are"其實我是第一次在這首現場演唱中聽到, 不過詞義我覺得寫得很好,嗯......應該說,很感人吧! 簡單(一個難詞生字都沒有喔),卻又能感人,這是他們的詞令我欣賞的地方。 [謎之音:那也是因為你記單字的能力很差吧!><] 當然聽完......難過也是有的(哈還蠻能令人感慨的......), 但是,人生就是這樣吧(笑)~只要能接受,也就罷了; 不能接受......咬牙忍一忍也是一下子就過去了。 反正,只要想想,除了這些苦澀,還有很多其他事.其他人不是嗎? 所以不要太自戀(笑),不然只是不斷耽溺和無限迴圈下去而已。 (這說的可是誰呢?:P) Travis - As You Are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4tmS9gIRu4
Everyday I wake up alone I'm not like all the other boys And ever since I was young I had no choice But it's OK to lead me on I admit it's not much fun To be led on by such a one As you are As you are As you are And ever since I woke up I felt the net Was lifting me out of the sea And even when I'm sinking I feel the need But it's OK to lead me on I must admit it's not much fun To be alone with such a one As you are As you are As you are And ever since a long time I felt the rain And there was no danger And no more strangers As you are 最後多推薦兩首歌好了 剛好找到這場Live(Glasgow, 2001)錄音品質還不錯,表演也很棒, 只是歌都是比較早的,沒有新專輯的。(我也還蠻喜歡最近幾張新專輯的) 但坦白說在youtube上找到Travis最近幾年的Live似乎沒有那麼好, 不免讓人對他們8/4的演唱會有點擔心。 (不過2400的票已經買下去了,所以......還是有信心一點吧!XD) 以下兩首我也很喜歡,"Writing To Reach You "好像讓很多人都頗有所感, 因為是首情意深遠卻又充滿矛盾無奈的歌吧!(很像我們大部分人的人生?) 所以特別能引發共鳴吧!^^(哈好吧~其實我也曾經有感同身受過) Travis - Writing To Reach You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Vf0j2_BYI
Every day I wake up and it's Sunday Whatever's in my head won't go away The radio is playing all the usual And what's a wonderwall anyway Because my inside is outside My right side's on the left side 'Cos I'm writing to reach you But I might never reach you I long to teach you about you But that's not you It's good to know that you are home for Christmas It's good to know that you are doing well It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting It's good to know I'm feeling not so well Because my inside is outside My right side's on the left side 'Cos I'm writing to reach you But I might never reach you I long to teach you about you But that's not you Do you know it's true And that won't do Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday And whatever's in my head should go away Still the radio keeps playing all the usual And what's a wonderwall anyway Because my inside is outside My right side's on the left side 'Cos I'm writing to reach you But I might never reach you I long to teach you about you But that's not you Do you know it's true And that won't do You know it's you I'm talking to 話說這是我在本版第一PO耶~(羞) 好期待下週的演唱會喔! (不過我也是要自己一個人去聽的人~暑假大家都好窮喔!>"<) -- "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones." St. Teresa of Avila Juicybear's Playground:http://blog.roodo.com/juicybear/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/29 01:03, , 1F
07/29 01:03, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #18ZSJdQp (Travis)