[徵才] 美商SerialTek徵Tech Sales&Support Eng

看板Tech_Job作者 (blackpig)時間1年前 (2022/08/29 11:53), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
【公司名稱】SerialTek 【公司網址】https://www.serialtek.com/ 【公司簡介】 SerialTek, a leading worldwide provider of test and analysis solutions for PCI e, NVMe, SAS and SATA technologies. SerialTek's customers include the world’s largest technology companies as well as smaller developers, across a variety of markets and product categories, including silicon developers, SSD manufactu rers, integrators, IP providers, test labs, government agencies, automotive c ompanies, and more. 【職務名稱】 Technical Sales & Support Engineer 【職務說明/應徵條件】 Key Responsibilities: - Reports to the Director of Sales - Works from the Taipei office, with occasional travel - Periodically attends trade shows, test events and other industry events - Performs product demonstrations, both remote and at customer sites - Performs first level of regional customers technical support - Tracks and manages the sales cycle using CRM software - Assists in the development and analysis of regional sales strategies Skills and experience required: - Bachelor’s or master’s degree in engineering - A successful background as technical sales engineer, technical support engin eer or application engineer - Excellent verbal and written communications skills in local language and Eng lish - Advance knowledge of PCIe and NVMe technologies and market - Knowledge of SAS, SATA, or other interconnect protocols is a plus - Knowledge of protocol test solutions and use cases is a plus 【上班地點】家裡/辦公室 【出差外派】總部在美國,會需要參加Trade Shows或Standardize Bodies'的event 【上班時段】符合台灣勞動法規,彈性無須打卡。 【薪資福利】 薪資: 年薪 150W - 300W NTD (如果有很matched的Candidats有機會談更高) 【應徵方式】 若對職位有興趣請將英文履歷寄至steven.chen@unigraf.fi,若對職缺有其他問題請站內 信,我會在能力範圍內盡量回答。 【備註】 此職位會是第一位SerialTek在台的員工但會與Symbyosis的group坐在一個辦公室一起工 作。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1661745190.A.B3A.html

08/29 12:09, 1年前 , 1F
08/29 12:09, 1F

08/29 14:06, 1年前 , 2F
真香 羨慕
08/29 14:06, 2F

08/29 15:50, 1年前 , 3F
Sales兼fae 的意思 薪水*2?
08/29 15:50, 3F

08/29 21:17, 1年前 , 4F
原PO 好帥 人生勝利組
08/29 21:17, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1Z33Wciw (Tech_Job)