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這是在台維斯杯前的訪問,文章很長, 若有翻譯上的問題,請指正,謝謝。 Andy Murray: 'I want my daughter to be proud of her dad when she grows up' Just after seven o'clock on a winter evening, at the end of a long day in which he has returned to his old life of being the second best tennis player in the world, Andy Murray stretches out on a sofa at Queen's Club in London. It's cold and dark outside but Murray, despite having practised hard at Wimbledon and now facing an hour of questions, is in a relaxed and sunny mood. He only seems taken aback by the simple passing of time since becoming a father this month. 結束漫長練習的一天,於冬日的晚上七點,Andy Murray坐在Queen's Club的沙發上。 雖然外頭既冷又黑,經過辛苦的訓練後並即將面對一小時長的訪問,但Murray處於 愉悅的心情。他只是對於時光的流逝感到驚奇。 "The thing that has surprised me most is how quickly everything changes - from the first day she was born," Murray says of his daughter Sophia. "You don't notice it when you're there every day but you look back at a photo on the day she was born to one taken five days later to now, a few weeks on, and you see how much things change on a daily basis." 「對我而言最驚訝的是:一切都改變超快的,從她出生的第一天開始。當她每天 都在你在旁,你不會發覺那改變,但是當你把一天大、五天大到現在幾個星期大 的照片拿出來看時,你看出她每天的改變有多大。」莫瑞這樣談論他女兒蘇菲雅。 The 28-year-old Murray has been a father for only three weeks. His wife Kim gave birth to their daughter on 7 February. Exactly one week before that life-changing Sunday morning, Murray had lost to the world's dominant player, Novak Djokovic, in the final of the Australian Open. 28歲的莫瑞才成為父親三週。他的妻子金在二月七日誕下他們的女兒。在那改變他們 人生的週日上午的一週之前,莫瑞在澳網決賽輸給目前世界上最具有主宰力的球員, Novak Djokovic。 He reached a fifth Australian final despite concerns about his pregnant wife and the health of her father, Nigel Sears, who collapsed in Melbourne while Murray was winning a third-round match. At the same time, he had to accept that defeat to Djokovic, with whom he grew up on the junior tour, marked his 11th loss in their past 12 matches. Murray has still to add to his two grand slam titles - the 2012 US Open and Wimbledon a year later. 雖然他對懷孕的妻子及岳父的健康感到擔心,岳父在他打第三輪比賽時在澳網場地 倒地,莫瑞還是晉級到決賽。在此同時,他也要接受輸給從青少年時期開始的對手 Djokovic的事實。這是他在過去12次交手中第11場敗仗,但是Murray同時也從中贏 過兩次大滿貫冠軍,2012美網及隔年的溫布敦。 Two and a half years without a grand slam, amid the imperious march of Djokovic, who has won 11 of the blighters, does not seem like a crisis. Murray is still world No2 and this week he returns to competition for the first time since becoming a father. On Friday he will lead Great Britain's defence of the Davis Cup they lifted so unforgettably in November - when Murray played with such grit and emotion to win all three of his matches in the final against Belgium. 兩年半來沒有拿過一次大滿貫金盃,以及在此期間難以阻擋的喬科維奇贏了11座, 這似乎不算是危機。莫瑞現為世界第二,本週他將首次以為人父的身份比賽。星期五 開始他將帶領英國隊朝衛冕台維斯杯之路前進。去年十一月時莫瑞在對比利時隊時 拿下三場勝利。 They face Japan in Birmingham and Murray is again expected to win every match he plays - including a crucial singles against Kei Nishikori, the world No6. 他們將在伯明翰與日本隊比賽。當然莫瑞被預期可以贏得每一場比賽,包括重要的 單打,對戰世界第六的錦織圭。 There is regret at the thought of being away from home for the first time since Sophia's birth. "I really don't want to miss seeing those changes," he says. "Even when I'm away for a day I feel bad. I feel I should be there and I want to be there as much as I can. So when I'm leaving the house at eight in the morning and getting back at eight at night, I feel bad." 然而,莫瑞對於在蘇菲雅出生以來第一次即將離家一陣子一事感到有些遺憾。 「我真的很不想錯過那些改變。即使我只是離開一天,我都覺得很糟。我覺得我應 在她身邊而且非常渴望在她身邊。因此當我離家一整天,我感到難過。」 It will be closer to 10 by the time Murray gets home on the day we meet but he has already made me laugh when describing how nervously his brother held Sophia the first time he met her. He offers an amusing imitation of Uncle Jamie's uncertainty when entering the strange new world of babies. Did Murray also worry about dropping his daughter the first time he gathered her in his arms? 在我們見面的那天,莫瑞到家時間將會接近晚上10點,但是他描述他哥哥第一次 見到蘇菲雅,如何緊張不安的抱著她讓我大笑。他模仿傑米伯伯如何不安地進入 奇妙的寶寶世界。那麼,Andy是否也在第一次抱女兒時會擔心不小心把她摔到地上呢? "I was OK holding her. The only thing I found difficult was changing her because you see a small person and you think they're so fragile - or that their hands are so small that when you're putting their fingers through their top that they could maybe break. But when you see all the midwives - and Kim has a good friend who is a midwife - they're a lot rougher and they do things much more quickly. Lots of people have told me babies are a lot more resilient than you think. They're not going to break." 「抱著她還好,我只是對換尿布感到困難。因為她是那麼的小,你認為她很脆弱, 或她的手那麼小,你擔心當你把她的手指放在前面時可能不小心弄斷。但是當你 看到助產士,她們的動作較大也很快速。很多人告訴我說寶寶比你想像的還能適應, 沒那麼脆弱。」 Has he reached the stage when, changing a stinky nappy, he can hold the baby's legs as if handling a trussed-up chicken? "I've not held her upside down yet," Murray says, grinning. "But, yeah, after the first couple of days I felt much more confident." 他是否已經可以在換髒尿布時,像拿著綁好的雞一樣,只握著寶寶的腳? 「我還沒有把她倒立過,但是,經過幾天後,我對換尿布感到有信心一點了」 莫瑞笑說。 The key question on court will be whether, just like Djokovic and Roger Federer have seemed to play even better since becoming dads, fatherhood might help his tennis. "It's tough to tell," Murray says. "I've been training again and certainly haven't been worse. I've been very motivated in practice. Obviously with Novak and Roger it's worked out well. I don't know if having kids has made them play better or if they're just really good." 在球場上的重點問題是,是否會像喬爸與費爸一樣,在成為爸爸後打得比以前 還好呢?「這很難說,我已經開始訓練,當然沒有變得更糟。我在訓練時覺得 感到激勵。在 Novak和Roger身上,當父親似乎有所助益。我不知道有小孩後 讓他們打得更好或他們其實本來就很厲害。」 Murray smiles again, a little ruefully. "For other players it hasn't worked out as well. But [fatherhood] is a positive thing - and tennis not being your priority can help. It lends perspective when you have a bad loss or bad practice. The outcome of a match is not everything but I want my daughter to be proud of her dad when she grows up and sees what I did. I hope it works out in a positive way on the court but if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world." 莫瑞苦笑著說:「對其他球員而言就沒有怎麼有用了。但是(成為父親)是件好事, 同時間這使網球不再是第一重要的事,這有點幫助。當你輸了一場比賽或練習不順 利,這提供其他的觀點。一場比賽的勝負不是最重要的,但我希望我女兒長大後以 我為傲,並看到我所做的事情。我希望(有小孩)可以使我在場上表現的更好, 但如果沒有,也不是世界末日。」 There is so much steel in Murray, for he plays with the fierce heart of the boxers he admires, that his appetite for hard work and victory is unlikely to be diminished. Great sportsmen often galvanise themselves at turning points in their lives. 莫瑞是充滿決心的,他比賽時帶著狂熱的心情比賽就如他所欣賞的拳擊手一樣。 他對勝利的渴望及在練習時努力不懈將不可能消失。偉大的運動員通常在他們 人生的轉捩點時激發潛能。 It's different when an ageing athlete hits the crossroads and, as time closes in, the old intensity withers away. But settling into a permanent relationship, or becoming a father, alters the focus of the burningly ambitious tyro. In its place, something more layered can help produce a new kind of fire. It might be less raging - but a deeper sense of control and experience can produce lasting greatness. 和老一點的運動員站在人生十字路口,因為時光的流逝而凋零不同。進入一個穩定的 感情或為人父母,改變野心勃勃的新手的人生重點。但某種包含更多層次的薪火同時 在心中萌生。也許不似之前炙熱,但是更懂得自我控制及經驗將使其邁向偉大。 Here, there is a sense that Murray is merely pausing before returning to a sapping battle with fresh purpose. Last week it was 10 years exactly since he won his first ATP title when, aged 18, he beat Lleyton Hewitt in San Jose. It was striking Murray won the tournament on his own, with no backup team around him and, also, because he revealed to the world for the first time he had a girlfriend. Does he remember any concern that kissing Kim at courtside would start the invasive scrutiny that has since punctuated his life? 在此,有一種莫瑞只是暫時休息一下,並帶著全新的意志來面對未來激戰。 上週正好是莫瑞第一次贏得ATP冠軍的十週年。當時18歲的他在聖荷西擊敗休伊特。 那很讓人吃驚,因為當時莫瑞隻身一人贏得冠軍,身旁沒有圖隊支援。同時間他 也在獲勝時,第一次讓全世界知道他有個女朋友。他是否還記得當時他是否顧慮 到在場邊親吻金,將會開啟(媒體)侵入式的放大檢視並不斷干擾他的生活? "I was 18 so I really had no idea. I didn't know what that side of things would be like." 「我當時只有18歲,我真的不知道。我不知道那樣的事情會是怎樣的。」 Murray is both nostalgic and understanding when remembering the difficulties of more anonymous times. "Mark Petchey was my coach but he wasn't in San Jose. He came out the following week when I went straight to a tournament in Memphis. Kim went home and Mark came out. I only travelled with Mark in those days. That was the team - me and Mark. He coached me for nine months and Mark is one of the best coaches I've had. 莫瑞懷舊並理解當回想未成名時所遇到的困難。「Mark Petchey是我當時的教練, 但他並不在聖荷西。他下一週當我到曼非斯比賽時才出現。金回家去而馬克出現。 我當時只有和馬克一同巡迴。團隊就只有我和馬克兩個人。他僅指導我九個月, 而他是我遇過最好的教練之一。」 "I loved working with him. But one of our mistakes was that I didn't have a place in London and so I would stay with him and his family. I got on great with everyone and loved the kids - he had two young girls - and I stayed upstairs in the attic. I loved that. They really took me into their family but we were living with each other and it was just me and him on the road all the time. We spent breakfast, lunch and dinner together and worked with each other in-between. 「我喜歡和他一起工作,但當時我們其中一個錯誤就是我在倫敦沒住的地方,所以 我必須住在他家。我和他的家人處得融洽,也很喜歡他的孩子們。我住在閣樓, 我很喜歡。他們接納我成為家中的一份子,但是住在一起,在加上在比賽時只有 我們兩人同行。我們三餐一起吃,然後其他時候一起訓練。」 "It's very difficult for the coach because he's having to hang out with an 18-year-old and also be a father figure. At that age I still needed to make sure I had my shoes in my bag and my strings in my racket, and [I was] warming up and getting to sleep at the right time. Mark was great at all that but we just spent too much time together." 「這對教練來說很困難,因為他必須和一個18歲的孩子在一起,同時間要擔負 父親角色。在那個年紀,我還需要被提醒我有帶該帶的東西,球拍的線是否缺少, 然後我熱身及就寑時間是否正常。馬克是個好人,但是我們實在花太多時間在一起了。」 He now has a proper team around him but, being Murray, it is also more interesting than most because his head coach is a woman. Amelie Mauresmo got the job in June 2014. It generated scepticism at the time but 2015 marked his most consistent year on tour. Even Mauresmo becoming a mother last August has not undermined Murray's progress. 他現在有一個較完整的團隊,但是莫瑞這個團隊算是有趣的。因為他的教練是個女性。 Amelie Mauresmo在2014年六月就任。在當時引起不少質疑聲,但是2015年是他職業 生涯中最穩定的一年。即使Amelie在八月份成為母親,也沒有影響莫瑞的進展。 "Amelie started with me at a tough time," Murray says. "I'd just dropped out of the top 10. I'd had my [back] surgery at the end of the previous year and it was a tough road back. But from No11, with her I managed to get up to No2, and challenging for slams again. The depth we go into when we discuss the matches has been higher than with other coaches. When she played against Venus and Serena Williams, who are very powerful, she won in different ways - coming to the net, using more variety, lots of spin. She has encouraged me to do that and it's something I did when I was much younger. She's also committed. Amelie's spent a lot of time with me since becoming a mother and that continuity helps." 「Amelie在最艱難的時刻成為我的教練,我才剛掉出世界前十。我在前一年底 才背部開刀。但從她剛執教時的世界第11到世界第二,到再次挑戰大滿貫。我們 針對比賽討論的深度比其他教練還深。當她還在比賽,她與威廉斯姊妹比過, 也以不同的方式贏過,例如:來到網前,打法多變,旋球。她鼓勵我嘗試這做, 而我以前年輕時也是這樣打的。她同時也很盡忠職守。Amelie在成為母親後, 我們花很多時間在一起,而這種持續是很大的幫助。」 Murray is probably the deepest thinker on the men's tour and he and Mauresmo will talk in a way that transcends the usual sporting platitudes and stats when they try to find a way for him to beat Djokovic again. He picks up on a misleading statistic which suggests he made only 28 unforced errors in an epic five-set win over Milos Raonic in the Australian semi-final - but that 65 unforced errors apparently flew from his racket in the three-set final. "The rallies are much shorter against Raonic. If you make a mistake after a 30-shot rally as a player you don't go: 'Oh, that's an unforced error.' Djokovic makes more balls and he's consistent. So you have to be more aggressive and take more chances." 莫瑞大概是ATP中最會深思的人,而Mauresmo將會以超越運動界的老生常談及 數據的方式去找到安迪擊敗喬科維奇的方法。他在澳網出現有些數據,四強賽 以五盤擊敗Raonic時只有28個非受迫性失誤,但是在決賽時,三盤內他就發生 65次非受迫性失誤。「在與Raonic比賽時來回比較少。但是當你在來回30次後 發生失誤,身為球員你不會說『喔,那是個非受迫性失誤』。喬科維奇,他很 穩定也不易失誤。所以你必須積極一點,然後機會來時好好保握。」 A delicate balance is required because increased aggression can lead to diminished consistency. "Exactly. A lot of commentators say you have to be more aggressive. Does that mean you hit the ball harder or play closer to the line or serve and volley? Does it mean you have to stand closer to the baseline? At the highest level you can't just say: 'Be aggressive.' You need a proper strategy. Jos? Mourinho wouldn't send his team out against Barcelona and just say: 'Be more aggressive.' It's a lot more complex playing the best in the world. 這必須是一個很微妙的平衡,因為當你積極,同時將會使穩定性降低。正是。 很多球評說你必須打法更積極。那是說你必須用力打球,還是說你盡量接近邊線, 或發球並截擊。或是指你站的更靠近底線?在最高層次的比賽,你不能 只說『積極一點』。你需要好的策略。Jos? Mourinho不會在他的隊伍與巴塞隆納 比賽時說『積極一點踢』,再與世界最好的比賽時是相對複雜的。」 "Floyd Mayweather is a good example. A lot of people say: 'Just fight him how Oscar De La Hoya fought him. Back him up and throw a lot of punches when he's on the ropes.' But when you're in the ring it's much more difficult to do that." 「Floyd Mayweather 是一個很好的例子。很多人說『和他打時,只要像Oscar De La 一樣的方式跟他打就好。讓他退後,並在拳擊場線邊時狠狠的重擊。但是當你是在 比賽時,是很難這樣做的。」 It also becomes harder when, as in Melbourne, Murray starts slowly and loses the first set 6-1. Murray tends to beat Djokovic, who leads their head-to-head record 22-9, when he wins the first set. "All of them actually," he says more precisely of the nine victories over his nemesis. 就像在墨爾本時一樣,莫瑞第一盤慢熱並輸掉該盤,就使得贏球更難。在莫瑞贏得 第一盤時,他相對能勝喬科維奇時,喬科維奇在兩人交手中獲得22勝9敗。 「其實所有勝場都一樣(先贏第一盤)」莫瑞更精確的說出他九場從對手拿下的勝利。 It must be crushing, psychologically, whenever he drops the first set to Djokovic? "No. I obviously lost the first set 6-1 but the next two sets were close. If it was 7-6, 6-3, 6-1 then it would be like 'Oh, God.' But, yeah, if the top players win the first set they're winning 95% of the time. It helps to get a lead and then play with more freedom. I had break-points in his first two service games but I still went 3-0 down. He played very well for the next 30 minutes and my level dipped." 那每次與喬帥打,第一盤沒拿下,不就心理上很挫敗嗎?「不,我很第一盤六比一 輸掉,但是接下來兩盤都很接近。如果是七比六、六比三,和六比一,那可能就像 是『喔,天阿』。但是頂尖球員敵得第一盤,他們勝率是95%。取得領先很有幫助, 也給你一些空間。我在他前兩個發球局都過破發點,但是我還是三比零落後。他在 接下來的30分鐘打得非常好,然後我的狀態下降。」 Murray shakes his head defiantly when asked if he is haunted by winning only one out of their last dozen matches - in Montreal last August. "I don't look as much into that as everyone else. Look at [Stan] Warwinka winning his second slam [in Paris last year] against Novak. He'd lost to him 13 times in a row. I don't think he'd ever beaten [Rafael] Nadal [in 12 previous meetings] when Stan won Australia in 2014. Each time you step on to the court it's a completely new match. The reason Novak's beaten me a lot recently is that he's been the better player. But if I play him tomorrow it's a bit like roulette. People think there have been five reds in a row. It's got to be black next time - but the roulette wheel doesn't know what's happened before. 當被問到他是否對於兩人最近12次對戰只在蒙特婁贏一場感到焦慮,他不同意地搖 著頭:「我不會像其他人一樣如此細看。看Warwinka去年從喬科維奇手上拿下他 第二個大滿貫(在巴黎),他可是連續13場比賽輸給喬帥。我想Stan應該在贏得 2014澳網之前,沒贏過納達爾。每一次當你踏上球場,都是全新的比賽。Novak可以 在最近常常贏我的原因,就是他是比較好的那個球員。但如果我明天和他比賽,就會 像賭輪盤一樣。人們想目前是連五紅了,下一次應該是黑色了,但是輪盤轉盤不知道 之前出現了什麼阿。」 "Obviously tennis is different because skill is involved but when we play tomorrow the match in Australia doesn't mean he beats me the next time. Just like after I beat him in Montreal it didn't automatically mean I would beat him the next time." 「當然,網球因為有技巧成分所以和賭輪盤不同。但是當我們明天在澳洲比賽, 並不代表他就會勝我,就像在我於蒙特婁打敗他也不代表我下一次在那裡也會贏。」 Djokovic's grip on men's tennis during the last two years has been so firm I ask Murray an unfair question. Could his rival overtake Federer's record of 17 grand slam victories? "It's tough. A few years ago everyone thought Nadal would pass it. If Novak keeps going at the rate he's going now he finishes on about 23 slams. But to predict someone is going to win that many? 喬科維奇過去兩年在男子網壇的地位十分牢靠,所以我問莫瑞一個不太公平的問題。 喬科維奇有可能打破費德勒17座大滿貫的紀錄嗎?「這很難說,在幾年前,大家都 說納達爾將會超越費。但若Novak保持他現在的狀態與拿冠軍的速度,他很可能那下 23座大滿貫。但是去預測一個人拿下那麼多冠軍?」 "Look at Serena. At the US Open she was in the semis and it was considered a certainty she would win. It didn't happen. Same as in Australia [where Williams lost to Angelique Kerber]. Winning more helps but when you're trying to achieve something that's never been done before, the pressure builds. Novak has the potential to do it … but it becomes harder. Tiger Woods was nailed on to pass Jack Nicklaus's major wins but there are no guarantees." 「只要看小威就好。在美網四強賽,大家都預期她會贏,但那沒有發生。在澳網 也一樣(小威在決賽輸給柯珀)。贏球當然有幫助,但是當你企圖成就一件從未 被達成的事情時,壓力頗大。Novak他是有潛力做到的(突破費爸紀錄),但是 那是很難的。伍茲曾經打破Nicklaus的大賽記錄,但是這種事不是絕對的。」 More simply, will Murray win a few more slams in his own career? "I don't know. When I lost the Wimbledon 2012 final I didn't know if I'd ever win a slam. Then when I won the US Open they were asking: 'What's going to happen now?' I thought: 'It's taken me this long to win one I don't know if I'll win another.' And now that I've not won one for a couple of years I don't know if I'll win another one." 簡單一點的問題,莫瑞是否可能再贏幾座大滿貫?「我不知道,在輸掉2012溫布敦 決賽之後我不知道我未來是否能夠贏一座大滿貫冠軍。當我得到美網冠軍時,他們 問我:『接下來會怎麼發展呢?』,我想『經過這麼久我才第一次捧盃,我不知道 我能否再贏一個。』而現在這兩年我沒有贏過一次,我真的不知道我還能獲得冠軍?」 This is not an admission of defeat - for there is another flash of Murray steel when he looks up and says: "But I believe I still can. I've been close the last year. I had my best French Open. At Wimbledon I was playing extremely well and it took Federer to play an unbelievable match. He served 79% first serves which might happen once a year - twice at best. I can definitely still win more slams. I've just got to take the chances when they come." 這不是認輸,在莫瑞回答這問題時可以看到其堅毅意志:「我相信我還可以做得到, 我去年是接近目標了,我有我最好的法網成績,溫布敦時我打得不錯,逼的費德勒 得打一場不可思議的比賽,他的一發率79%,一年大概只會出現一次,兩次最多了。 我還能那下大滿貫金盃。我只是必須在機會來時好好保握。」 Murray's belief is bolstered in the familiar surrounds of Queen's. This summer he will attempt to win the Aegon Championship for a record fifth time and he talks with real ardour about his desire to lift the trophy of the tournament he loves most outside the four grand slams. Should he be successful at Queen's Murray will overtake a group of four-times winners who include Roy Emerson, John McEnroe, Boris Becker, Lleyton Hewitt and Andy Roddick. 莫瑞的此種信念在Queen's將會是更加強。今年夏天他將企圖那下該賽事的第五座 冠軍,這是他除了四大賽外最想贏的賽事。如果他真的奪冠,他將會擠下拿下四 座冠軍的選手包含Roy Emerson, John McEnroe, Boris Becker, Lleyton Hewitt and Andy Roddick。 He will also be rejuvenated by making his comeback, as a father, in the Davis Cup - a team format that means so much to him. What was he thinking, after winning his reverse singles with a sumptuous lob against David Goffin that sealed a 3-1 win over Belgium, when he fell on to his back and the tears came? "Just disbelief that you'd won the Davis Cup. And then everyone jumped on me. I don't like it because I get a bit claustrophobic. I've also never liked it when I'm watching a big match and a player wins but doesn't shake hands with the opponent. I wanted to say bad luck to the Belgian team first before celebrating." 同時他將以新手爸爸的新姿態回歸賽場,參加台維斯杯賽事,一場對他意義重大的 團隊賽事。當他去年打敗David Goffin,並躺在地上時心裡在想什麼?「就不敢相信 贏得台維斯杯,然後每個人都跳到我身上,我並不喜歡那樣,因為那使我有一點 幽閉恐懼症的感覺。我同時也不太喜歡,在觀看大賽時,一位球員贏球了就沒有去 和對手握手。我當時想要先去跟比利時隊的選手致意再慶祝。」 Did the captain, Leon Smith, need to do much persuading before Murray decided to play this week? "No. I always wanted to play providing everything went well with Kim and the baby. It's going to be a tough tie. Last year the toughest team we played was France and they didn't have anyone ranked as high as Nishikori. He's capable of winning two singles. 所以隊長Leon Smith是否需要說服莫瑞來打本週的台維斯杯呢?「不需要。我一直 想要打,只要金和寶寶一切都很好的話。這將會是很激烈的賽事。去年我們對到的 最強隊伍是法國隊,而他們沒有球員的排名像錦織圭一般高,他有贏得兩場比賽的 實力。」 "I lost to him once at the World Tour Finals in 2014. We've played six times so I've won five. But he's one of the best players in the world and I won't have played a match for almost five weeks. That's the longest break I've ever had at this stage of the season. There are no guarantees but hopefully I can play well and help the team win." 「我曾在2014年的年終賽時輸給他一次。我們對戰六次,我贏過五次。但是他是 世界頂尖的球員之一,而且我五個禮拜沒比賽了,這是我在球季中這時段內休過 最久的一次。我沒辦法保證什麼,但希望我可以打的好並幫助球隊贏球。」 His usual involvement in the doubles with his brother "depends on how the singles go on the first day. When you haven't played for a long time things hurt a bit more after a match". 他和他的哥哥應該會一同打雙打。 「這應該要看第一天單打的結果而定,當你 很久沒比賽了,賽後你會很疲憊。」 Murray stresses he is as hungry as ever and he feels ready to play at this level for many more years. "Definitely. Andre Agassi was one of the few guys in the last 20 years who played at the top of his game until he was 36. But Roger is 35 this year. David Ferrer is 34 this year and Feliciano L?pez turns [35]. Roger's in the top three in the world, Ferrer's in the top 10 and L?pez is around the top 20. It all just depends on how my body handles it." 莫瑞強調他很渴望也覺得他準備好未來幾年都將要面對強度的賽事。「當然, 阿格西是過去20年內少數可以即使滿36歲還能打高張力比賽的球員。但是羅傑 今年35、Ferrer今年34歲,還有Feliciano L?pez(滿35)。羅傑是世界前三, Ferrer是前十,而L?pez大約在前20名,這都是要看我的身體如何適應的。」 There is still enough time for Murray to extol the courage of the fighters he loves and to discuss the Frampton-Quigg bout last weekend. "Boxers risk a lot in the ring. That's one of the things that attracts me to it. You want to see a knockout but I also really don't want to see people get hurt. It's this constant dilemma when I'm watching boxing. The only times I get nervous is watching a really big fight or when my brother is playing. I get to the stage where I'm actually shaking. 還有一點時間讓莫瑞讚揚他所喜歡拳擊手的勇氣及上週末的比賽。「拳擊手在比賽 時有很多風險。這是這運動吸引我的一個原因,你想看到擊倒,但是我同時不想看 到人受傷。我在看拳擊時都持續保有這種兩難情緒。在我在看拳擊大賽或我哥比賽 時,我會緊張,甚至到顫抖。」 "It's that strange. But the thing I really like about boxing is that, at the end, they respect each other. I find that amazing because sometimes before a fight it gets a little too much. They can do that to each other and put themselves through so much pain and then, at the final bell, they show such respect." 「這有點不尋常。但是我喜歡拳擊的地方是,到最後全手們彼此尊重。我覺得 這很奇妙,因為在賽前,有時有點過頭,他們在比賽時可以把對方打得很慘, 但是到最後鈴聲響起時,他們彼此尊重。」 Murray also passes on some of the lessons he has learnt from other great sporting figures like Sir Alex Ferguson. "He talked about the three Cs … consistency, concentration and confidence. But most of the time I just bombarded him with questions like who was better? Messi or Ronaldo?" 莫瑞也把他從其他運動人物那裡學來的告知我,例如Alex Ferguson爵士。 「他跟我說過3個C:穩定性、專注力、以及自信。但是大都時間我都是問 他一大堆問題像是:『梅西和羅納度誰比較好?』」 The new dad laughs at himself but it will be a surprise if Murray does not strive harder than ever to lift his own trio of Cs to an even higher level in the next few years. Consistency, concentration and confidence may pour out of him as, content and fulfilled at home, he returns to battle in the gladiatorial setting of the tennis court. The next stage, for Murray and the rest of us, promises to be even more gripping than the last decade. 新爸爸嘲笑自己,但是如果莫瑞並沒有努力提升他自己的3C使自己在未來幾年 更成功的話,將是一大意外。在家庭裡他心滿意足,而他將回到網球戰場穩定 性、專注力及自信也許將從他散發出來。對莫瑞與我們,下一個階段,將會是 比過去十年更加扣人心弦。 Andy Murray, Rafael Nadal and Stan Wawrinka will compete in the 2016 Aegon Championships at Queen's Club, 13-19 June. 莫瑞、納達爾及瓦林卡都將參與2016年六月13~19日在Queen's Club舉辦的Aegon Championships賽事。 http://tinyurl.com/gqqyqqs -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1457596469.A.1B6.html ※ 編輯: yyhong68 (, 03/10/2016 16:05:26

03/10 16:38, , 1F
03/10 16:38, 1F

03/10 16:44, , 2F
暖男適合多生幾個 一個太少了 繼續加油造人吧
03/10 16:44, 2F

03/10 21:31, , 3F
03/10 21:31, 3F

03/10 21:46, , 4F
03/10 21:46, 4F

03/10 21:57, , 5F
推安迪和原po 辛苦你了 !
03/10 21:57, 5F

03/10 22:22, , 6F
推小安迪! 住在女生宿舍的男人XDD
03/10 22:22, 6F

03/10 23:49, , 7F
03/10 23:49, 7F

03/11 05:01, , 8F
推 感謝原po
03/11 05:01, 8F

03/12 18:50, , 9F
推推 暖爸加油T_T
03/12 18:50, 9F

03/12 18:51, , 10F
他的心態真的好棒QQ 謝謝翻譯~~~
03/12 18:51, 10F

03/13 15:22, , 11F
03/13 15:22, 11F

03/29 16:53, , 12F
03/29 16:53, 12F
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