[劇情] Amimari(アミ・マリー)

看板Tine_OPTC作者 (-o- y-~)時間9年前 (2014/12/01 23:06), 9年前編輯推噓5(5011)
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前言: 在3SS補中相對比較實用的Amimari 就算也裝上義肢 但是只裝在兩隻手 軀幹還是原來的(白補表示:...) 獸耳+黑肉+真大腿 好黑補 不用嗎? 另外黑補的劇情有點奇怪 J2新增的敘述在J3不見了 但是在J3中接在J1劇情後面的敘述看起來是連接著J2的劇情 所以我懷疑MW當初應該是忘記把J2的劇情放在J3上XD Job1: Amimari is a nurse. Amimari是位護理師 The thrifty beastwoman still wears the same uniform purchased with her first month's wages. Although it no longer fits, she says she doesn't mind because her retirement fund is a bigger concern. 這位節儉的獸人一直穿著她以第一份薪水所買的制服 雖然這制服已經不合身了 她卻不在意 因為她認為退休金比較重要 The beautifully arranged box lunches she makes in her spare time are said to have transcended mere hobby to reach the level of art. 她在閒暇時間所製作的有著精緻裝飾的便當已經超越了愛好的程度 已經達到了藝術的境界 Job2: Through she appears young, Amimari has suffered through muc in life. 雖然她看起來很年輕 但是她已經在人生中經歷過很多磨練 Because she has no family to rely on, she's more focused on survival than learing and has never had the chance to enjoy her youth like her peers. 因為她沒有可以依賴的家庭 她只能更專注在存活下去而不是學習 也沒有任何機會去享受她的青春歲月 She is sustained solely by the promise she made at the behest of her dying mother. 她跟奄奄一息的母親所做承諾是她唯一的支柱 註:這句我不太確定意思對不對 "Live for the sake of others" 為他人而活 Those words and her mother's voice remain vivd in her memory to this day. 這些字和母親的聲音到現在還是言猶在耳 Job3: She perpetuates her mother's love by never harboring grudges toward anyone. "Love thy neighbor and forgive the trespasses of others" are the words she lives by. 她繼承了她母親的愛 從不埋怨其他人 "愛著身邊的人並且原諒他人"是她的生活方式 She believes this is important as a therapist, which she considers her calling. 她相信身為一個治療師這是很重要的 她認為這是她的天職 However, she is occasionally haunted by nightmares about an unscrupulous lawyer who framed her father and drove her family to ruin. 然而她偶而會被噩夢所困擾:一個無良的律師陷害她的父親並且使她的家庭走向毀滅 Her father died of shame and grief, and her heartbroken mother fell ill and soon followed. 她的父親死於羞愧和悲傷 而她傷心的母親也病倒 過沒多久也跟著死去 Rumor has it, however, that that lawyer has since met his downfall at the hands of certain children. 有傳言說著:那個律師後來栽在某些小孩的手下 Amimari still has her whole life ahead of her. Today, too, she'll bring her patients comfort through her care, including the lunches her mother taught her to make. Amimari的人生依舊持續著 今天她也帶著她的便當和母親傳授的愛 使病人在她的照料之下感到舒適 互動劇情:與Rikken(雙子姊) In one of the starship's narrow corridors, Amimari accidently bumped into Rikken. 在一個狹窄的戰艦通道內 Amimari不小心撞到了Rikken "Oops... Sorry about that, Rikken." "噢 對不起 Rikken" As she tried to calm Rikken, who was ranting on and on about people not watching where they were going, her eyes strayed to Rikken's notebook. It had fallen open, and Amimari could see one of its densely written pages. 她試著安撫Rikken 此時Rikken正在怒罵著大家走路都不看路時* Amimari的眼神注意到Rikken打開的筆記本 她看到了密密麻麻的字 *感謝板友errantry34校正 "Ah!" Something therein gave Amimari a start. "啊!" 筆記本上的某處讓Amimari顫抖了一下 The notebook was entitled "Kills," and it was a record of all the names of people she had utterly defeated and destroyed publicly with her silvery tongue. 在這本以"獵殺名單"為名的筆記本中 記錄下了所有被Rikken能言善道的嘴所打敗摧毀的人 Amimari's eyes were glued to the notebook, as if she could not look away. Then tears started streaming from her eyes. Amimari的眼睛就像是沒辦法離開一樣緊盯著筆記本不放 然後淚水從她的眼中流出 "Thank you," she said. "謝謝妳" 她對Rikken說 But Rikken knew not what her thanks was for. 但是Rikken並不曉得她為什麼向她道謝 黑補有著悲慘的身世啊...然後雙子姊是腹黑型! 如果你也和雙子姊一樣不懂為什麼黑補要道謝的話請開燈! J3劇情提到:無良律師栽在小孩手下 互動劇情提到:獵殺名單有雙子姊所有手下敗將的名字 所以:那位無良律師是被雙子姊妹給打敗了(用Childern表示雙子妹可能也參與了XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1417446395.A.21D.html

12/01 23:15, , 1F
12/01 23:15, 1F

12/01 23:17, , 2F
12/01 23:17, 2F

12/01 23:17, , 3F
12/01 23:17, 3F

12/01 23:24, , 4F
Ami大概是職稱吧XD 這我也想了很久
12/01 23:24, 4F

12/02 00:04, , 5F
12/02 00:04, 5F

12/02 00:05, , 6F
大鬧 也許她以前常被撞到 或者只是想向黑補宣洩她的不
12/02 00:05, 6F

12/02 00:06, , 7F
滿XD 不過怎麼譯比較通順我也說不上來...
12/02 00:06, 7F

12/02 00:07, , 8F
原來如此 難怪我翻起來一整個覺得奇怪XD
12/02 00:07, 8F

12/02 00:08, , 9F
12/02 00:08, 9F

12/02 00:08, , 10F
12/02 00:08, 10F

12/02 00:08, , 11F
12/02 00:08, 11F

12/02 00:14, , 12F
12/02 00:14, 12F
※ 編輯: hangzer (, 12/02/2014 01:23:52

12/02 07:10, , 13F
感謝 只有黑補和雙子妹 看不到這段
12/02 07:10, 13F

12/02 15:02, , 14F
12/02 15:02, 14F

12/02 15:03, , 15F
所以他才感謝沒把他寫入死亡筆記本= =
12/02 15:03, 15F

12/02 15:44, , 16F
12/02 15:44, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1KV8Fx8T (Tine_OPTC)