[外電] Durant對於新教練的看法

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原文網址:http://ppt.cc/lXRT Kevin Durant wasn't involved in the process -- he did not pick his own coach. KD並沒有參與到整個教練的甄選過程中,換句話說,這可不是他這個雷霆老大選的總教頭 But that coach is very much at center of whether Kevin Durant will be a member of the Okalahoma City Thunder beyond next season. 但這位教頭對於KD在明年合約跑完後會不會續留OKC可是有極大的影響的. The Thunder announced the hiring Billy Donovan Thursday,he will be formally introduced on Friday. Donovan has won two national titles and produced a lof of NBA players in his 19 years in Florida. He also runs the kind of ball-screen,motion heavy,space-the-floor offense that GM Sam Presti wanted to see in OKC. 雷霆在美國時間的週四雇用了Billy Donovan成為雷霆的下任教頭,這消息也在周五正式的宣布了,這位Donovan教練曾經率領佛州大學贏得2座全國冠軍,並在他長達19年的執教生涯中帶出了許多NBA的職業球員. 同時,他講求大量掩護及空手跑位的的風格也是總管Sam Presti希望在雷霆看見的. But in the end it's all about keeping Durant -- and Durant is good with the hire. Here is what he told Royce Young of ESPN. 但一切到頭來最重要的還是如何留下KD,而好消息是,根據KD對ESPN記者Royce Young的說法,他對這個教練很滿意. -以下是KD的發言 "I wouldn't say it matters," Durant said of Donovan's perceived lack of experience. "If you know how to coach a team,that's all that matters. He's been one of the highest levels of basketball and won a title. That's tough to do. So you can't just downplay what he's done isn the college ranks and just automatically say he's not going to be great in the pros. He produced a lof of pros,and they all love him. 當談到新教頭從沒執教過NBA時,KD表示"這一點都不重要",KD認為:"教練懂不懂得如何帶好一支球隊,那才是真正重要的,他已經在世界頂尖的籃球殿堂之一奮鬥了許久,還贏的了冠軍,你們知道這可不容易. 所以別因為他只有大學執教經驗就直接的貶低他,認為他在職業領域不會有一番大成就,別忘了他帶出了許多NBA球員,而他們都愛死Billy Donovan了!" "I reached out to Chandler Parsons and Mike Miller,and they ajust told me great things." Durant said. "Mike told me that he's really detailed and prepared, Every day is just another day fro him to get better. And he's always looking to learn. I was excited when I heard that because that's the type of player I am, and I'm looking forward to learning from somebody else. It should be a good relationship. Like I said,I want to get a feel for him myself adn fro him to get a feel for me and just worl from here. "我跟高富帥還有Mike Miller談過了,他們給這位教練的評價相當的不錯." KD說著, "Miller告訴我Billy Donovan很有料,而且準備的很充分了,更好的是,他每天都還在持續變得更棒,而且他從不放棄每個多學一點的機會,這讓我興奮極了,因為我也是這樣的一個人,而且我很希望能從別人身上學些什麼. 我們會處的很好的! 就像我說的,我希望我們能更熟悉彼此,就從這裡開始." "But I know he's going to do a good job because from what I've heard he works extremely hard, his attention to detail is one of the best and everybody's been telling me he's an NBA coach coaching in college. So I'm excited to learn from him and get better from him and try my best to do whatever he tells me to do. I can't wait to started!" "而我知道他會搞定一切的,我聽說他是個非常認真的教練,他對細節的注重簡直無人能出其右,再加上大家都誇讚他其實早在大學執教時就是NBA級的教練了,這實在讓我興奮極了. 一想到能從他那裏學到東西讓我變得更好我就覺得很興奮,我會盡力完成他交代給我的每件事. 噢天啊,我等不及要開始了!" Durant was close to Scott Brooks,the coach the Thunder let go looking for an upgrade. Brooks put together good teams but ones that never got over the hump -- the past few years due to injuries, including a Jones fracture to the foot of Durant that had him out most of the season. Durant should be back healthy next season. 我們都知道Durant跟前教頭Scott Brooks很親近,雷霆為了能在季後賽更進一步而選擇放走了後者,Brooks組建了一支強隊,但他們總是到不了被期待的那個高度,在過去的幾年裡,傷病一直都纏著雷霆,包括了讓KD幾乎整季休戰的瓊斯骨折(內文沒寫,去年還有Russ的半月板,Ibaka的小腿,今年兩人又分別傷到手跟肩膀.....),但我們可以樂觀預見,明年KD會以最健康的姿態回歸雷霆. It was smart of Durant to stay out of the coaching search. More than just that not being his jobhe didn't want any "we brought this coach in because you wanted him" stuff coming up if --realy, when-- he explores free agency next summer. 不參與這次的教練徵選,對KD而言其實是相當聰明的決定,不僅因為這本來就不是他的工作,更可以避免假設KD真的轉隊了後,傳來"KD,我們可是為了你才搞來這個教練的啊!"之類的閒言閒語(最近一次類似事情是熱火為了LBJ而在選秀會上選進了Shabazz Napier,結果LBJ不久後就"回家"了,也許是有了這個前車之鑑?) Durant is saying all the right things,and more than that you can be sure he will do all the right things. He will put it in work,he will buy into the system -- he wants to win more than anything else. Same with Russell Westbrook. If Donovan can be the guy to take them over the top,adn if those two stars can sense it,then this relationship will start smoothy. KD說了所有該說的話,顯而易見的他會去做那些該做的事情,他會更加認真,他會更努力試著融入體系,畢竟他比任何人都還想要贏,就像他的好兄弟Russ一樣. 如果Donovan能讓雙子星感覺到,他是能帶他們登頂的那個人,那一切就順利好辦了. The blueprint for Donovan to succeed has been laid out. All that's left is a ton of work. 對Donovan來說,邁向成功的藍圖已經完全顯現出來了,現在就是努力的去完成它吧! -- When everything you love has been stolen from you,sometimes all you have left is revenge. ----Emily Throne -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Thunder/M.1430579489.A.7A7.html

05/02 23:30, , 1F
雖然不想澆冷水 還是等KD在合約上簽名再說....
05/02 23:30, 1F

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05/03 00:29, , 7F
是啊 就看新教練能把雷霆帶到何種高度了 話說回來
05/03 00:29, 7F

05/03 00:30, , 8F
一直在等抽籤好無聊啊 到底會是派誰去.....
05/03 00:30, 8F

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