[徵才] 外商網路安全公司Nexusguard

看板Tech_Job作者 (人在江湖愛不由己)時間11年前 (2013/04/09 14:53), 編輯推噓2(317)
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代PO訊息,如有相關問題,請參閱以下聯絡方式。 如有違反版規,請麻煩版主通知一聲,敬請見諒。 —————————————————————————————————————— 104人力銀行連結:http://ppt.cc/oqyw 公司簡介: Nexusguard為提供全方位、雲端式網際網路安全解決方案的領導供應商。 透過網際網路,Nexusguard的解決方案能確保企業客戶為其企業的使用者 提供永不間斷的網際網路服務,並保護客戶免於日益增加且技術持續精進的網際網路威脅 ,尤其是分散式阻斷服務(DDoS)攻擊。Nexusguard總部位於香港,於臺灣設立分公司, 並在全球各地建立完全互連的大型資料淨化中心。Nexusguard致力於為全球客戶 提供高客製化、高品質、低延遲及高成本效益的DDoS防護服務。 Nexusguard 榮獲2010年度香港卓越企業獎,並通過ISO27001認證。 我們竭誠歡迎對工作有理想、有熱情的生力軍,加入我們的團隊,與公司共同成長。 福利制度: 公司採人性及自主化管理, 我們視所有同仁為公司最重要的資產, 重視員工的需求與發展。 1.具競爭力的整體薪酬制度 a.依個人能力及工作職掌提供具競爭力的薪資 b.每年依據個人績效及公司整體營運狀況發放具激勵性地紅利獎金/調薪/升遷 c.每年提供1個月年終獎金。 d.三節獎金(端午、中秋、春節)。 2.福利制度 a.具健全之勞保、健保、勞退金制度,並提供員工免費之團體保險 (含壽險、意外險、醫療險)、海外旅遊保險、癌症保險、職業災害保險等保障。 b.完善的員工教育訓練及在職進修補助 c.絕佳之辦公環境 d.生育、傷病、住院、急難救助、婚喪禮金補助。 e.定期提供同仁免費健康檢查。 f.介紹獎金制度 g.休假制度 -周休二日(輪班人員之休假依公司制度) -優於勞基法之年假休假制度 - 第一年即享有16天年假 (年假天數將按照到職日當天依比例計算) -陪產假 -不扣薪病假(14天) -女性同仁生理假 h.休閒活動 -公司聚餐 目前職缺列表: 1. Database Specialist 類別:資料庫人員 2. Senior Developer 類別:程式設計師/軟體設計師 3. System Specialist 類別:系統工程師、MIS主管 4. Operation Manager 類別:MIS主管/網路管理經理 5. Web Developer 類別:程式設計師/軟體設計師 6. Solution Engineer 類別:網路工程師/網路安全分析師 若您對我們的工作機會有興趣,請與我們連絡! 聯絡窗口:黃小姐 / Stacy Huang 聯絡電話:02 - 26598958 ext. 5210 Email : stacy.huang@nexusguard.com Database Specialist Key Job Duties & Responsibilities *Develops structures and standards for use and maintenance of the database management system. *Collaborates with the Network Specialist in ensuring efficient access of Database. *Supports database performance by monitoring database performance; evaluating and resolving processing and programming problems; designing database management tools; answering user questions. *Ensure database access and connectivity support. *Provides performance tuning of database systems for query and data loading performance, including data partitioning, indexing, etc. *Design, implement and document database back-up and recovery processes. *Gather and analyze requirements for database systems, including data modeling, performance and scalability requirements, and data security. *Implements database maintenance and security procedures including adding and removing users, and administering quotas. *Define and enforce database design and management standards and document new and existing database systems and procedures. *Liaises with users to ensure that the Database meets their requirements. Qualifications / Requirements Five years of experience designing, developing, installing, monitoring and maintaining relational database software and related hardware; OR, Associate's degree in Management Information Systems, Computer Information Technology or related field AND four years experience designing, developing, installing, monitoring and maintaining relational database software and related hardware; OR, Bachelor's degree in Management Information Systems, Computer Information Technology or related field AND two years experience designing, developing, installing, monitoring and maintaining relational database software and related hardware; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience, training and/or education. Experience with understanding all monitoring thresholds and alerts and associated escalation paths. Desire and ability to keep up to date with the latest technical developments within their service area. Effective experience of report preparation and presentation to wide-ranging audiences. Fluency in both English and Mandarin Willing to take shift Senior Developer Key Job Duties & Responsibilities *Development of customer-facing web portals to include data from a variety of mediums displayed in a cohesive fashion. *Development of internal web dashboards to show the current status of the operations and infrastructure to achieve business goals. *Develop and maintain various product e-commerce site. *Develop and maintain various reporting portal technology. *Research and develop innovative methods of presenting information in efficient, yet meaningful manners. *Work with operations teams to enhance and streamline workflows for portal and dashboard navigation. *Creates and executes project work plans and revises as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements. *Communicates and enforces coding standards *Setting up new tools and develop automated release engineering scripts to increase team Productivity and quality. *Documenting all procedures related to the processes and tools developed. Qualifications / Requirements *Higher Diploma / Degree / equivalent in Computer Science or other related discipline; *Strong in system design and familiar with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) *Excellence in PHP development in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment; *Experience in AJAX, Javascript, XML, CSS and HTML; *Experience in Jasper Reports and Pentaho; *Knowledgeable in web application scalability, network and security device; *Self-driven and motivated, act as self-starter who can work with minimal supervision; *Able to work in a collaborative team environment and adapt to changes quickly in high pressure evolving environment. System Specialist Key Job Duties & Responsibilities *Support, develop, administer, and maintain the servers and data centre infrastructure of Nexusguard, which includes servers and data centre, as well as server-side middleware and application software; *Provide third line support for the Nexusguard users and customers for the resolution of incidents and problems related to the servers infrastructure, responsible for root cause analysis and resolving escalated issues; *Be responsible for the execution of planned maintenance operations as described by the applicable procedures; *Design, implement and maintain operational procedures; *Create and maintain high quality documentation relating to processes, procedures and other technical related papers *Monitor, support and maintain server, data centre and critical-environmental infrastructure within Nexusguard, monitoring and performance analysis on ESX servers and VMs; *Develop administrative procedures for recurring system administration activities; *Investigate technical possibilities and new solutions in answer to requests from management and customers; *Support the design, deployment and configuration of new server-side solutions and further support engineering and implementation activities; *Participate in activities related to the procurement of IT equipment, hardware and software; *Provide on-call technical support as part of the team on-call rota; *This position might require participation in a shift system including weekends and nights as well as participation in on-call duty. Qualifications / Requirements *Relevant Diploma or Degree in information systems or technology *Good knowledge of ITIL based ICT delivery processes, ideally ITIL v3 Foundation qualified *High degree of knowledge with Windows Server 2003/2008 Operating Systems *Excellent understanding of networking principles including DNS, DHCP, TCP/IP is assumed *At least 10 years of ICT experience, the last 2 in a team leader or project manger capacity. *Experience with understanding all monitoring thresholds and alerts and associated escalation paths. *Desire and ability to keep up to date with the latest technical developments within their service area. *Effective experience of report preparation and presentation to wide-ranging audiences. *Fluency in both English and Mandarin Operation Manager Job Responsibilities : *To develop and manage operation team to achieve operation efficiency and customer satisfaction *Establish work processes that are aligned towards achieving committed SLAs and KPIs *Oversee the development, implementation and administration of staff training procedures and polices *Implementation and governance of end to end fault management process in the operation team system *Responsible for the proper operation of the operation centre where 24x7 surveillance of ICT services is required *Service provisioning of customer ICT and ensuring that the various service level agreements are kept Job Requirements : *Bachelor degree in computer science / Information technology / computer engineering *Minimum 6 years of working experience in IT industry with at least 2 years experience in managerial role *Strong operations and management skills *Sound knowledge of WAN\LAN networking *Experienced in project management, designing and implementation of end to end IT infrastructure *Excellent communications and interpersonal skills *Independent and willing to work with different time zones Web Developer Key Job Duties & Responsibilities *Development of customer-facing web portals to include data from a variety of mediums displayed in a cohesive fashion. *Development of internal dashboards to show the current status of the operations and infrastructure to achieve business goals. *Research and develop innovative methods of presenting information in efficient, yet meaningful manners. *Work with operations teams to enhance and streamline workflows for portal and dashboard navigation. Qualifications / Requirements *Degree or Diploma in Computer Engineering or related technical field *More than 2 years experience in web development. *Good organization and communication skills *Experience in PHP/Python development in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python) environment *Experience in AJAX, Javascript, XML, CSS and HTML *Able to work in a collaborative team environment and adapt to changes quickly in high pressure evolving environment Solution Engineer Key Job Duties & Responsibilities 維持全天候的機房維運和技術服務,並且讓客戶商務平台以及網路連線能穩定運作。 工作負責項目: 1. 提供技術支援和諮詢,盡可能的快速解決客戶運作平台問題,並且提供診斷報告。 2. 在特定的網路架構中,分析、研究以及評估所有領域的信息通信技術服務、 商業以及開放性軟體和外圍技術,以及引進新技術。 3. 對於標準、安全化信息和通信技術設備能有效率建置、建議。 4. 對於標準化流程、文件、配置,文件和程序,能有效率配合以及履行 5. 技術知識分享及學習,協助專案建置 6. 24小時網路營運監控 7. 主動關懷客戶並給予正確架構的建議。 Qualifications / Requirements 1. 對網路與電腦資訊以及新科技有濃厚興趣 2. 熟悉 Juniper/Cisco, L2/L3/firewall網路設備與TCP/IP技術與應用 3. 具備機房管理與設備維護經驗,且能進行障礙排除與問題分析 4. 熟悉服務監控軟體(如:MRTG/PRTG/What's Up) 5. 高配合度且能快速適應高科技產業運作 6. 可以配合輪班制度 7. 有責任感與團隊合作精神 -- 荒蕪的心不要別人懂 他是我不想醒來的夢 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/09 14:56, , 1F
要貼也排版一下 13個月? 薪水呢
04/09 14:56, 1F

04/09 15:19, , 2F
04/09 15:19, 2F

04/09 18:58, , 3F
04/09 18:58, 3F
※ 編輯: ivywu 來自: (04/09 19:58) ※ 編輯: ivywu 來自: (04/09 20:04)

04/09 20:34, , 4F
04/09 20:34, 4F

04/09 20:39, , 5F
外商每年的bouns分的不少 年終一個月很正常
04/09 20:39, 5F

04/09 21:39, , 6F
樓上們說的有待過外商嗎? bonus? 還是指package之外的?
04/09 21:39, 6F

04/09 21:39, , 7F
在台外商本來就是沒啥年終或一個月 底薪就很好了好嗎
04/09 21:39, 7F

04/09 21:50, , 8F
04/09 21:50, 8F

04/09 22:15, , 9F
吹得比天高 結果沒有po薪水...
04/09 22:15, 9F

04/09 23:20, , 10F
04/09 23:20, 10F

05/17 13:35, , 11F
05/17 13:35, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1HOxhUus (Tech_Job)