[吃草] Daily horoscope 每日星座運勢 5/16.17

看板Taurus作者 (河流踢)時間9年前 (2015/05/16 01:35), 編輯推噓20(2002)
留言22則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
5/16. 近幾個星期以來你被迫要用很嚴肅的態度生活,而這可能已經開始影響到你了。 出於對工作或群體的義務,你被迫要持續辛勤的工作並以一種嚴謹的方式進行作業。 你或許正渴望擁有一段輕鬆愉快且無須擔憂的美好時光來放鬆身心。 這正是你所需要的,而且你必須盡快找出這個機會。 設法去看一場喜劇表演或好笑的電影,也或許是去拜訪一位能使你開懷大笑的友人。 是時候釋放壓力了! ============================================================================= You have had to be so serious for the last few weeks or so, Taurus, and it may be starting to get to you. Your obligations at work or in your community have forced you to keep your nose to the grindstone and in a serious mode of operation. You are probably longing for a more lighthearted and carefree time now so that you can relax. That's exactly what you need, and you need to go in search of it as soon as possible. Find your way to a comedy show or a funny movie, or visit with a friend who makes you laugh. It's time to just let go! ============================================================================== 5/17. 你的眼神中帶著一絲火花。 你的嗓音中伴隨一抹輕快。 當你走在路上,有某種神祕的吸引力存在於你自信的步伐之中。 今天的你受到萬眾矚目,而你可能也感覺得到這點。 你總是富有魅力,但現在你特別具有著吸引力, 不論是那些早已認識你的人,或與你之間隔著重重人海的陌生人。 好好運用這股特殊的氣場作為你的優勢! 若有某人是你想認識的,儘管衝吧。 若你有什麼需要幫忙的事,儘管開口吧。 你現在正有著超能力! ============================================================================== There's a sparkle in your eye. There's a lilt in your voice. There is something appealing about the way you have a bit of a swagger when you walk. All eyes are on you, Taurus, and you can probably feel it. You are always attractive, but right now you are especially attractive to those who already know you and also to strangers you may see across a crowded room. Use this extra verve to your advantage. If there's someone you would like to get to know, then reach out. If there's something you need help with, then let it be known. You have extra special power right now. ============================================================================== 星期六好好放鬆一下,然後期待星期日的到來! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1431711306.A.F71.html

05/16 01:38, , 1F
05/16 01:38, 1F

05/16 01:46, , 2F
05/16 01:46, 2F

05/16 01:54, , 3F
05/16 01:54, 3F

05/16 02:17, , 4F
05/16 02:17, 4F

05/16 07:33, , 5F
哈哈哈哈哈 謝謝
05/16 07:33, 5F

05/16 07:53, , 6F
05/16 07:53, 6F

05/16 08:08, , 7F
5/16 5/17在準甚麼啦XDDDDDDDD
05/16 08:08, 7F

05/16 09:22, , 8F
05/16 09:22, 8F

05/16 09:25, , 9F
16號好準 還沒收到抽兵單籤 壓力都有稍微出現
05/16 09:25, 9F

05/16 09:31, , 10F
最近真的很累,上面盯很緊啊 ……
05/16 09:31, 10F

05/16 10:33, , 11F
05/16 10:33, 11F

05/16 11:31, , 12F
05/16 11:31, 12F

05/16 13:01, , 13F
05/16 13:01, 13F

05/16 14:25, , 14F
05/16 14:25, 14F

05/16 19:07, , 15F
05/16 19:07, 15F

05/16 21:05, , 16F
05/16 21:05, 16F

05/16 22:37, , 17F
05/16 22:37, 17F

05/16 22:53, , 18F
實驗進度壓力大+1 Q__________Q
05/16 22:53, 18F

05/17 06:07, , 19F
05/17 06:07, 19F

05/17 14:24, , 20F
05/17 14:24, 20F

05/17 14:24, , 21F
05/17 14:24, 21F

05/17 20:41, , 22F
樓上 我想認識的人真的來認識我了!超可怕的準哈哈
05/17 20:41, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1LLYvAzn (Taurus)