[外電] Garnett's work off court earns citiz …

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因為我生性好賭,所以輸光了,可以讓我騙個錢嗎? MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Kevin Garnett walked into the Target Center and looked at the large gathering of team officials, teammates, family, media and a family he has helped get back on its feet after being devastated by Hurricane Katrina. 這一天,KG走進體育館,看著制服組、隊友、家人、媒體,和因為他而從卡翠納颱風 中重生的家庭。 He sat down next to his wife and whispered to her, "Wow, this is really a big deal, isn't it?" KG偷偷對他的老婆說:「哇,這真是盛重啊」 Yes, KG, it is. 沒錯,老兄,獲得這個獎的確是一件大事。 Garnett was honored Tuesday with the NBA's J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award for outstanding service and dedication to the community. KG因為對社區的貢獻,在星期二獲頒了NBA J. Walter Kennedy市民獎。 Garnett set a remarkable standard for Katrina relief efforts, donating $1.2 million to Oprah Winfrey's Angel Network to build 24 houses over the next two years. He also played in a charity basketball game that benefited Katrina vvictims and donated $100,000 to the tsunami relief effort in Malaysia. KG為卡翠納颱風捐贈1百多萬元給 Winfrey's Angel 二十四小時救助熱線,參加了一 場慈善表演賽。並捐給南亞海嘯受難者十萬元。 The Timberwolves showed a video that recapped some of his many charitable acts for the audience, and Garnett turned his head away from the big screen several times, almost as if he was embarrassed by the attention. 球隊在頒獎典禮上播放KG的善行,KG邊看邊偷偷別過頭去,似乎有些不好意思。 "I want to say out of the many awards I've won, I'd have to say that this is probably the most gratifying just because of the results, of what comes out of it," Garnett said. "I think we all give every day. But for some strange reason , I get an award for it." KG說:"我想說的是,領過許多的獎項,這大概是最令我高興的一次,不是因為獎牌, 而是因為我做這些所能幫助的人。我想,我們每個人每天都在幫助別人,但不知道為什 麼,我因此拿了個獎。 Garnett has long been involved in community service projects, donating comput- ers to inner city schools and helping local children and women with cancer, in addition to taking underprivileged kids on holiday shopping trips. KG長期參與社區服務,捐贈電腦給社區學校,幫祝罹癌病人,並幫助窮困小孩購物。 Intensely private and loathe to speak publicly about anything other than bask- etball, Garnett prefers to keep his service and giving "below the radar." 著重隱私,並不願多談籃球外的事情,KG倒是希望這些事能低調一點。 " A lot of the things I do I like to keep personal," Garnett said. "I never want to have it come off as PR, or something that I'm trying to get recognition for. These are things that I do personally myself. I felt like the relationships I have with the people I'm doing it for, I like to keep that private." 他說:"很多事都是些私底下的事情,我從不希望這變成公事,或我在作口碑。這只是我自己想做 ,我喜歡幫助人的感覺,與人建立關係,就是這樣而已。" His enormous gift to Oprah and the other work he has done with Katrina victims made that impossible this year. Garnett joined the likes of Julius Erving, Magic Johnson and David Robinson on the list of Kennedy winners. 他對卡翠納受難者的善行,讓他不可能再低調了,他成為Dr. J、魔術、海軍上將一樣 獲此殊榮的人。 "We all know that you're one of the greats of our game today and a future Hall of Famer and you work so hard on the court," commissioner David Stern said in a taped message. "But we also know that, through your commitment to local char- ities, to Habitat for Humanity, to really anyone in need, you set a standard that I think is the highest that there is in the NBA." 萬惡的Stern在錄音中?:"我們都知道你對球場的貢獻,準名人堂球員,但我們現在也 知道了你對社區的貢獻,對那些真正需要的人的幫助,你為NBA作了一個極高的榜樣。" One of the families he helped was at the ceremony. The Josephs relocated from outer New Orleans to the Twin Cities after the hurricane and struggled to re- cover until a chance meeting changed everything. 一個受過KG幫助的家庭Joseph也來到典禮上,他們從受損的紐澳良搬到雙城,並為生 存打拼。 Trinette Joseph worked at a local UPS store and met Garnett's sister one day. 直到有一天,他遇在工作的地方遇到了KG的姐姐。 "As soon as she knew who I was, she went to her truck and came back with two suite tickets and said, 'You have to come.' ... And I did," Joseph said. "And I met her and the family, and I'm glad. I'm glad I went." 他:"她一知道我是誰,就跑回車上拿了兩張套票給我。她說:'你一定要來', 我很高興我真的去了,並見到她的家人" Garnett took Trinette, her sons Denzel and E.J. and her daughter Courtney un- der his wing. He hosted the family for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner and bought the children computers and clothes. KG之後盡可能地幫助著這一家人,邀請他們渡過感恩節和聖誕節,並送孩子們電腦 和衣服。 The family now lives permanently in the Minneapolis suburb of Minnetonka. 現在,他們已經定居在明尼蘇達Minneapolis "He's just been an angel and just so unselfish," Trinette Joseph said. "The main thing was him spending the holidays with us. He didn't have to do it, but he did. Joseph說:"他是無私的天使,最重要的是,他陪我們渡過一個又一個的節日。他實在 不需要這麼做,但是他就是願意。" "We were away from family, so that really meant a lot. You can tell it's gen- uine. It's not like somebody made him do it. He really wanted to be there. He enjoyed being there with us." "我們離鄉背井,因此,這真的對我們意義重大。你可以分辨一個人是不是真心的, 這不是說誰叫他來陪伴我們,他是真的想在那裡,陪著我們渡過難關, 真心為我們家庭感 到高興。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bjr 來自: (11/02 03:42)

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11/02 12:01, , 7F
推也想遇到KG姊姊.. 這樣就可以被KG邀請去他家吃飯*_*
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文章代碼(AID): #15IFIiRy (Timberwolves)