[外電] Marcus Williams Workout Interview

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原文出處: http://0rz.net/101ou -- After working out for the Timberwolves, along with Dee Brown, Jose Juan Barea, and Mardy Collins, point guard Marcus Williams (right, shooting) talked with Timberwolves.com about the draft. 與D.Brown、J.J.Barea及M.Collins等人一同接受灰狼的選前測試後,控衛(右手控球、 投球)M.Williams接受了灰狼官網關於選秀的訪問。 timberwolves.com: What do you think about the draft process so far? 灰狼達康:迄今你對選秀過程有些什麼想法呢? Marcus Williams: All in all it’s been good working out and getting ready for June 28th. Williams:總而言之就是於選前測試盡量表現出好的一面,為6/28舉行的選秀會做好 準備。 timberwolves.com: How do you think you can help a team? 灰狼達康:你認為你能怎麼幫助球隊? Marcus Williams: I think my leadership and the way I can get the guys the ball in certain situations where they don’t have to make plays because the play is already made for them. Williams:我認為自己能給球隊的幫助在於我的領袖氣質以及在適當時機將球送至隊 友手上的能力,他們不需要自己尋找出手機會,因為我能為他們製造得分機會。 timberwolves.com: Have you talked to your other college teammates that are going through draft workouts? 灰狼達康:你有和其他參加過選前測試的校隊隊友討論過嗎? Marcus Williams: I talked to everyone. I talked to Rashad (Anderson) yesterday, he said he was here. I talked to Denham (Brown), Josh (Boone) there in Chicago, Rudy’s (Gay) at home, and Hilton (Armstrong) is in Los Angeles. Everyone is working hard trying to get to the next level. Williams:我和每個人都討論過了。我昨天剛和R.Anderson講過話,他說他也接受過 灰狼的測試。J.Boone在芝加哥,R.Gay在家,而H.Armstrong則在洛杉磯。每個人都很努力 ,期望能往更高等級的籃球殿堂邁進。 timberwolves.com: What kind of impact can you have as one of the top point guards in the draft? 灰狼達康:身為本屆選秀會頂尖控衛之一,你認為你可以帶給大家什麼樣的衝擊呢? Marcus Williams: I think I can step in and run a ballteam, especially a team like this, which I think is playoff bound. Kevin Garnett is a great, all-star power forward, and they have great wing in Ricky Davis. I think all they need is a point guard to run the team. Williams:我認為我能順利進入NBA並主導一支球隊,尤其是像灰狼這樣本季與季後賽 擦身而過的球隊。KG是一個偉大的全明星大前鋒,而且他們也有R.Davis這樣優秀的鋒翼球 員。我認為他們萬事具備,只欠一個出色的控衛來帶領球隊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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