[外電] about Kurt Rambis

看板Timberwolves作者時間13年前 (2011/03/25 14:20), 編輯推噓6(600)
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Timberwolves players rally around embattled coach Kurt Rambis 狼群集結! http://www.twincities.com/timberwolves/ci_17676274?nclick_check=1 A 4-11 record since the NBA all-star break, including an embarrassing 32-point home loss to Sacramento on Sunday, has led Timberwolves players to accept responsibility for the way the second half of the season is disintegrating — even to the point of defending coach Kurt Rambis, who has been the subject of reports and speculation that his job is in jeopardy. 自從 All-Star 週之後,灰狼的戰績是有點悽慘的 4-11,中間還包含一場被國王屠宰的 週日大戰。這讓灰狼球員開始承擔下半季戰績大崩毀的責任-甚至幫不斷被輿論攻擊的教 練 Kurt Rambis 說話。 "It's easy to say when you're having a tough year," Wolves forward Kevin Love said about the uncertainty of Rambis' future with the team. "It's not a direct reflection on him. It's all on us being a young, youthful team. It's unfair. As a player, I have Kurt's back." 「狀況很糟的時候大家都看得出來,」Kevin Love 提到 Rambis 未來在球隊的不確定性 時表示,「但這並不是他一個人的事情,而是我們 (這支球隊) 太年輕了。這很不公平。 作為一個球員,我挺他。」 Love was among several Wolves players expressing support for Rambis as the team tries to regroup for its final 11 games. Sunday's lopsided loss to Sacramento, a team that lost by 40 points in Chicago on Monday night, represented the possible low point of the season for the Wolves (17-54) and raised concerns about whether Rambis was still able to motivate the team. Before Sunday's game, Rambis stressed to the players the importance of a determined effort against a team with the league's third-worst record. Love, who sat out the second half of Sunday's game with a groin injury, said he was "disgusted" by the loss, which followed an 0-3 road trip. 過去 11 戰以來,灰狼不斷調整步調,而 Love 只是跳出來為教練護航 (?) 的球員之一 。週日慘敗給 (週一被公牛狂電 40 分的) 國王之後,灰狼來到了本季的谷底的水溝的淤 泥 (17-54),而 Rambis 是否仍能繼續推動球隊也引起了各方關注。在週日賽前, Rambis 向球員強調了面對聯盟倒數第三的球隊所需要的決心。而 Love,在這場大屠殺後 表示這場比賽「噁心到讓人想吐」;在那之後,灰狼則又面對了 0-3 的客場之旅。 "I know it's been tough on Kurt," said Wolves forward Anthony Tolliver, who claimed after Sunday's loss that "a lot of guys on this team don't bring it every night." 「我知道這對 Kurt 來說很難受,」灰狼前鋒 Anthony Tolliver 如是說。他在週日賽後 說「這支球隊裡面很多人並不是每天都認真打球」。 "He gets blamed for everything because he's the coach," Tolliver said. "He's doing what he's supposed to do. It's up to us out there on the floor to execute the game plan. As players, we have to take more accountability and responsibility for our actions." 「只因為他是教練,就好像什麼事情都是他的錯一樣。他作了他該做的事情,是我們這些 在場上的人要去執行。作為球員,我們對於自己的行為必須要更可靠、更有責任感。」 Rambis addressed Sunday's loss to the players before Tuesday's practice and reiterated the commitment the players and coaching staff had made after the all-star break to finish strong and use each game to improve. Rambis said nothing was gained in Sunday's game, but he was encouraged with the team's two-hour workout Tuesday. Rambis 在週二練習時提到了週日的敗戰,並重述了球員和教練團在 All-Star 週之後的 承諾,下半季要更衝,用每一場球賽來當作進步的機會。Rambis 說週日的球賽一無所獲 ,但在週二的兩小時訓練中他受到了球隊的鼓勵。 "I like the way the guys practiced," Rambis said. "We'll find out if it makes a difference." 「我很喜歡這些小子練習的方式,」Rambis 說,「就看看會不會有什麼進展吧。」 Thursday's game at Dallas begins a stretch for the Wolves in which 10 of their final 11 opponents are in the playoffs or battling for a playoff spot. The schedule, which includes the Eastern Conference's top three teams — Boston, Chicago and Miami — in succession serves as one more source of motivation for the Wolves to have a strong finish. 週四進攻達拉斯將開始一連串的苦戰,11 戰中的 10 個對手都是季後賽名單爭奪戰的成 員。這個賽程包含了東區三強-超賽、公牛和熱火-的連番伺候,將成為灰狼拉尾盤的最 強動機。 "Our goal is to ruin somebody's day," Tolliver said of the Wolves' remaining games. "We still have a lot to play for, for pride and to get better." 「我們的目標就是...別人的失敗就是我們的快樂啦,哇哈哈,」Tolliver 對於接下來的 賽程是這麼想的,「我們還有很多要努力的目標,為了我們自己的榮譽,也為了更上一層 樓。」 Wolves players insist that Rambis, facing more scrutiny over his apparent calm demeanor on the sidelines, has not changed his approach or become less demanding as the season winds down. Though Rambis appears to keep his emotions under wraps during games, he has been known to unleash his feelings in the locker room or during closed practice sessions. Tolliver said Rambis is not afraid to use profanity when making a point. 很多人質疑 Rambis 場邊那種冷靜的態度,但灰狼球員們很堅持他並未改變他的作法,也 並未隨著球季進行而鬆懈。雖然 Rambis 在比賽中似乎掩飾著自己的情緒,但在休息室中 或是秘密訓練時,他的坦白一向為人所知。Tolliver 說 Rambis 從來不怕用粗淺的方式 來溝通。 "Kurt will get on guys," Wolves swingman Martell Webster said. "He can be very vocal and animated. He's just not very loud with it. He's emotional but not outlandish." 「Kurt 會直接找上你,」灰狼的搖擺人 Martell Webster 表示。「他可以很多話、很活 潑。他只是不會大小聲罷了。他是個真性情的人,但他不會搞怪。」 Like his teammates, Webster said he had not heard or read any reports that Rambis, in the second year of a four-year deal with the Wolves, might not return next season. Webster also expressed his support for Rambis. 如同他的隊友們一樣,Webster 說他從來沒聽過目前在四年約中第二年的 Rambis 下季要 走人的傳聞。Webster 也表達了他對 Rambis 的支持。 "He's always putting the work in," Webster said. "He and the staff never give us the short end of the stick and just throw us out there and say, 'Whatever happens.' We're the ones who have to go out there and play. As players, we can always say the right things, but the proof is how you do on the court." 「他會幫我們找事做,而不是簡單幾句話就把我們丟上場『自己看著辦吧』。我們才是要 上場打球的人。作為球員,我們都可以說出對的話,但重點是要在場上作對的事。」 Love still hurting: Love sat out Tuesday's practice and was expected to do the same today because of a strained left groin. He was uncertain if he would be able to play Thursday night at Dallas. Love 仍然在傷兵名單中:Love 由於左腹股溝拉傷並未參加週二的練習,今天應該也不會 參與。他並不確定是否能在週四對戰小牛時上場。 "The extra day of rest (today) will help," Love said. 「多休期一天應該有點幫助,」他表示。 Love said he suffered the injury in last Wednesday's game at Utah. Love hopes to appear in all 82 games this season, something he was unable to do his first two seasons with the Wolves because of injuries. He is the only Wolves player with a chance to play in all 82 games. Love 表示他在週三對上爵士的時候受傷。他本來希望可以在本季達成前兩季都因傷挑戰 失敗的全勤。他本來是灰狼唯一有機會挑戰全勤的球員。 "Does it make sense to push it?" Love asked. "Probably not, but at the same time, I would like to play in every game. That's saying something." 「硬打是個聰明決定嗎?應該不是。不過就算是這樣我還是很希望能全勤。這很有意義。 」 -- 發太慢,都打完了...= = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/25 20:26, , 1F
03/25 20:26, 1F

03/25 22:04, , 2F
03/25 22:04, 2F

03/26 02:25, , 3F
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03/26 19:06, , 4F
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03/26 19:08, , 5F
這兩年給Rambis帶小狼 是應該還不錯 不過不太希望Rubio是在
03/26 19:08, 5F

03/26 19:08, , 6F
他的戰術底下發展 感覺很不適合
03/26 19:08, 6F
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