[ 徵 ] 國立卓蘭高中徵英文代理教師和外籍英文教師已刪文

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1.國立卓蘭高中徵108學年度代理教師(聘期自報到日起至 109 年 7 月 31 日止。 ) 高中職部英文科代理教師 1 名(兼授應英科課程)。 簡章:http://www.jlsh.mlc.edu.tw/files/14-1000-17436,r143-1.php 詳細資訊請參考簡章 學校位置近台中豐原(約30分鐘車程) 歡迎報考,意者請至本校人事室報名 相關疑問請洽卓蘭高中教務處 04-25892007#201 2.國立卓蘭高中108學年度「引進外籍英文教師計畫」第三次職缺招募 National Jhuo-Lan Senior High School Foreign Teacher Project 3rd Job Opening Announcement 相關說明:http://www.jlsh.mlc.edu.tw/files/14-1000-17330,r143-1.php This is an ongoing project funded by Ministry of Education (MOE). A full Time teaching job in a local high school. Starting from NTD$ 62,720 per month! Weekends OFF! Work permit, National Health Insurance provided. Location: National Jhuo-Lan Senior High School, Miaoli County 30 minutes away from Fengyuan, Taichung City Requirement: (1) Already got ARC or APRC in Taiwan (2) Native speaker from the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa. (3) Having a Bachelor/Master degree (TESOL Certificate or Language Major preferred) (4) A certified teacher license. (5) Criminal record check needed. Job Description: (1) Working hours: 8am-5pm, 5 days a week, including 20-22 teaching hours. (2) The teacher needs to work with local teachers to develop a series school-based curriculum. Others: (1) Salary: from NTD62,720 up to NTD86,820 per month, the salary rate is based on the teacher’s highest education level and amount of teaching years, which only includes the years s/he has taught at a public government school or a registered private school in Taiwan. A one year performance incentive at most is payable according to the teacher’s performance grade. (2) Round-trip flight ticket to the teacher’s hometown will be reimbursed. Airfare one-way shall not exceed NTD40,000. (3) Housing Allowance up to 10,000NTD/ month. (4) Insurance: National Health Insurance and Labor Insurance will be covered. (5) Holidays: National Holidays, Regular Holidays, and summer/winter Vacation (though the teacher might need to work at least for 2 weeks in summer and 1 week in the winter depending on school’s demand). (6) Others: ARC, work permit provided. (7) All terms and conditions of employment are contained in the signed contract. If you are interested in the position please follow the link and email your CV, latest photo, teacher’s license, TESL /TEFL certificate or equivalent, college diploma, and passport to afl@mail.jlsh.mlc.edu.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Teacher/M.1566304338.A.87D.html ※ 編輯: qqsteven ( 臺灣), 08/20/2019 20:33:39 ※ 編輯: qqsteven ( 臺灣), 08/20/2019 20:40:08 ※ 編輯: qqsteven ( 臺灣), 08/20/2019 20:40:32 ※ 編輯: qqsteven ( 臺灣), 08/20/2019 20:42:44
文章代碼(AID): #1TM-XIXz (Teacher)