[請益] 請問GG_DL面試英文理化內容?

看板Tech_Job作者 (小空)時間11年前 (2013/04/29 20:31), 編輯推噓10(1006)
留言16則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Dear all Would you mind sharing concept of GG interview. Thanks a lots. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: snri 來自: (04/29 20:32) ※ 編輯: snri 來自: (04/29 20:33)

04/29 20:53, , 1F
How are you? I am fine. Thank you. And you?
04/29 20:53, 1F

04/29 20:57, , 2F
Wow DL's English is not bad but thanks a lot.....s?
04/29 20:57, 2F

04/29 21:15, , 3F
Are u kidding,right?
04/29 21:15, 3F

04/29 21:35, , 4F
Push 2F
04/29 21:35, 4F

04/29 21:41, , 5F
You post the wrong place, here all are engineers.
04/29 21:41, 5F

04/29 21:54, , 6F
Be a girl ,BJ4
04/29 21:54, 6F

04/29 22:47, , 7F
hi girl do u wanna suck my coXX?
04/29 22:47, 7F

04/29 22:52, , 8F
04/29 22:52, 8F

04/29 22:57, , 9F
So funny to see your post. haha
04/29 22:57, 9F

04/29 23:02, , 10F
Sit down please.
04/29 23:02, 10F

04/29 23:11, , 11F
This is a book. That is a pencil.
04/29 23:11, 11F

04/29 23:15, , 12F
why did u edit ur post two times?
04/29 23:15, 12F

04/30 00:32, , 13F
hi im Jack this is Janet
04/30 00:32, 13F

04/30 11:16, , 14F
how do you turn this on
04/30 11:16, 14F

04/30 23:01, , 15F
How Do You Do? My name is Bob
04/30 23:01, 15F

05/01 05:07, , 16F
Anybody here?
05/01 05:07, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1HVcWqNZ (Tech_Job)