[外電] BR訪談Towns

看板Timberwolves作者 (ymhon)時間8年前 (2016/05/05 00:13), 8年前編輯推噓17(1704)
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原文:http://goo.gl/SZPuWt 虎撲翻譯:http://bbs.hupu.com/16170285.html 因為這篇虎撲已經有翻譯了,我就不翻了, 已修正少部分翻錯的、改人名、改用語習慣、轉正體、加入幾段沒翻出來的。 Q&A with Karl-Anthony Towns: Rookie of the Year Favorite Talks Thibs and More 訪談Karl-Anthony Towns:年度最佳新秀最有力的競爭者談論Thibs以及其他事物 By Jared Dubin , Featured Columnist May 3, 2016 Karl-Anthony Towns just finished one of the greatest rookie seasons in modern NBA history. Whenever the voting results are announced, Towns is likely to run away with the Rookie of the Year Award, if not win it unanimously. Karl-Anthony Towns剛結束了NBA近年來最好的新秀賽季之一,不論投票結果何時公布, Towns必將一致通過拿下年度最佳新人獎項。 Taken with the No. 1 overall pick in the 2015 NBA draft by the Minnesota Timberwolves, Towns averaged 18.3 points, 10.4 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 1.7 blocks per game on his way to a 22.5 player efficiency rating (PER), the seventh-highest for any rookie since the ABA-NBA merger in 1976. 作為2015年的狀元秀,Karl-Anthony Towns打出了一個幾乎完美的新秀賽季,他場均得到 18.3分10.4籃板2.0助攻1.7火鍋,效率值達到22.5,這是自從1976年NBA和ABA合併後第七 高的新秀效率值。 He wasn't just the league's best rookie during the 2015-16 season; he was already one of its best overall players—the rare first-year player to establish himself as a legitimate two-way star. At 20 years old, he's already on the cusp of superstar-level production. By next season, Towns could be a top-10 player in the NBA. 他不只是2015-16球季聯盟最好新秀,也已經是2015-16球季中最好的球員之一,在第一年 就展現出他攻防兩端的能力,20歲時的數據產出就快達到巨星等級,下季Towns有機會成為 NBA前十名等級的球員。 He's that talented, and his team just hired a coach—former Chicago Bulls head coach Tom Thibodeau—who should push him to new heights on both sides of the ball. 他是那麼樣的有天賦,而球隊剛剛雇用了前公牛隊的主教練Tom Thibodeau作為新任教頭, 大家期待Thibs能讓他的攻防都更上一層樓。 Towns recently sat down with Bleacher Report to discuss Thibodeau, apprenticing under Kevin Garnett, why so many future NBA stars choose to go to Kentucky, his imaginary friend, Karlito—who has his own bobblehead—and more. What follows is a lightly edited transcript of our chat. 最近,Towns接受了Bleacher Report記者Jared Dubin的採訪,他談到了Thibodeau、 Kevin Garnett、Kentucky大學、他的虛擬朋友Karlito(已經有了自己的搖頭公仔), 以下是採訪節錄: Bleacher Report: Something that seems likely to be relegated to a footnote by the time your career is over, especially because of who your next coach is, is that Sam Mitchell was your coach as a rookie. Just as an example, few people would remember Paul Silas coached LeBron for the first year and a half of his career. What’s something you learned from Sam’s coaching this year that you’ll carry with you for the rest of your career? Bleacher Report(以下簡稱“BR”):當你職業生涯結束時,人們會漸漸遺忘Mitchell曾是 你的新秀賽季主教練,尤其是考慮到他的繼任者是誰。舉個例子,現在很少有人還記得是 Paul Silas執教了Lebron James的第一個半賽季。這個賽季裡,從Mitchell的執教中,你 學到的哪些東西會貫穿整個職業生涯? Karl-Anthony Towns: Sam Mitchell really taught me how to be a professional. I came in with a great mindset, a great mentality about the game of basketball, how to conduct myself; and Coach [John] Calipari did that. But it's different when you come in the league, him teaching me how to do certain things: how to talk to people, how to talk to officials, how to do this and that. He taught me so much about how to be an NBA professional. Him coaching me, being a former player, it had a huge effect on me. It allowed me to have a much easier transition into the role that I was given. Karl-Anthony Towns(以下簡稱“KAT”):Sam Mitchell教會我如何做一名職業球員。我進 NBA時就帶著對籃球比賽的良好心態,也知道如何管理自己的言行,這是John Calipari教 練教會我的。但是,到了NBA之後事情是不一樣的,Mitchell教我如何做到這些具體的事情 :如何跟人們說話,如何跟裁判交流,這個怎麼做那個怎麼做。他教了我很多很多,幫助 我成為真正的職業球員。作為前NBA球員,他的教導對我有巨大的影響,這讓我能更容易地 適應自己被賦予的角色。 B/R: There were a couple of things he took heat for throughout the year. Early in the season, you weren't playing as much, weren't playing in crunch time. Zach LaVine was playing off the bench as a backup point guard rather than next to Ricky Rubio. But then by the end of the season, when you guys were all starting together along with Andrew Wiggins, you kind of took off a little bit, showed us flashes of what we all expect to see over the next five to 10 years. Do you think that early-season strategy helped you reach the level you reached both personally and as a team over the second half of the season? BR:Mitchell的一些作法整個賽季都被批評,像是賽季早些時候,你打的時間不是很多, 關鍵時刻也上不了場,Zach LaVine還在打替補PG而不是先發SG。但到了賽季末,你們都開 始跟Andrew Wiggins一起打先發了,你也開始一點點地爆發,讓我們看到了未來五年甚至 十年的希望。你覺得,不管是個人還是球隊方面,賽季早期的策略是不是幫助你達到了後 半個賽季的高度? KAT: Everything has a reason. We did that, and at the end of the day, like he said, he didn't want to wear me out. You don't want to wear me out. As a rookie, you've got to take extra precautions. Who knew I was going to play 82 straight games and not get injured and have a setback or anything? You've got to prepare for things even when they're not happening yet. It's just like an alarm system. You buy an alarm system before an accident happens and after it, you're happy. It's one of those things. Everything had a purpose. I fully trusted him, fully believed in him, fully bought into what he said. And whatever he said, it went. KAT:任何事情都有其原因。到了最後,我們做到了,就像他說的那樣,他不想讓我耗盡體 能。作為新秀,你必須採取額外的預防措施,誰知道我連續打完82場比賽能不能不受傷、 不倒退或者其他什麼事情。你必須未雨綢繆,這就像是一個預警系統。事情發生前你就買 好預警系統,如果真有事情發生,你會因此得益。我的情況也是這種事情的一種,事出必 有其因。我完全信任他,完全相信他的決定,完全接受他說的話。他說的那些事情,最後 也都一一應驗了。 B/R: The workload thing lets us transition to your next coach pretty nicely. Tom Thibodeau, he rides his top guys for a lot of minutes. And it's not just in games. He has these legendarily tough and taxing practices too. Are you excited for that, dreading it, some sort of emotion I haven't thought of? BR:訓練量的話題正好讓我們過渡到你的新任主教練,Tom Thibodeau用球星打的時間都很 長,而且不光是比賽,他的訓練也以強度和繁重著稱。對此,你會感到興奮還是恐懼,或 者其他我沒想到的感覺? KAT: I went to the University of Kentucky, so I don't think anything could beat a Coach Calipari practice. I'm OK with it. I'm going to go in, and I'm going to work my tail off and see where that gets me. KAT:我大學去的可是Kentucky,所以,我不會覺得誰會比Calipari教練訓練更狠。對此我 沒有問題。我會接受,我會拼命訓練,看看能把自己提升到什麼高度。 B/R: Obviously, you know Thibs as one of the best coaches in the NBA, but did you know any of the details of the "Thibodeau defense" before he came on? BR:很顯然,你知道Thibs是NBA最好的教練之一,但在他來之前,你知道“Thibodeau式防 守”的細節嗎? KAT: No. I knew a little bit about it, but not enough to say that "I know it." A little bit, just because of experience and being on the playground and being at the University of Kentucky; I learned a little bit. I just can't wait to learn the way he plays defense and have a whole 'nother playbook and philosophy in my mind for the rest of my career. KAT:不了解。我只知道一點點,但是沒到“了解”的程度。因為在Kentucky大學打球的經 驗,我只知道一點,我了解過一些。我現在等不及想要學習他的防守理念,讓我剩餘的職 業生涯擁有一種截然不同的戰術思想和哲學。 B/R: How hard are you lobbying Kevin Garnett to come back and give you one more year of Thibodeau-specific teachings because of his experience with Thibs? BR:你會努力游說Kevin Garnett回歸,繼續指導你一年學習Thibodeau的執教理念嗎?他 之前曾與Thibs共事過。 KAT: We all love KG. We all love KG. We loved his presence on the court. But that's not my job. He deserves to do whatever he wants to do in his career. He's earned that right. He's earned his Hall of Fame status. Whatever he chooses, we're going to support him, and we're going to love him no matter what he does. KAT:我們都愛KG,我們都愛KG,我們喜歡他出現在場上。但這不是我的工作,他有資格做 任何想做的事情,他爭取到了這種權利,他爭取到了自己的名人堂資格。不管如何選擇, 我們都會支持他。不管做出什麼決定,我們都會愛他。 B/R: Something that was always noticeable watching your games on TV was how much KG would talk to you when you guys were on the bench together. He was always in your ear. You'd see Vines and tweets and all this stuff. BR:在電視上看你比賽的時候,總會看到KG在板凳席上跟你們說話。他一直都在你耳朵邊 說著什麼,你能在Vine或者Twitter上看到這些影片。 KAT: [Laughing] It was both ways, man. It's both ways. Towns:(大笑)這樣的對話都是雙向的,哥們,互相的。 B/R: What were those conversations like? Was it always basketball, or was it other stuff too? BR:你們的對話大概是什麼內容?都是籃球嗎?還是也會有別的? KAT: [laughing] Me and him talked about basketball, but we had other conversations where we were out there. Just joking around, being funny to him, and we're just laughing about it during the middle of the game. Like I said, he's like an older brother to me. And I was his younger brother. We just always tried to find ways to be doing something with each other or just laugh about something or just talk. We had that kind of rapport. We had that kind of trust and feeling for each other. KAT:(大笑)我和他會談論籃球,但也會談別的。開開玩笑啊什麼的,比賽期間我們有時會 樂得不可開支。如我所說,他就像是我大哥,而我是他小弟。我們都會盡力找辦法跟彼此 做點什麼,有時候就是純粹的談笑。我們已建立起了非常融洽的關係,對彼此非常信任。 B/R: No judgment, but were you ever close to a Big Baby (Glen Davis) moment where he was bringing you to tears? BR:你有過那種他把你罵到哭的“Big Baby時刻”嗎? KAT: Oh, no. Not really. If it was anything with tears, it was laughter. KG is a personality, but he's a great friend of mine. KAT:沒有哦,完全沒有。如果有什麼事情導致落淚的話,那也是笑的。KG很有個性,但 他是我特別好的朋友。 B/R: The mix you guys had in the locker room is really interesting. You had all the young guys the team expects to be really good eventually, and then you had the three older heads in KG, Tayshaun Prince and Andre Miller. It even seemed like it was intentional on (former president of basketball operations and head coach) Flip Saunders' part that there was a point guard, a wing and a big. What was that locker room dynamic like with the age gap and the life experience gap between the young core and the vets Flip brought in? BR:你們球隊的更衣室組成非常有意思,你們有一幫前途光明的年輕球員,還有三個老家 伙:KG、Tayshaun Prince和Andre Miller,有時候看起來,這甚至是前任主帥Flip Sau- nders故意為之,正好是一個控衛、一個側翼、一個內線。你們年輕核心與Flip帶來的老球 員之間存在年齡和人生經驗的差異,那麼你們更衣室的氛圍是什麼樣的呢? KAT: It's amazing the veterans that we had, how Flip's vision of having veterans not only included having very talented and Hall of Fame-ballot veterans, but having veterans that had great personalities. And their personalities meshed in completely well with ours, and that's why we were so successful at getting better and progressing so quickly to the team that we wanted to be. Tayshaun, Andre Miller, KG...they meshed with us so well, personally, and in our lives and everything. Our locker room—other than Kentucky—was the best I've ever been a part of, and that's a testament to Flip's vision. KAT:我們的老球員們都非常棒,Flip在選擇老球員方面極有眼光,他不光是找未來的名人 堂成員,還有那些個性極好的球員。他們的個性與我們的性情非常匹配,這讓我們在個人 提升和球隊整體迅速進步方面都非常成功。Tayshaun、Andre Miller、KG……不管是幫助 我們生活還是其他一切,他們都與我們建立了非常融洽的個人關係。除了Kentucky大學之 外,我們的更衣室是我待過最好的,這正是Flip卓越眼光的最好證明。 B/R: With Kentucky, so many future NBA guys go there. What is it about Cal, other than the fact he consistently puts guys into the NBA, that draws so many good players there? BR:說到Kentucky,很多未來進入NBA的球員都去了那裡。對於Calipari來說,除了他能經 常把麾下子弟送入NBA之外,他還有什麼其他特質吸引這麼多優秀球員? KAT: I think they feel the vibe. I think it's all about a vibe. It's like a house. You know if it's the house for you and your family or if it's not within the first few seconds of being there. And I think when I went to Kentucky, I just felt like I was home. I knew that was gonna be the place that I was going to play my collegiate career at. Towns:我覺得他們都能感受到Kentucky的氛圍,我認為都是氛圍的功勞。Kentucky就像是 一個家。只要去到那裡待幾秒鐘,你就能感覺得到這裡是不是你的家。我記得當我去Kent- ucky時候,我就感覺跟回家一樣,當時我就認定,這裡就是我要完成大學生涯的地方。 B/R: Something else on the court: When you guys played Golden State at the end of the year and beat them at their place, you did a better job of taking Stephen Curry on switches than almost any big man in the league throughout this season. What was the strategy you had when you got switched into that matchup? BR:你們在賽季末客場擊敗了勇士,你換防Curry的效果,比聯盟中其他大個都要好。當你 面對Curry的時候,你的策略是什麼? KAT: Be very competitive. Make it very hard for him to even get a look at the basket. Using my length, my size, my quickness against him and make it very difficult. I'm a competitor. I love to play against the best of the best. When you're playing against the MVP, and to possibly guard him, I tell everyone I want to guard the best of the best. I wanted those switches. I wanted to go against him one-on-one on an island and to go out there and compete. I'm glad that I was able to help my teammates in that way and help my team win the game. KAT:就是保持競爭性,讓他的比賽變困難,甚至看不到籃框在哪。用我的身高、臂展和 速度對付他,讓他的比賽變得更麻煩。我是一個競爭者,我喜歡和最好球員中的最好球員 比賽,當你面對MVP的時候,還有可能防他,我就告訴每個人,我想防最好球員中的最好 球員,我想換防,我想跟他在島上一對一對決,去跟他競爭。我很高興我能以那樣的方式 幫助隊友,並且幫助球隊贏下比賽。 B/R: After having such a great and such an acclaimed rookie year—Western Conference Rookie of the Month every month, probable Rookie of the Year, people talking about All-NBA teams, throwing around things like "the best rookie big man since Tim Duncan," things like that—how do you pinpoint which areas of your game to improve over the summer? Is it just a general "I have to get better" type of thing, or do you have specific areas you want to work on? BR:你的新秀賽季打得太好了,不僅拿下了每個月的西區最佳新秀獎,還可能是今年的 NBA最佳新秀,人們開始談論年度最佳陣容,甚至有“Tim Duncan之後最好的內線新秀”這 樣的討論。那麼到了夏天,你會如何選擇具體的提升方面?還是說只是“我必須變更好”這 樣一般性的說法?你有沒有具體想要訓練的點? KAT: I've always been a big philosopher of in the offseason you work on every single facet of your game. Don't pinpoint something. Because you limit yourself if you specialize in something, and I'm not a specialist in anything. I'm a person and a player who bases off of versatility, trying to do every single thing really well. That's what I'm going to do this summer. I'm going to do everything I can to my body, to my physical skill set, even adding some components that I feel I can add. I'm just going to do that to be the most complete player I can be. KAT:我一直秉承這樣的理念——你在休賽期要訓練每一個方面,而不是單獨的幾個點。 因為,如果專門訓練某些方面的話,你會限制自己。我在任何方面都不算特別精通,我是 一個多方面發展的球員,會在任何方面都嘗試做到最好。這就是我夏天要做的事情,我會 努力在身體和技巧的各個方面都進行訓練,甚至會加入一些自己感覺能加的東西。我會去 做這些事情,讓自己成為力所能及的最有競爭力的球員。 B/R: And I have to ask about Karlito. Obviously, everybody knows Karl-Anthony had a great rookie season, but what was Karlito's like? What's he working on this summer? What are his life plans? BR:現在,我必須問問Karlito的事情了,很顯然,每個人都知道Karl-Anthony有一個出色 的新秀賽季,那Karlito呢?他會在夏天練什麼?他的人生規劃呢? (Note: Karlito is Towns' imaginary friend. He sits on Towns' shoulder and gives Towns advice. He also has his own Twitter and Instagram accounts with over 22,000 combined followers, as well as his own bobblehead and logo-printed golf balls. You can't make this stuff up.) (注:Karlito是Towns想像出來的朋友,他坐在Towns的肩膀上給予建議。Karlito還有自己 的Twitter和Instagram帳號,總計有超過22,000個粉絲,他還有自己專屬的搖頭娃娃和帶 logo的高爾夫球。你絕對無法想像有這種事情。) 補充Karlito搖頭娃娃圖片: https://www.instagram.com/p/_uZ_6zzN4d/?taken-by=karlito_towns https://www.instagram.com/p/5dSpVmTN7o/?taken-by=karlito_towns 補充Karlito高爾夫球圖片: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEvsltHzNxD/?taken-by=karlito_towns KAT: I think Karlito had a quiet rookie year. I think he was letting me do more of the talking. And I think after letting me do what I can do, I think next year he'll be a big part of the year, and I think you'll see a lot more of him. Towns:我覺得Karlito的新秀賽季很安靜,我覺得他說話很少,更多讓我自己決定怎麼做 。我覺得,下賽季他會發揮更多作用,我認為你會更多地看到他。 B/R: Is he going to start talking more, like going all Draymond Green on everyone? BR:他會跟你說更多話嗎?就像是Draymond Green對每個人那樣? KAT: Like a Lil' Penny (Penny Hardaway). KAT:我感覺會是像Lil' Penny一樣. (注:Lil' Penny是Nike為Penny Hardway打造的第二形象,也是一個隨時相伴身邊的小伙 伴,曾以它為主題,推出了眾多球鞋產品。) 補充Lil' Penny圖片: http://imgur.com/VSUP068
補充Towns跟左肩上的Karlito講話被LaVine抓包,趕緊別過頭去: http://imgur.com/hKsLs0S
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Timberwolves/M.1462378389.A.317.html ※ 編輯: ymhon (, 05/05/2016 00:42:39

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