[外電] 2010 Preview: Knight & Day

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http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=2660&p=.htm 2010 Preview: Knight & Day 騎士出任務 by Ray Subers January 29, 2010 Release Date: July 2 Studio: Fox Genre: Comedy Director: James Mangold Writer: Patrick O'Neill Cast: Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter Sarsgaard, Olivier Martinez, Paul Dano, Marc Blucas, Maggie Grace, Viola Davis Studio Description: An action-comedy centered on a fugitive couple (Cruise and Diaz) on a glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure where nothing and no one—even themselves—are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth vs. trust. 片商的官方資料: 這部動作喜劇描述一對被通緝的情侶(克魯斯與迪亞)經歷了一場 神奇中帶著致命危機,所有人(甚至他們本身)都無法料想到的旅程 在彼此合作與意想不到的背叛當中,他們橫跨全世界 他們生存的最終關鍵,在於一場真相與信任之間的戰爭 Analysis: For the first half of the last decade, Tom Cruise was unstoppable at the box office, with seven straight pictures grossing $100 million or more. This started and ended with Mission: Impossible movies: Mission: Impossible II grossed $215.4 million in 2000, and Mission: Impossible III grossed $134 million in 2006. Mr. Cruise's public image, though, took a beating while doing publicity for War of the Worlds in 2005: from jumping on Oprah Winfrey's couch to pushing his Scientologist beliefs, Cruise's off-camera eccentricities took center stage. Many in the industry and the media blamed him for the relatively soft showing of Mission: Impossible III, even though the movie's premise and marketing combined with franchise decay were the main reasons. While Lions for Lambs (in which he had a supporting role) didn't take, Valkyrie ($83.1 million) restored some of his glory following his well-received, unbilled comedic turn in Tropic Thunder. 分析: 在21世紀的前五年,湯姆克魯斯可以說是魅力無法檔的票房巨星 連續7部電影至少都有1億美金的成績 這項紀錄的起點與終點都在"不可能的任務"系列電影 千禧年的MI2賺了超過兩億,2006年的第三集則下滑到1.34億 然而阿湯哥的公眾形象,卻在2005年宣傳"世界大戰"時就已經由紅轉黑 這些舉動包括在歐普拉的節目上跳沙發,以及強力宣傳他的山達基教派 阿湯哥的怪異行為被放大檢視 許多業界人士與媒體紛紛責怪他要為MI3相對疲軟的成績負責 卻忘了這部片的劇情設定與行銷方式也是這系列氣勢下滑的原因 在這段期間,阿湯哥以配角身分演出的"權力風暴"並未引起廣大迴響 幸好在他無片酬客串"開麥拉驚魂"受到廣泛好評,以及華爾其利雅推出之後 他的聲望又回來了一些 More than anything, a decade of tense, dramatic roles may be what caused audience fatigue and, hence, Tom Cruise's recent box office fade. Shrewdly, Mr. Cruise will finally break up the monotony this summer with Knight & Day, his first action-comedy ever and his first "fun" movie in years in which he plays a spy on the run with likeable co-star Cameron Diaz (who has been most bankable in fun movies). Audiences have generally come out in large numbers for similar movies, as evidenced by Mr. & Mrs. Smith ($186.3 million) and True Lies ($146.3 million in 1994, or the equivalent of over $260 million adjusted for ticket price inflation). 如果仔細分析的話,或許在這10年間一直演出緊張且戲劇化的角色 才是讓觀眾感到疲憊,並導致阿湯哥招牌褪色的原因 而他也很精明的終於在今年暑假的"騎士出任務"打破這種單調的局面 在他生涯第一部動作喜劇,也是他這幾年第一部"有笑點"的電影中 他飾演一位間諜,並且跟可愛的卡麥蓉迪亞一起經歷逃亡 (喜劇一向是蓉姊的拿手類型) 大致來說,觀眾對於這類型的電影都相當買帳 比如說史密斯任務就累積了1.863億 1994年的真實謊言也有1.463億的票房 (假如考慮通貨膨脹因素,這部電影甚至可以達到2.6億) One thing working against Knight & Day, though, is that it is being released on what is perhaps the most competitively scheduled weekend of the year, facing off with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and The Last Airbender. While all three pictures cater to different audiences, it's possible that at least one gets lost in the shuffle, and it's not likely to be Eclipse. Nonetheless, Knight & Day has a great chance at adding to Tom Cruise's list of $100 million hits, but it will need to really distinguish itself in order to reaffirm his status as a top box office force. 然而目前卻有一個對K&D相當不利的地方,那就是她被安排的的檔期 可能是今年以來競爭最激烈的週末 他面對的敵人包括"暮光之城:蝕"與"降世神通" 這三部片各自有不同的主打觀眾群 但很有可能至少其中一部在混亂中失去方向,而且會迷惘的絕對不是暮光3 儘管如此,K&D還是很有機會讓阿湯哥添加一部票房破億的電影 但是他依然需要真正挖掘自己的特色,這樣他才會更有"錢"途 PS:為了避免受到傷害,騎士出任務的檔期已經提前一星期 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/13 01:53, , 1F
06/13 01:53, 1F

06/13 03:01, , 2F
而且會迷惘的絕對不是暮光3 這句真是一針見血XD
06/13 03:01, 2F

06/13 03:02, , 3F
06/13 03:02, 3F

06/13 05:16, , 4F
06/13 05:16, 4F

06/13 08:58, , 5F
06/13 08:58, 5F

06/13 13:42, , 6F
禿頭老闆Les Grossman要拍自傳電影了
06/13 13:42, 6F

06/13 19:54, , 7F
06/13 19:54, 7F

06/13 21:05, , 8F
06/13 21:05, 8F

06/13 21:43, , 9F
我倒是滿期待的 而且這個片名不就是原本卡通的名稱嗎
06/13 21:43, 9F

06/13 22:58, , 10F
06/13 22:58, 10F

01/10 20:15, 5年前 , 11F
降世神通...看片名和 http://yofuk.com
01/10 20:15, 11F
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