[外電] 三少in USA Team

看板Thunder作者 (狗狗)時間12年前 (2012/07/08 08:14), 編輯推噓12(1208)
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*上一篇已經確定哈登入選,恭喜大鬍子!  這裡就看看大家對他的評價吧:) http://ppt.cc/to7j Westbrook, Durant and Harden all make Team USA The Thunder will be well represented in London as Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and James Harden have all been named to the 2012 Men’s Olympic Basketball Team. 當雷帝、西河和哈登被選進美國隊的時候,他們會在倫敦拿下良好的表現。 Cool? Cool. 很了不起嗎?是的。 Here’s how cool: The Thunder are the first NBA team ever to have three players on Team USA. 讓我告訴你哪裡了不起:雷霆隊是史上第一個一口氣被國家隊挑中三個球員的隊伍。 Both Durant and Westbrook have national team experience having led Team USA to gold in Turkey during the 2010 World Championships, with KD winning the tournament’s MVP. Harden was a late addition to the Team USA player pool after Derrick Rose’s injury and became a real consideration following Dwyane Wade dropping out. 雷帝和西河都有打世界賽的經驗,在2010年的時候於世錦拿下金牌,雷帝也拿下 MVP。哈登則是在玫瑰和Wade傷退之後才被選中的。 (And don’t forget, Serge Ibaka is a prominent player for Spain, who is expected to be Team USA’s top competition.) (而且別忘了,伊巴卡在西班牙隊裡,這將是美國隊的頭號勁敵。) Westbrook and Durant will be featured players on the team, with Durant a likely starter and Westbrook a key role player off the bench. It’s unclear what role Harden might play, but with so much depth on the squad already, he might settle in as mainly an end-of-the-bench guy. 雷地和西河都會在國家隊裡表現良好,雷地毫無疑問將會是先發,而西河也會是板凳上的 關鍵球員。我們還不清楚哈登將扮演什麼樣的角色,不過看看他在球場上的表現,他應該 會是板凳的一員。 Some seem to be wondering why Harden, but here’s why: With two spots remaining between Andre Iguodala, Anthony Davis, Eric Gordon, Rudy Gay and Harden, Coach K and Jerry Colangelo went with Iguodala, an elite wing defender and Harden, a versatile ball-handler that can play three spots. Harden can handle, pass, shoot, score and obviously has an incredible ability to blend in well with anyone on the floor. He gives Team USA a fourth point guard, a knock down shooter and a player that will probably fit the international style of basketball extremely well. 有些人應該會很困惑為什麼是哈登?不過,這就是原因:要在小AI、一字眉、Gordon、 Rudy Gay和哈登之間挑選兩個人選的話,K教練應該會想要小AI的防守,與哈登的萬能。 哈登可以持球、傳球、投籃得分,而且他可以在球場上和任何一個人配合良好。他讓美國 隊有了第四個PG人選,也是一個非常棒的射手,同時顯然可以打國際級的比賽。 Why Durant and Westbrook? Because duh. 那麼,為什麼雷帝和西河可以被選上?因為--你在問廢話嗎? The full Team USA roster: 完整的奧運名單: G – Chris Paul, Los Angeles Clippers G – Deron Williams, Brooklyn Nets G – Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder G – Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers G – James Harden, Oklahoma City Thunder F – Andre Iguodala, Philadelphia 76ers F – LeBron James, Miami Heat F – Carmelo Anthony, New York Knicks F – Kevin Durant, Oklahoma City Thunder F – Kevin Love, Minnesota Timberwolves F – Blake Griffin, Los Angeles Clippers C – Tyson Chandler, New York Knicks 冏,C只有一個? 拳王QQ 補充: Russell Westbrook will wear No. 7 for Team USA, James Harden No. 12 and Kevin Durant No. 5. 西河在國家隊裡會穿7號球衣,哈登是12,雷帝是5。 ------- 另外關於教練評論球員和球員自己的說法我也收這裡:) http://sulia.com/source/S-69161/ Jerry Colangelo on Kevin Durant: "Well first of all, this young man was born to play the game. He's a coach's dream. He has great character, he has great passion for the game. And then his skills are off the charts. He plays with such enthusiasm that it's difficult to keep him off the floor and in the World Championships he just rose to another level." Jerry Colangelo談論到雷帝時表示:「嗯,首先,這年輕人天生就是要來打球的。他是 教練的夢想。他有非常好的特質,他對比賽有熱誠。而且他的球技也不在話下。他用如此 充滿熱情的方式在打球,誰都很難讓他離場,而且在上次世錦的時候他又成長到另外一 個層次了。」 Mike Krzyzewski on Russell Westbrook: "No, there isn't [a more explosive player]. I love Russell. It's an honor to coach him. He is such a versatile player and as good an athlete as there is on this planet playing basketball. He plays with an abundance of energy and courage." K教練談論西河:「你再也找不到比他更具有爆炸性的球員了。我愛西河。我以執教他為 榮。他是一個那麼才華洋溢的球員,而且他是非常棒的運動員。他打球的時候是充滿活力 與勇氣的。」 Jerry Colangelo on why James Harden was selected: "I think he surprised people. Two months ago he was on the radar screen, but not shining brightly necessarily. Given the opportunity, he finished so strongly this season, he gave us something to really sit back and think about. He has size, he has length at his position. Defensively, he's more than adequate. He comes up with a lot of loose balls, a lot of steals and he is a scorer. And by the way, he can also shoot it. I think there's a little bit of a difference between the two. Tough choice we had to make, Eric Gordon, James Harden. Harden deserved it for the reasons I mentioned and we expect him coming off the bench as he did and he's accustomed to and to play whenever he's called upon." Jerry Colangelo解釋為什麼會選哈登:「我想他給了大家一個驚喜。兩個月前他在螢光 幕上可沒有那麼閃耀。他得到了機會,並且在這一季結束時表現得很好。他讓我們看見一 些值得好好思考的東西。他有好的體型,他在他的位置上也有身高優勢。而且他在防守上 綽綽有餘。他帶來許多次抄截,使對方掉球,同時也是一個得分手。要在溝登和哈登之間 做出選擇滿困難的,他們兩個有點不一樣。而哈登值得的理由就像我上面說的那樣,我們 都預期他會像他過去那樣被選為板凳並且不管我們在何時呼召他都表現良好。」 KD on what it means to play on Team USA with Harden and Westbrook: "It's very special to have my two brothers here with me. We've been going through everything in this league together and to go through this is something I'm really excited about. Experience here is going to help us out in our NBA careers and we're looking forward to playing. After a tough Finals loss playing together with these guys again is going to make it even better once we come back next year." 雷帝說到和西河哈登一起打國家隊:「能和我的兩個兄弟一起在這裡真是特別。我們在這 一季一起走過所有的事情,而且現在能一起經歷國家隊的一切讓我很興奮。國家隊的經驗 可以讓我們在NBA裡做得更好。在痛苦地結束了總冠軍賽之後,能和這兩個傢伙一起打球 ,這會讓我們在下一季的表現變得更好。」 ------- 最近的簽約人生讓我每天都好緊張囧 只好轉移焦點來看看奧運消息振奮心情XD 希望三少在國家隊都能有好的表現噢! 然後,大家早安:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: esther81828 來自: (07/08 08:25) ※ 編輯: esther81828 來自: (07/08 08:32)

07/08 08:52, , 1F
推翻譯~ 說到簽約人生 我希望DH留在東區別過來= =
07/08 08:52, 1F

07/08 09:01, , 2F
07/08 09:01, 2F

07/08 09:01, , 3F
07/08 09:01, 3F

07/08 10:49, , 4F
美國長人都去哪了= =
07/08 10:49, 4F

07/08 11:12, , 5F
希望能在國際賽上吸取些經驗 OKC~
07/08 11:12, 5F

07/08 11:23, , 6F
07/08 11:23, 6F

07/08 11:53, , 7F
07/08 11:53, 7F

07/08 14:07, , 8F
07/08 14:07, 8F

07/08 15:17, , 9F
07/08 15:17, 9F

07/08 16:05, , 10F
07/08 16:05, 10F

07/08 18:20, , 11F
07/08 18:20, 11F

07/08 18:21, , 12F
而且美國隊的系統並不需要太多中鋒 前鋒活動力強身高也不差
07/08 18:21, 12F

07/08 18:22, , 13F
而且目前Ibaka去年第一次打歐錦賽野沒打出什麼名堂 希望他
07/08 18:22, 13F

07/08 18:22, , 14F
07/08 18:22, 14F

07/08 18:23, , 15F
07/08 18:23, 15F

07/08 20:28, , 16F
07/08 20:28, 16F

07/08 21:02, , 17F
看合照 KD似乎只比拳王矮而已XDDD
07/08 21:02, 17F

07/08 22:19, , 18F
07/08 22:19, 18F

07/09 00:33, , 19F
Love these guys! (人在美國西岸好像反而看奧運不易XDD
07/09 00:33, 19F

07/10 09:03, , 20F
07/10 09:03, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1F-D43xD (Thunder)