[外電] Rashad-"I'll Come Back Stronger Than …

看板Timberwolves作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/06/30 15:25), 編輯推噓3(300)
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原文出處: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/bask...index.html -- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- The timing of the knee injury to Minnesota Timberwolves' guard Rashad McCants made most people shudder. McCants sees it as "very fortunate" that he had microfracture surgery now rather than later. 明尼亞波利斯訊(美聯社) - 明尼蘇達灰狼新秀後衛RMC膝蓋受傷的時間點使得大部分 人為他感到害怕,但RMC本人卻認為自己相當幸運,因為他寧願趁著現在還年輕的時候接受 關節鏡手術,也不願在籃球生涯末期才去動那樣的手術。 After a rookie season in which he finished so strong, scoring in double figures in his last 12 games, McCants was ready to be relied heavily upon by the rebuilding Wolves next season. 菜鳥球季末端表現優異,最後連續十二場比賽得分皆突破雙位數的RMC已經被灰狼認定 為下個球季球隊重建之際可委以重責大任的可靠球員。 But he started to have pain in his knee during rigorous offseason workouts in May and had surgery June 16. It was the same surgery that caused Phoenix star Amare Stoudemire to miss all of last season and has played havoc with the careers of players like Kenyon Martin and Antonio McDyess. 但他在五月進行球季外嚴密的自主訓練時膝蓋開始感覺酸痛,接著就在六月十六日接 受了手術,而該關節鏡手術就是導致鳳凰城太陽明星中前鋒小史幾乎錯過一整個球季的賽 事並嚴重影響K.Martin和袋鼠McDyess職業生涯的手術。 The loss is a serious blow to a team looking to return to the playoffs after a two-year hiatus, but McCants remains optimistic. 失去這樣一位表現漸入佳境的後起之秀對於一支在連續兩年未能擠進季後賽後極欲脫 離樂透選秀區的球隊來說是相當嚴重的打擊,但RMC本人對於手術仍抱持著樂觀的態度。 "I feel very fortunate to get it done and over with," a surprisingly upbeat McCants said Thursday in his first public comments since the operation. "They fixed the problem. As long as it heals, I should be able to bounce back stronger than I was." 樂觀到有些令人訝異的RMC星期四在術後首度公開接受訪問時表示"手術結束了而且一 切順利,我覺得相當幸運。他們解決了那個問題,只要它復原了,我應該能以比過去來要 健壯的身體重返球場。" Coach Dwane Casey said McCants was a little down in the dumps in the days leading up to the surgery, but the 14th overall pick in last year's draft oozed positivity on Thursday, an outlook he attributed in part to a brief stay with star and friend Kevin Garnett after the procedure. 總教練D.Casey表示RMC在準備接受手術前那段時間有一點沮喪,但這位去年選秀會上 灰狼利用第十四順位挑選入隊的新秀在星期四時就表現出積極樂觀的一面,他認為自己能 這麼快就走出陰霾,一部分必須歸功於短暫借住於好友,球星KG家中那段時間。 "I'm fine," McCants said with a smile. "It's a better light now. I see things better." RMC笑著說"我很好,現在情況似乎好多了,我認為情況將會越來越好。" Garnett welcomed McCants into his home in suburban Minneapolis after the surgery while McCants waited for his mother to get to town. KG在RMC術後等待母親來接他回家的期間接待他到自己位於明尼亞波利斯市郊的家短暫 居住。 "Being great friends with Kevin Garnett is more of a bonus than anybody knows," McCants said. "He took care of me for a couple of days. That was more heartening for me than you could ever imagine. ... I appreciated everything he did for me. It was kind of like a dream come true. It's just special." RMC說"和KG當好朋友的好處比任何人知道的都還要多,他照顧了我好幾天,而那短短 幾天對我的正面影響遠比你能想像得都還大...我感謝他為我做的每件事,那有點像是美夢 成真,真是太特別了。" (譯按:越翻越覺得這兩個人有一腿XDDDD) Now comes the hard part. 現在來聊聊困難的部份吧。 Timberwolves officials expect it to be at least six months before McCants can return to the court, and the team is being extra cautious considering what happened to Stoudemire last season and McDyess before that. 灰狼高層預計RMC至少需要六個月的時間進行復健才能夠重返球場,而球隊將會以上個 球季小史及之前袋鼠的經驗為借鏡,認真看待RMC接受手術這件事情。 Stoudemire missed the first 66 games of this season after having the same surgery on his left knee. He tried to come back but lasted only three games before being shut down again with problems in his right knee, which developed while he was rehabbing the more serious injury to the other knee. 小史在接受相同的手術後錯過了球季前六十六場比賽,雖然他嘗試重返球場,但他專 注於傷勢較嚴重的左膝復原期間,右膝也逐漸出了問題,導致他只復出三場比賽即再次因 傷缺陣。 "The past guys who have had [microfracture surgery] and didn't come back as strong tried to rush back," McCants said. "The mind can play tricks on you in rehab and you can get hurt." RMC說"那些在接受關節鏡手術後無法和受傷前一樣健壯的球員都是因為他們太急著重 返球場,那種心態可能會讓你無法認真進行術後復健而導致二次傷害。" McCants said he hoped to be back with the team by mid- to late December. RMC表示他希望在十二月底就能回到球隊陣中。 "You can only take it in stride," McCants said with a shrug. RMC聳聳肩說道"遇到這種情形很無奈,但無從選擇,你也只能大步向前走。" It's great to hear how Rashad is motivating himself even more to make a good, healthy comeback. 能聽到RMC對於自己有如此強烈的企圖心實在令人高興,因為他不只想要健康地回來, 還希望自己表現更勝以往。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/30 22:15, , 1F
06/30 22:15, 1F

07/01 01:12, , 2F
McCants 真是感人T^T 回來後大爆發吧~
07/01 01:12, 2F

07/01 02:44, , 3F
07/01 02:44, 3F
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