[外電] 女性電影女人看 也希望抓住男人

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http://city.udn.com/50132/2831982?tpno=0&cate_no=0 Hollywood Tries to Lure the Men, Too 女性電影女人看 也希望抓住男人 By Michael Cieply LOS ANGELES – In Nora Ephron’s “Sleepless in Seattle” a weepy Rosie O’Donnell, watching “An Affair to Remember” with a sniffling Meg Ryan 15 years ago, said,“Men never get this movie.” 15年前,在諾拉‧艾芙倫的《西雅圖夜未眠》中,一把眼淚一把鼻涕看《金玉盟》 的蘿西歐唐納,對也抽著鼻子的梅格萊恩說:「男人永遠看不懂這部電影。」 The notion of the “chick flick” thus came into its own, referring to films that appeal to women. And Hollywood has been fretting about it ever since, trying to recapture that success yet chafing at a label that is increasingly viewed as a marketplace trap. In New York and other locations, two of the most successful directors of the form – Nora Ephron and P. J. Hogan – are currently shooting what might pass for a couple of next-generation chick flicks. But those involved seem determined to avoid having that classification hung on their films, even if it is rooted in honest observation. Chick flick概念從此成形,意指投女性口味的電影。好萊塢也從此大傷腦筋,既想 重享「西」片的成功,又排斥這個愈來愈被視為商業陷阱的標籤。這類電影的兩大 名導,艾芙倫與哈根,正在紐約等地,拍攝可能變成新世代女性電影的兩部片子。 但即使影評說的是公道話,參與其事的人似乎打定主意,不讓作品被這樣歸類。 Mr. Hogan, who directed the 1997 hit “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” starring Julia Roberts, is filming “Confessions of a Shopaholic,” with Isla Fisher in the lead role, for Touchstone Pictures. The film is based on a literary series that began with the British publication of Sophie Kinsella’s novel with that title in 2000, about a financial journalist with relationship problems and a penchant for overspending. 茱莉亞蘿勃茲主演、1997年賣座電影《新娘不是我》的導演哈根,正替「試金石影業」 拍攝《購物狂的異想世界》(暫譯),主女角為艾拉費雪。電影改編自蘇菲‧金索拉 2000年開始在英國出版的同名系列小說,主人翁是財經記者,人際關係有問題,而且 傾向過度消費。 But the movie is not just for women, the filmmakers insist. “We all have spending habits, a lot of us do,” said Jerry Bruckheimer, one of the film’s producers. 製作人堅稱,這部電影不只是給女性看的。電影製片傑利‧布魯克海默說:「我們 都有亂花錢的習慣,很多人都如此。」 “If we do our job right, this could be another ‘Wedding Crashers,’ " added Mr. Bruckheimer, known for movies popular with men like“Bad Boys” and the “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy. He was referring to the 2005 comic hit that included Ms. Fisher, but actually starred Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as a couple of playboys who go to weddings uninvited for easy sex. 以製作男性觀眾喜愛的《絕地戰警》與《神鬼奇航》三部曲聲名大噪的布魯克海默說 :「要是拍得好,這說不定是另一部《婚禮終結者》。」布魯克海默指的是2005年的 喜劇叫座電影。費雪是女主角之一,真正的主角是文斯范恩與歐文威爾森,這對花心 二人組,專門上婚禮白吃白喝兼找一夜情。 Ms. Ephron, for her part, is shooting “Julie & Julia,” with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep, for Columbia Pictures. In a complex exercise, it is based on both the life of the cooking enthusiast Julia Child and the 2005 book of the same title by Julie Powell, who, stuck in place as an office temp as she approached 30, spent a year whipping up every recipe in Ms. Child’s “ Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” 至於艾芙倫,她正與艾咪亞當斯以及梅莉史翠普合作,替哥倫比亞影業拍《茱莉與 茱莉亞》(暫譯)。透過複雜手法,電影以烹飪愛好者茱莉亞‧柴爾德的生平為經緯 ,兼從茱莉‧鮑爾2005年的同名著作改編。鮑爾是年近30、自覺前途茫然的臨時秘書 ,一年內做遍柴爾德《精通法國菜》食譜的每一道菜。 But that could be a guy thing, right? “We hope this will be a movie for everyone who likes eating,” said Laurence Mark (“Dreamgirls",“Working Girl”), one of the film’s producers. In fact, both films are rooted in a phenomenon – widely styled “chick lit” – that has swept the publishing world in the last decade. The books are written for, and mostly by, professional women in their 20s. The covers are often bright and fluffy, with amusing illustrations. And narrative is often rooted in the first person singular. 男人也幹這種事,不是嗎?曾製作《夢幻女郎》和《上班女郎》的勞倫斯‧馬克說: 「我們希望它能成為每個愛吃的人的電影。」其實,兩片根源於盛行出版界已十年、 一般稱為「年輕女性文學」的現象。這些書籍是為20出頭的職業女性而寫,大多也是 這類女性手筆,封面通常鮮豔、輕鬆,插圖也有趣。敘事者常是第一人稱單數。 “The Devil Wears Prada,” Lauren Weisberger’s 2003 novel about the travails of a young woman in the tough New York fashion magazine industry, spawned the genre’s biggest movie hit, for 20th Century Fox, in 2006. The film, which was directed by David Frankel and starred Ms. Streep and Anne Hathaway, took in about $125 million at the American box office, and more than $200 million abroad. 描繪年輕女性,在辛苦的紐約時尚雜誌界打拚,蘿倫‧薇絲柏格2003年同名小說搬上 銀幕的《穿著Prada的惡魔》,在「廿世紀福斯」2006年推出時,在同類電影中票房 最好。本片由大衛法蘭科執導,梅莉史翠普、安海瑟薇主演,美國票房收入約1億2500 萬美元,海外票房逾2億。 “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” based on Helen Fielding’s novel about a British woman, made about $72 million at the American box office for Miramax Films in 2001. 《BJ單身日記》以海倫‧費爾汀的小說為本,主角是英國女性。此作2001年替米拉 梅克斯影業賺進約7200萬美元的美國票房。 Trying to figure out what exactly, constitutes a supposed chick flick is difficult. “An Affair to Remember,” in which Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr played star-crossed lovers, clearly makes the list. “Knocked Up,” in which Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogen played a star-crossed couple of another sort, probably does not. 筆者雖想釐清,但很難確切說明所謂女性電影的構成要素。卡萊葛倫與黛博拉蔻兒飾演 命運多舛戀人的《金玉盟》,肯定榜上有名。但凱薩琳海格、塞斯羅根的另類不幸佳偶 《好孕臨門》,可能不算這一類。 “The next generation hasn’t announced itself, really,” said Joan Hyler, a talent manager whose clients include Diane Lane, a veteran of romantic fare. Ms. Hyler referred to a young female audience that has yet to find its signature movie. Ms. Lane’s next film, “Nights in Rodanthe,” is based on a Nicholas Sparks novel about a woman who looks for relief from a shattered marriage on the North Carolina coast and falls into the arms of a doctor, played by Richard Gere. It’s almost certainly a chick flick, if Hollywood still permitted the term. 客戶包括浪漫片老手黛安蓮恩的藝人經理瓊安‧海勒說:「下一代尚未表白,真的。」 海勒指的是年輕女性觀眾尚未找到她們的招牌作。蓮恩的新片《羅丹島之戀》(暫譯) 把尼可拉斯史巴克的小說搬上銀幕。在北卡羅來納州海岸,想從破碎婚姻喘口氣的一名 女性,與李察吉爾飾演的醫生相戀。如果好萊塢還肯接受這個名詞,這部幾可肯定是 女性電影。 But even a filmmaker like Ms. Ephron – who helped define contemporary romance with “You’ve Got Mail,” and “When Harry Met Sally” – has become wary of a label that might imply a picture is not quite for everyone. 儘管她的《電子情書》、《當莎莉碰上哈利》曾為當代愛情片的指標,但一個標籤如果 暗示某部片子可能並非男女皆宜,即使是艾芙倫這樣的導演也會有戒心。 As Mr. Bruckheimer noted of “Shopaholic,” we all have issues. “How do you cope with money and love?” asked Mr. Bruckheimer, whose credits include the 1983 hit “Flashdance,” about a woman with a passion for welding, exotic dancing and ballet. He added, “That’s something everyone can understand.” 布魯克海默談《購物狂的異想世界》說,人人都有問題要處理。布魯克海默問道: 「你如何面對金錢和愛情問題?」他的成名作還有1983年的《閃舞》,描述一名熱愛 貼身豔舞與芭蕾的女性。他說:「這是人人能解的題材。」 ============================================================================== 關鍵字句 文章的關鍵字為chick flick(年輕女性電影),chick為年輕女子、小妞、少婦的 俚語,有時含貶抑意味。flick為電影的俚語,chick flick專指很容易賺得年輕女性 熱淚,多數年輕女子愛看的浪漫喜劇(romantic comedy),因此chick flick也是 愛情文藝片的代名詞。 另一相關字為chick lit(chick literature,年輕女性文學),專指以2、30歲單身 、專業女性(professional woman)、上班女郎(working girl)為對象的小說類別 (genre),代表性作品包括《BJ單身日記》(Bridget Jones’s Diary)與《慾望 城市》(Sex and the City)。此一類小說源於1990年代中期,進入2000年代仍有 多部暢銷書(best-seller),敘事手法(narrative)多為第一人稱單數(first person singular)。 文章也說,根據同名小說改編的兩部新的chick flicks,“Confessions of a Shopaholic”(購物狂的異想世界)與“Julie & Julia”,均根植於(root in) 已在出版界橫掃10年的年輕女性文學現象(chick lit Phenomenon)。 原文參照 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/09/movies/09roma.html http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/04/11/arts/chickfliks.php 2008-04-22/聯合報/G06版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文請見4月22日紐時周報七版頭條 -- ﹨●∕─╭───────────────╮ 古 |"無清河!碧潭的水再髒也沒你髒"| ∕﹨ ╰───────────────╯ @thefaith █████◣▇▆▅▆▇ ▇▆▅▆▇ ▇▆▅▆▇ ▇▆▅▆▇█▇▆▅▆▇█▇▆▅ █◣_ˍ▁▂▃▄▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂ 碧潭▃▄▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▄▃▂▁ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/29 15:17, , 1F
JB也會想拍以女性為主角 真是難得
04/29 15:17, 1F

04/29 20:14, , 2F
04/29 20:14, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #185ikKHJ (Theater)