[外電] KAT to donate $100K to Mayo Clinic for COVID-19 testing

看板Timberwolves作者 (Don't panic)時間4年前 (2020/03/16 23:19), 編輯推噓11(1105)
留言16則, 10人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
https://tinyurl.com/wcr9rg3 Timberwolves all-star center Karl-Anthony Towns announced his intentions to donate $100,000 to Mayo Clinic to aid in testing for COVID-19 as the virus wreaks havoc across the globe. “My hope is that we can fight this virus quicker and more efficiently by increasing the testing capabilities and availability and Mayo Clinic’s overall COVID-19 response,” Towns wrote on his Instagram page Sunday. “This is why I will be donating $100K to support these efforts. Thank you to the Mayo Clinic workers and all healthcare workers who are working around the clock to treat us. You are our heroes. We’re all in this together, let’s protect ourselves and the community around us.” Mayo Clinic announced Thursday that it had developed its own testing for the virus. In a statement, the Timberwolves said Mayo Clinic expects the donation to “help increase testing capacity from 200 per day to over 1,000 tests per day in the coming weeks.” “Our team has been working around the clock for the past month to develop a test for COVID-19,” Dr. William Morice II, Mayo Clinic ’s chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, said in the statement. “We are blown away by Karl’s gesture to help us fast-track offering testing to more patients across Minnesota and the nation.” --- Towns 捐贈十萬鎂給Mayo Clinic,希望協助提升檢疫武肺的數量。 院方也預期在未來數週,這筆捐款有助於將篩檢能量從每天的200件提升至 1000件。 GJ Karl! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1584371970.A.FC2.html

03/17 00:11, 4年前 , 1F
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03/18 18:45, 4年前 , 5F
剛剛看到一個某篇外電的一個想法 如果籤位完美 例如抽
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03/18 18:45, 4年前 , 6F
到狀元籤 把MB先簽後換加狀元籤跟其他補錢的資產換Book
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03/18 18:45, 4年前 , 7F
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03/18 18:55, 4年前 , 8F
不可能 當太陽是傻子
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03/19 03:27, 4年前 , 10F
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03/19 14:46, 4年前 , 11F
沒機會啦 等2022再說
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03/19 16:21, 4年前 , 12F
就之前簽運 不要後退就要偷笑了 還想往前啊
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03/19 17:29, 4年前 , 13F
目前是倒數第三 能留在前五籤就不錯了哈哈哈
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03/19 19:14, 4年前 , 14F
我們目前倒數第三 就聯盟三個狀元籤機率最高的
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03/19 21:48, 4年前 , 15F
目前連何時抽籤都還不知道 還要等好久啊~’’~
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03/20 08:23, 4年前 , 16F
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