[外電] 好萊塢終極A咖排行榜

看板Theater作者 (別讓想選總統的當選市長)時間13年前 (2010/12/13 12:27), 編輯推噓0(001)
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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1D1Ax5hZ ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (別讓想選總統的當選市長) 看板: movie 標題: [外電] 好萊塢終極A咖排行榜 時間: Sun Dec 12 19:15:13 2010 本來我最近是希望從其他媒體找電影外電的 不過這次富比士的分析報導,觀點還蠻有趣 所以我還是決定PO上來與大家分享 我想大家都會想問:到底怎樣才有資格被稱為"終極A咖"呢? 這點富比士會在下面有詳細的說明,所以我就不再贅言了! 各位就往下看吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/2c9w9gb Hollywood's Real A-List There are few actors who can open blockbusters around the world and still win Oscar nominations. With awards season just around the corner, we take a look at those who can do both. We looked at every actor and actress who was nominated for an Academy Award in the last five years. We ranked them first by box office earnings for films they starred in over the same period, and second by number of nominations, and then combined the two rankings to come up with a final list. 能拍出全球大賣座電影,又能贏得奧斯卡提名的演員,其實少之又少。隨著奧斯卡 季節的即將到來,富比士網站要帶我們看看哪些人能做到以上兩者。他們觀察了 這五年在奧斯卡獲得提名的演員中,在相同期間參與電影的票房收入(編按:應為 全球收入),以及他們獲得奧斯卡提名的次數,將這兩個排名混合起來,就是您所 看到的終極A咖名單 1.強尼戴普 Johnny Depp Box office earnings: $4 billion Oscar nominations: 3 Few stars have had careers like Johnny Depp. The actor, who got his start as a cop on 21 Jump Street, has managed to stay unconventional by taking characters like Captain Jack Sparrow in odd directions. At the same time he's one of the biggest movie stars in the world. On top of that, the Academy loves him. 很少有明星的演藝生涯,走向會跟強哥一樣奇特。這位以影集龍虎少年隊的臥底警察 展開演藝生涯的演員,至今仍然以顛覆傳統的原則,接演像走路姿勢古怪的史傑克 船長那樣的角色。強哥不只是在全球備受歡迎的大明星,連奧斯卡評審也很喜歡他! 2.梅莉史翠普 Meryl Streep Box office earnings: $1.5 billion Oscar nominations: 16 In recent years Streep has shown that an older woman can still be a big box office draw. Mamma Mia was a huge hit, earning $610 million at the global box office. Her comedies Julie & Julia and It's Complicated both did well at the box office. Next up for Streep: She'll play Margaret 梅姨在最近幾年成功證明即使是媽媽桑,也可以成功扛起票房。大熱賣的媽媽咪呀 在全球就有超過六億美金的收入,她另外兩部喜劇美味關係與愛找麻煩,在市場上 的表現也相當穩健。接下來,她將飾演英國史上第一位女首相-柴契爾夫人 3.小勞柏道尼 Robert Downey Jr. Box office earnings: $2.5 billion Oscar nominations: 2 At one point in Robert Downey Jr.'s career it looked like he might follow the drug-addled path so many other actors had gone down. But he managed to turn himself around, and he's now one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Downey is slated to play Iron Man for a third time in the 2012 film The Avengers. 道尼的演藝生涯,曾經被認為會跟其他藥物上癮的人一樣,走向自我毀滅的道路。 幸好,他後來成功地自我轉變,如今他已經是好萊塢最有名氣的巨星之一。道尼將在 2012的大片復仇者聯盟中,三度飾演鋼鐵人 4.威爾史密斯 Will Smith Box office earnings: $2 billion Oscar nominations: 2 Smith is arguably the biggest movie star in the world. He's been out of the spotlight recently while producing The Karate Kid, which starred his son Jaden. But he'll be back in 2012 with Men in Black 3. Smith was nominated once for playing Muhammad Ali and once for The Pursuit of Happyness. 威哥可說是世界上最大牌的電影明星,最近他為了協助兒子拍攝功夫夢,很少站在 聚光燈下,但他即將在2012年以MIB星際戰警3重返大銀幕。威哥曾經提名兩次奧斯卡, 第一次是飾演拳王阿里,第二次則是勵志溫馨的當幸福來敲門 5.李奧納多迪卡皮歐 Leonardo DiCaprio Box office earnings: $1.8 billion Oscar nominations: 3 With this year's Shutter Island and Inception, DiCaprio is having the best year of his career. He could be looking at a fourth Oscar nomination for the twisty Inception, which earned $824 million at the box office, making it DiCaprio's second-highest-grossing film of all time--after, of course, Titanic. 靠著隔離島與全面啟動的接連賣座,迪卡皮歐成功締造他演藝生涯最完美的一年, 他很有機會以劇情曲折,並且在全球賺進8億票房的全面啟動,第四次提名奧斯卡 影帝,這也是他生涯第二賣座的電影。而第一名-當然就是鐵達尼號囉! 6.布來德彼特 Brad Pitt Box office earnings: $1.7 billion Oscar nominations: 2 Pitt earned his second nomination for 2008's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was also one of his highest-grossing films of all time. Next up for the heartthrob: He'll play Oakland Athletics General Manager Billy Beane in the movie version of Moneyball. 彼特在2008年以班傑明的奇幻旅程,第二次獲得奧斯卡提名,這也是他票房前幾名 的電影。這位讓人心跳加速的帥哥,接下來將會在根據暢銷書改編的魔球中,飾演 奧克蘭運動家的總經理比利賓恩 7.凱特布蘭奇 Cate Blanchett Box office earnings: $1.4 billion Oscar nominations: 5 Blanchett is an Oscar favorite. She seems to get a nod for almost every film she stars in, but she's only won once, for her portrayal of Katherine Hepburn in the 2004 film The Aviator. Her films also do well at theaters. The recent Robin Hood earned $312 million at the global box office. 布蘭奇可說是奧斯卡最喜愛的演員,因為只要有她參與演出的電影,她似乎都能獲得 讚賞。可惜的是,她實際上只有以神鬼玩家詮釋凱薩琳赫本贏得一座小金人。她的 作品在電影院也有不錯的表現,近作羅賓漢就在全球帶來超過三億美金的票房 8.希斯萊傑 Heath Ledger Box office earnings: $1.4 billion Oscar nominations: 2 Ledger's work as The Joker in The Dark Knight was the kind of performance that launches young actors to the next level. Sadly, he passed away before the film hit theaters. It earned him a posthumous Oscar, though, and the film brought in $1 billion at the global box office. 萊傑在黑暗騎士中飾演小丑的精采表現,本來該是讓這位年輕演員晉升一個等級的 演出。可惜的是,他卻在電影還沒上映之前就過世了。不過,這還是為他自己帶來了 一座奧斯卡獎,以及讓這部電影帶來10億美金的全球票房收入 9.麥特戴蒙 Matt Damon Box office earnings: $1.4 billion Oscar nominations: 3 Damon's up-and-down career has included hits like the Bourne films and flops like the recent The Informant. He won an Oscar for writing the 1997 film Good Will Hunting, which he also starred in. Next up for Damon: True Grit, which could earn him a fourth nomination. 戴蒙起伏不定的演藝生涯中,有神鬼認證成功大賣的系列電影,也有像最近在爆料 大師跌了一跤。他曾經在1997年以自編自演的心靈捕手,贏得一座奧斯卡。他的新片 真實的勇氣,很有機會讓他第四次角逐小金人 10.喬治克龍尼 George Clooney Box office earnings: $1 billion Oscar nominations: 5 Clooney used to have a "one-for-them, one-for-me" model of choosing films, working blockbusters like Ocean's Thirteen onto his slate. Now he seems focused only on smaller, artier films. When those are films like Up in the Air, which earned $163 million on an estimated budget of $25 million, he gets rewarded at the Oscars and at the box office. 克龍尼以前通常以「一部為他們,一部為我」(前者指大製作,後者指小成本藝術片) 的原則挑選影片,所以他的片單上才會出現像瞞天過海那樣的賣座片。不過現在, 他看起來似乎更專注於小規模與藝術性的電影。這種電影如果能夠像型男飛行日誌 一樣,以2500萬美金的成本賺進1.6億的票房,還是有機會讓他在市場與獎項上名利 雙收 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 富比士每次公布"最XXX"明星"的名單時 我越來越覺得有幫該排行榜榜首宣傳的嫌疑 因為上次變形金剛男主角入選最物超所值演員時,他剛好要宣傳華爾街2 這次公布終極A咖名單,也恰逢強哥新片上映 不過整體來說他們的計算方式還蠻嚴密的,還是有一定的參考價值就是了 -- 每週好片推薦 1.哭泣的藍衫 The Crying Jersies上映時間:2010-06-18 法國鬧劇級大師"多明尼克"息影之前最後力作 故事描述一位一事無成的國家隊教練,在世界杯上不僅無法控制球員 讓球員們在場上就像遊魂般毫無生氣,也讓所有球迷,甚至總統徹底傷心 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/12 19:17,
只有兩位女性 梅姐不簡單@@
12/12 19:17

12/12 20:00,
12/12 20:00

12/12 20:01,
12/12 20:01

12/12 20:02,
麥特的心靈捕手也是超經典XDDDD 不過後面好像就....
12/12 20:02

12/12 20:44,
裡面除了希斯萊傑 最年輕的應該就是李奧了吧 不簡單!
12/12 20:44

12/12 21:44,
12/12 21:44

12/12 21:47,
12/12 21:47

12/12 21:47,
以上四個不都票房保證= =?
12/12 21:47

12/12 21:51,
對耶 怎麼可能沒有Tom Hanks 他向來也是票房口碑兼具
12/12 21:51

12/12 21:51,
12/12 21:51

12/12 22:09,
12/12 22:09

12/12 22:10,
卡獎的演員才列入計算 光這個條件可能就會刷掉一些
12/12 22:10

12/12 22:10,
演員了 我比較意外的是裘莉 照例說她以陌生的孩子
12/12 22:10

12/12 22:11,
入圍奧斯卡影后 應該也符合這條件才是
12/12 22:11

12/12 22:53,
12/12 22:53

12/12 22:53,
12/12 22:53

12/12 22:54,
12/12 22:54

12/12 23:32,
布魯斯威利是票房好 但演技口碑就比較普普
12/12 23:32

12/13 05:32,
這種排行 看看就好 一線何其多 30名內高下難分
12/13 05:32

12/13 08:18,
其實比個人片酬總和也可以 畢竟是五年 如果賠大錢 片商
12/13 08:18

12/13 08:18,
也不會捧著銀子上門 當然比票房也很OK就是了
12/13 08:18

12/13 09:29,
沒看到Tom Hank 哭哭
12/13 09:29

12/13 09:30,
更正Tom Hanks
12/13 09:30
-- ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙   Who will be  O   O   O   O   O   O   O    the World Cup  巴   葡   英   西   巴      MVP? 西瓜  卡卡 C羅 魯尼 比利亞 范佩西 法比安諾 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/13 23:53, , 1F
12/13 23:53, 1F
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