[NEWS] 美國華盛頓號航母設立電子煙吸菸區

看板Tobacco作者 (Javy)時間9年前 (2014/09/23 13:41), 9年前編輯推噓5(500)
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很有趣的報導 隨意亂翻 EAST CHINA SEA (NNS) -- For centuries, smoke has drifted freely through passageways, clouding compartments and common areas of U.S. Navy ships abroad. It wasn't until recent decades that change has brought smoke, and smokers, to more centralized locations called "smoke decks" or "smoke pits." 近年來美國海軍在船上都設置吸菸區 In 2014, the Navy is introducing a new type of smoke deck, and the U.S. Navy's forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) has joined in on the change. In July 2014, George Washington became one of the first aircraft carriers to have an electronic-cigarette, or "E-cigarette"-only smoke deck. 2014年開始,美國海軍開始設立「新型吸菸區」 2014年7月,華盛頓號有了全海軍第一個 電子煙吸菸區 "An E-cigarette is a form of smokeless tobacco," said Cmdr. Rodney Hagerman, George Washington's senior medical officer. "There are no flames, no ashes, and no actual smoke. It's an electronic device that has a heating element, which heats a nicotine-containing liquid that has different types of glycols and flavors. It heats the liquid up and then [the user] inhales a mist instead of smoke." 華盛頓號醫護長表示 電子煙沒有燃燒的煙霧 而是加熱尼古丁溶液所產生的香料蒸汽 吸進去的是「蒸汽」而不是「煙」 The decision to open an E-cigarette smoke deck was not done on a whim. Prior to its opening, research was conducted to find out if there was a need and desire for such a thing. "I took a survey of the crew and air wing, and found that we had more than five hundred Sailors who use E-cigarettes, so we wanted to put them in an environment where they wouldn't be around cigarette smokers while they're trying to break the habit," said Brahmsteadt. "The health of the crew is important, so if this is a step to help them quit tobacco altogether, that's what we want to do." 這項政策並不唐突 海軍曾經研究過設立電子煙特區的必要性 研究發現 超過五百位官兵使用電子煙 「我們要讓他們跟一般抽煙的人分開 這樣他們才能用電子煙達到戒(紙)煙目的 戒(紙)煙很重要 因為船上的官兵們必須要健康」 This new smoke deck gives Sailors an outlet to escape from the ashes and smoke of traditional smoke pits, and allows them to more easily make a transition to the E-cigarette. 電子煙吸菸區可以讓抽電子煙的官兵們遠離二手菸跟煙灰 讓他們能夠更快養成使用電子煙的習慣 For Sailors like Aviation Maintenance Administrationman 3rd Class Zachary Dixon, using the E-cigarette has been a vital steppingstone in moving away from regular cigarettes. "[E-cigarettes] have helped me quit smoking tobacco cigarettes," said Dixon. "Whenever I have a craving, I can just use my device and I have no desire for a cigarette. I can even go out to the smoke deck and be around other smokers and not feel the need to smoke tobacco since I have my E-cigarette." 一個阿兵哥Dixon表示 「電子煙讓我漸漸戒除抽紙煙, 當我癮頭來的時候 就用電子煙 完全不會想再抽紙煙 就算我身旁有抽紙煙的人 我也不會想要抽紙煙 因為我有電子煙」 Now that there's a designated E-cigarette smoke deck, Sailors like Dixon can enjoy the benefits of having a smoke-free zone, while still maintaining the same sociable atmosphere. "I think having an E-cigarette smoke pit is a great idea and I believe it is a step forward, not just for the George Washington, but for the U.S. Navy as a whole," said Dixon. "People like myself now have the option to avoid being exposed to cigarette smoke, and still enjoy our E-cigarettes in a similar environment." 既然現在有了電子煙專用吸菸區 這位阿兵哥就可以遠離菸害 但還是可以享有抽煙聊天的社交樂趣 「我認為設立電子煙吸菸區很棒 而且是整個美國海軍改革的一大步 我們現在可以選擇不聞到煙味 但仍然在船上享受抽電子煙的樂趣」 This doesn't mean that E-cigarette users are confined strictly to the E-cigarette smoke deck, they can still use their devices at regular smoke decks aboard the ship. 但他們沒有被限制在電子煙區 抽電子煙的還是可以去一般吸菸區找人聊天抽煙 For many Sailors, this all raises a question: Why should E-cigarette users have to use a designated area at all, if there isn't any smoke emitted from their devices? "We're just going off of what the American Heart Association and other civilian entities have come out to say," said Brahmsteadt. [The E-cigarette] is still fairly new, so the FDA hasn't come out and said 'yes, this is 100-percent healthy for anybody to be around'. Until they do that, we'll have the same smoke pit isolation. But at least they don't have to share with cigarette smokers." 但大家好奇「既然電子煙無害 幹嘛不全面開放就好 還要在吸菸區抽?」 醫護長表示「我們尊重美國心臟協會跟其他公民組織的呼籲」 「FDA認為電子煙是這幾年才出現的東西 還無法確定是百分百的安全無害 所以我們設立電子煙吸菸區 至少可以讓這些在用電子煙的人也不會吸到抽紙煙者的二手菸」 George Washington's standpoint on tobacco and nicotine usage is to neither promote nor immediately eliminate it, but rather to help Sailors to be as mission-ready, and maintain professional working environments and clean living spaces. 華盛頓號對香煙跟尼古丁的立場就是 既不推廣 也不禁止 而是以維持官兵的出勤狀況跟工作環境正常乾淨為原則 "We work with medical on various smoking cessation classes," said Brahmsteadt. "Smoking is proven to be a health risk. The immediate plan for the future is not to cut out smoking or tobacco chewing altogether, but the E-cigarette is a step in that direction. Hopefully, Sailors are using it to get off of the nicotine kick. But the E-cigarette is nicotine too, it's somewhat like 'the patch'." 「我們會跟戒煙課程合作 香煙對身體有害 但我們短期的方法並非完全禁止 電子煙 就是方法之一 官兵們已經開始使用電子煙而不是尼古丁貼片 來戒煙 (其實兩者很像,都是含有尼古丁的替代品)」 With this shift from tobacco smoke to nicotine vapor, it is important for Sailors to keep in mind that this is not exactly like the nicotine patch or gum, it is different. 但還是要讓大家了解 電子煙跟戒煙口香糖/貼片的不同之處 "The E-cigarette does have some carcinogens, like that of tobacco because of the nicotine," said Hagerman. "The problem lies with the liquid. It can actually be an explosive danger, but aside from that, the amount of nicotine and other chemicals in the liquid are not currently regulated in the United States." 電子煙還是有尼古丁 有可能會導致癌症 但更重要的問題在於煙液 我們怕液體有爆炸的風險 但其實目前電子煙的成份還沒有被有關的法令監管 Looking to the future, it seems likely that the rest of the aircraft carriers in the U.S. Navy will follow suit with this E-cigarette smoke deck adaptation. 未來 其他航母很有可能也跟進設立電子煙專區 "E-cigarettes have grown, and continue to grow, in popularity on the ship," said Brahmsteadt. "I most definitely foresee an E-cigarette smoke pit on every carrier in the U.S. Navy in the future." 「電子煙在我們艦上已經越來越流行」 「我認真認為將來每艘海軍艦艇都會有電子煙專區」 George Washington and its embarked air wing, Carrier Air Wing 5, provide a combat-ready force that protects and defends the collective maritime interest of the U.S. and its allies and partners in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. 華盛頓號主要是巡航在印度洋、太平洋之間的航母 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tobacco/M.1411450896.A.849.html

09/23 16:06, , 1F
先進國家先進做法~反觀 Orz
09/23 16:06, 1F

09/23 16:25, , 2F
09/23 16:25, 2F

09/23 23:14, , 3F
若不含尼古丁 juice大概比可樂或珍奶還健康 一樣香料 熱量低
09/23 23:14, 3F
過幾天會再翻一篇最近國外的論文 內容是證明PG VG蒸汽對動物健康無害的 ※ 編輯: danyuchn (, 09/24/2014 00:41:09

09/24 07:56, , 4F
PG對貓有害喔XD 不過人是OK的 代謝系統不一樣
09/24 07:56, 4F

09/24 10:56, , 5F
push 補個大鬍子slogan Vape is future,the future is now
09/24 10:56, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1K8GWGX9 (Tobacco)