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看板TransCSI作者 (kklin)時間11年前 (2012/11/04 18:29), 編輯推噓4(513)
留言9則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
A mobile phone with 240*320 screen resolution can record a truecolor(red green blue each color encoded with 8 bits)video of 30 frames per second using this mobile phone how many bytes do we need to store 1 minute video clip in a raw data 麻煩大家解答 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/07 10:22, , 1F
一個畫面有 240*320=76800 個點
11/07 10:22, 1F

11/07 10:23, , 2F
一個點要用8 bits = 1byte 去記錄, 所以一個畫面要76800 byte
11/07 10:23, 2F

11/07 10:23, , 3F
一秒30frame, 一分鐘 30*60=1800 frames
11/07 10:23, 3F

11/07 10:24, , 4F
因此總共要 76800*1800=13824000byte=13500 kbyte
11/07 10:24, 4F

01/12 09:47, , 5F
each color encoded with 8bits = 1byte
01/12 09:47, 5F

01/12 09:47, , 6F
一個點是red green blue組成,所以一個點應該是3bytes
01/12 09:47, 6F

02/12 12:15, , 7F
....一個點最好是一個顏色組成 1F嚴重錯誤
02/12 12:15, 7F

02/12 12:16, , 8F
RGB各佔1B=3Byte 240*320*3Byte*30*60=Ans
02/12 12:16, 8F

02/12 12:16, , 9F
02/12 12:16, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1GbaDsMG (TransCSI)