[轉錄]Ainge will not confirm Garnett deal

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※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板] 作者: Javaris (Crittenton) 看板: Celtics 標題: Ainge will not confirm Garnett deal 時間: Tue Jul 31 10:03:16 2007 Ainge will not confirm Garnett deal July 30, 2007 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA (TICKER) -- The Boston Celtics executive Danny Ainge refuted published reports that an agreement has been reached to acquire superstar Kevin Garnett, according to a report in the Pioneer Press on Monday. Ainge 駁斥了目前檯面上謠傳交易 KG 的新聞報導。 It was reported earlier Monday that the Celtics would send forward Al Jefferson, swingman Gerald Green, point guard Sebastian Telfair, the expiring contract of center Theo Ratliff and at least one future first-round pick to the Minnesota Timberwolves for one of the league's biggest superstars. 報導說塞爾提克將送 Al Jefferson、Gerald Green、Sebastian Telfair 以及老手 Theo Ratliff、至少一枚第一輪選秀來換取灰狼超級巨星 Kevin Garnett。 But Ainge would not confirm the deal. 然而 Ainge 卻不承認這筆交易已經完成。 "(The reports) can speculate all they want," he said to the newspaper. "I can confirm we are talking, sure. We're in discussions with (Garnett)." 「記者們可以任意的去幻想,我可以證實的就是我們確實有談,我們與 KG 有過一些討 論。」 However, Ainge would not talk about the specifics of their negotiations, opting to remain ambiguous about how close the clubs are to finalizing a deal. 然而 Ainge 並不想談有關他們談論的細節,只表示球隊對交易有多接近完成還都模糊不 清。 (老掉牙了,記者都嘛先衝再說,之前 Kobe 也不都被換到公牛了 XD。) "I'm sure we're one of a few teams that are in discussions with the Timberwolves," Ainge said. 「我只能確定一件事,那就是我們是一些與灰狼交涉的隊伍中其中一隊。」 According to the Pioneer Press, McHale had no comment and Garnett's agent, Andy Miller, said the two sides were "in the midst of talking things through." I think that he’s more open to opportunities in general than he was the first time he heard his name being mentioned in a trade,” Miller told the Pioneer Press. “At this point, he’s looking at it from a different perspective.” 根據報導,McHale對這事情還沒發表任何言論,而 KG 的經紀人說兩隊只是還在交 涉的過程中罷了。 「比起第一次聽到會被交易,我想他現在比較能接受這種處境了,他現在會用不同的 觀點來看待這件事情。」 "Everything that had gone on in the past probably was an awakening for him,” Miller said. “He’s fiercely loyal, as I’ve said before. He loves the team and the organization and the state of Minnesota and the fans. But I think everything that happened over the last two months probably was more of an awakening that Minnesota is looking to move in a different direction and it’ s time for him to look at his options, as well.” Miller 附註 : 「原本已經過去的那些事情可能又會再度喚起他的回憶,如同我說過的,他非常的忠誠。 他喜歡這支球隊與球團,也喜歡明尼蘇達和球迷們。不過過去兩個月,看起來球隊想走 的方向和他不同,所以我想現在也是他可以自己抉擇的時候了。」 The Boston Globe reported that one of the sticking points is the $24 million player option that Garnett holds for the 2008-09 season. He also has the right to opt out of his $22 million contract after next season. Boston Globe 則指出目前卡住的原因是 KG 在下個球季既可以執行大到不行的 24M 合約,也有辦法跳脫到自由市場。 Before June's draft, executives Ainge and McHale - good friends from their playing days in Boston - also engaged in trade talks. But the option on Garnett's contract, along with his hesitancy to play in Boston, were major factors in the deal not being completed. 在選秀會前,Ainge 和 McHale 就已經談論過相關的交易,不過那時候礙於 KG 合約中 的選擇權,還有 KG 不想到波士頓的言談,是那時候交易失敗的主因。 現在還是有選擇權的問題,至於KG爽不爽到波士頓,還不清楚。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Javaris 來自: (07/31 10:18)

07/31 10:25,
到底定案了沒= =" 可借轉嗎? 謝謝
07/31 10:25

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07/31 10:26
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