[情報] Susan Miller 12月運勢 (總結補上)

看板Taurus作者 (無怨無悔)時間13年前 (2010/12/06 23:54), 編輯推噓13(1303)
留言16則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
嗚嗚~本想昨天PO上來的,結果還是遲了 QQ 在考完日檢之前都不敢分心,所以考完才開始翻,有點趕請見諒 >"< 時間關係,總結(Summary)跟重要日期(Dates to Note for Taurus)還沒翻好, 所以先把上半部po上來給各位參考~ 原文出處: http://www.astrologyzone.com/forecasts/monthly/taurus_full.php Taurus Horoscope for December 2010 By Susan Miller As a Taurus, you like to know precisely how your investments are doing and exactly where your money is going when you spend it. As the month starts out, you seem to be doing a lot of end-of-year tax planning and evaluation. Excellent. This is the time to do that. Something that occurs December 3, when Uranus and Mars disagree, may make you aware that you need to expect the unexpected when it comes to money. You tend to be superb at money management - many Taurus are so good at handling their money and other's financials that they make a career out of it. 金牛座喜歡精確地知道他的投資做了什麼,還有他花的錢到底到哪兒去了。 在這個月的開始,牛兒應該做了不少有關年末的稅務的計劃和評估。 非常好,這個時機很棒。12月3日對沖的的天王星跟火星,讓牛兒意識到必須 注意一些意料之外的財務狀況。牛兒在財務管理上會變得十分精明──許多 牛兒很會管自己和其他人的錢,也因此捧著這行的飯碗。 Mars has been touring your eighth house of "other people's money" since October 28, forcing up spending on credit cards and perhaps causing you to take out a loan. Fortunately, on December 7, Mars will move out of this area, and expenses will almost instantly calm down. 從10月28日開始,火星就走在你的第八宮──有關『他人財務』這部分, 逼著你刷卡或去貸款。幸運的是,從12月7日開始,火星就走出這一區啦, 支出會立刻冷靜很多。 Still, you will have to keep your eye on your money anyway due to the arrival of new eclipses. As is usual when a new eclipse series is starting up, we get an overlapping of the families of eclipses. So, while we still have two eclipses in the former series of Capricorn-Cancer in 2011 on January 4 and July 1, we have the start of the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipses on December 21. 但是,因為新一波月蝕的到來,牛兒還是必須注意錢財這部分多一點才行哦。 依照往例,當一系列的月蝕開始,會一個接一個出現。所以,在2011年1月4日 和7月1日的摩羯─巨蟹月蝕之前,我們會先有12月21的雙子─射手月蝕。 This one on December 21 will be a total eclipse of the moon, and honestly, it will be a tough one, for it will fall in hard angle to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events. This suggests you are about to get an unexpected reversal that will center on money just prior to Christmas. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, getting this type of news at year's end can be difficult. 12月21日的月蝕會是月全蝕,因為它跟天王星這顆「意外事件之星」對沖, 所以老實說,會滿難過去的。這暗示著在耶誕節前夕,牛兒身邊可能會出現 一些與財務有關的意外翻盤。即使你不慶祝耶誕節,在年末發生這樣的事情 也是很累人的。 There are so many different possible manifestations. A client may leave you holding the bag when they go bankrupt or not pay a certain bill. Or, a client might not have the funds to renew your contract. If you work for others, you may find out that your company is not doing as well as you assumed (and this may come as a complete surprise.) Downsizing may affect you, or a raise that was promised may not come through. If you decide to quit one job for another, make sure you have everything settled in writing. However, do this next month, not in December. 有太多可能發生的情況:也許是客戶破產落跑,或是不認某份帳單,也有可能 是客戶沒有錢可以跟你續約。如果你是上班族,也許你會發現公司不如你想像中 運作得好(而且會毫無預警地發現),裁員不是沒有可能,也可能是當初升遷時 的福利沒有兌現。如果你決定辭職找新工作,一定要確定文件方面都安頓好了, 不過不要在十二月提,等到下個月吧。 There is another way things could affect you, and that would be if a social occasion starts to cost you much more than you ever anticipated, causing stress. Some sort of unexpected expense could be upsetting. 另一個可能影響牛兒的事情是,和以往的經驗相比,會有更多需要花錢的 場合出現,讓牛兒壓力倍增。額外的支出可是很煩人的啊。 This will be the first of several eclipses due in your money sector over the coming two years. Don't worry, though, as most of the eclipses will be positive ones that will help you replace anything you may have lost. Indeed, you may not lose anything at all. ("Change" does not necessarily mean "loss.") Usually we don't feel all the eclipses in a series, usually only one or two. So, while you might feel this eclipse, you may not feel any other in the coming Gemini-Sagittarius series. All eclipses fall at different mathematical degrees. 這只會是未來兩年會影響財務的第一個月蝕而已,不過別擔心,大部分的月蝕 也都會有正面影響,能幫助你重整一些沒看到的東西。的確,牛兒不會失去全部。 (「改變」不代表「失去」。)通常我們不會被全部的月蝕影響,頂多一兩個, 所以如果你對這次月蝕有感覺,你可能就不會對接下來的雙子─射手系列有感。 因為所有的月蝕角度都不一樣。 I was talking to a dear friend who is a Taurus, and she was not one bit happy to hear news that she might see a change in income. She is self-employed and had called to tell me how upset she was about one of her clients. Her response to the news about the December 21 eclipse in Gemini was, "Oh great. I was crying at the bank yesterday. You mean to say MORE bad financial news is coming?" I answered, "Not necessarily." 我告訴一個金牛座朋友這件事,她不太高興聽到之後可能會出現收入變化。 她是自己創業,打了通電話來跟我抱怨她被某個客人搞得有多煩,得知12月21日 的雙子月蝕之後的反應是:「太好了,我昨天才在銀行失控,現在妳說會有 更多的財務動盪?」我回答:「不一定啦。」 I went on to say that she may have already felt the December 21 eclipse at the end of November, as any eclipse can be felt one month to the day prior to its eclipse date, plus or minus five days. I had been talking to my friend on November 24, and that's about when the news of the December 21 eclipse might have come to her - and for you, too, dear Taurus. Astrologers use bell curves to chart astrological aspects, so that is why there is this plus or minus tolerance associated with so many of the dates I give you each month. 我想說的是,她也許已經在十一月底就感受到12月21日的月蝕了,因為任何 月蝕影響都有可能在一個月前就感覺得到(加減五天)。我是11月24日跟她 通電話的,那也可能是12月21日的月蝕開始影響她的時候──當然也可能是你, 親愛的牛兒。占星家用鐘型曲線來做占星表,這也是為什麼在我訂的日期上, 會有加減幾天的容許範圍。 I am so sorry for my friend. I wanted you to know you that IF you had a difficult end-of-November, you might have felt the news of this difficult eclipse already. She was simply feeling overwhelmed with the way a client was treating a financial matter. She told me that as a result of this incident, she was re-evaluating all the work she was doing in her business for all clients, and again, that sounded like the way an eclipse would work. The job of an eclipse is to get us to change or to see a situation more clearly. 我對我朋友很抱歉,但我希望牛兒知道,如果你的十一月底過得很不好,那麼 月蝕可能已經在影響你了。她只是單純不爽某個客人在財務上的處理態度,她 是直接告知我這件事的結論,但在之前就已經在重新評估跟所有客戶的生意往 來了,然後就像我說的,這就像是被月蝕影響的工作。月蝕的作用就是讓我們 做些改變,或是把某個狀況看得更清楚。 On November 21, there was a very confusing full moon in Taurus, so that could have brought matters to a head on that day, or within four days of that date. 11月21日在金牛座的滿月,是滿有爭議性的一個,所以那天(或四天內) 有可能挑起某個事件。 I still feel everyone, of every sign, should keep their antenna up around December 21, just in case something else comes up that will require your urgent attention. 我還是覺得所有人─所有星座─都必須在12月21日前後提高警覺,以免萬一 有什麼緊急情況突然發生要你去解決。 Don't plan to do last minute holiday shopping - if you do, you will run out of time. At eclipse time, no matter how carefully we have planned our schedule, something else may come up to pull us in another direction. Priorities change almost instantly at eclipse time. 不要在放假前夕採購──如果真要這麼做,會沒時間哦。在月蝕這陣子, 不論計劃得有多周全,還是會有其他的事情來打亂腳步。這陣子,優先事項 幾乎會在彈指之間改變。 Uranus rules all things that happen suddenly and will be in a very challenging angle to this total eclipse, marking an end to a situation or relationship, and that is why everyone, of every sign, needs to be prepared. For you, however, the matter appears to be purely financial. This eclipse will not affect your reputation or your qualifications. It's not about how much your boss or co-workers like you - they love you! This eclipse will be simply about money. 天王星掌管意外事件,而且角度跟這次的月全蝕很『不樂觀』,暗示著某個 情況或關係的結束,這也是為什麼所有人─所有星座─都必須做好心理準備。 不過對牛兒來說,單純的只會是財務問題而已。這次月蝕不會影響牛兒的 名聲或資格,這和你的老闆/同事喜不喜歡你沒關係──基本上他們愛你! 就單純只是錢的問題而已。 You had this type of full moon eclipse on December 21, 1991, but that one was partial. This one will be total, and, of course, other planets are now in different places in the chart. Back then, Uranus was sweet and kind, but alas, this time he will not be in a good mood. 其實牛兒在1991年的12月21日就經歷過這樣子的月全蝕了,但那次影響的只是 部分,這次是全面性的,當然還有其他在不同位置的行星也產生影響,1991年 那時候,天王星很甜美,而這次…天,他心情可不太好。 Everyone goes through eclipses in this house from time to time. Eclipses are meant to revitalize us. Sometimes we lose a client on one eclipse, only to see things return later as the eclipses continue in the same series. Life can be a series of unusual events. More often though, we find a new source that is far better than the old one, and therefore we are glad the universe gave us a little push so that we were forced to see what was there for us. The one rule is this: If you lose a source of income, begin to look soon after - try to take no (or very little) time off. 每個人不時都會經歷在這一宮的月蝕,而月蝕真正的目的,就是要讓我們 重新整頓。有時候我們在月蝕時失掉一個客戶,是為了在之後,能讓事情 有轉圜的餘地。生命是一連串的意外,常常我們會發現新的遠比舊的還好, 然後才欣喜於宇宙助我們的一臂之力,讓我們得以看見這件事情。而規則 是這樣的:如果你失去一個收入來源,那麼就馬上開始找新的吧──盡量 不要有(或少一點)空白哦。 I have given you the tough news, but there is really good news, too. Uranus is the natural ruler of your tenth house of career and reputation, and it has been retrograde since early July of this year. On December 5 it will go direct. This means all the delays and sluggish progress in regard to your career will end - you will be ready to zoom soon after this happens. 我已經把最糟的說完了,也該是好消息的時候!天王星掌管的是職業和名聲 的第十宮,從今年的七月就開始逆行,到12月5日才順行,這代表所有推延 和緩慢的工作進度已經結束了──之後,就準備好一飛沖天吧! Watch the days surrounding December 5 for interesting professional news. Remember too, sometimes the universe has to get us out of one situation to get us into a much better one - there might be no other way to help you. 注意12月5日左右出現的專業新聞,也請記得,有時候宇宙幫我們關上 一扇窗,就會幫我們打開另一扇門──所以也許會有條能幫助牛兒的路哦。 Let's look at the dates earlier in the month, for they offer some other encouraging news in December. The new moon of December 5 will appear in your house of other people's money, ruling such things as mortgages, refinancing plans, loans, credit, insurance payouts, pensions, severance, inheritance, and commissions. This area will receive good support from Saturn, so soon you'll be able to investigate changes you might like to make to certain arrangements. Those changes would be in your favor, but remember, do research in December and act in January! Here is why. 我們來看看月初的日子,他們會替十二月帶來一些振奮人心的消息。 12月5日的新月出現在『他人財務』那一宮,掌管一些像是抵押、調頭寸、 貸款、信用卡、保險金、退休金、遣散費、遺產和佣金之類的,這區會 得到土星的大力協助,所以不久牛兒就會看到一些變化,讓你會想著手 做安排。牛兒是樂於看見這些改變的,但是記住,十二月研究,一月再行動! 原因在下面。 Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 to 30, so I suggest you put off any major decisions until January. If you sign a contract or make a decision on any front in December, it's likely to need to be addressed again later anyway. 水星從12月10日逆行到30日,所以我建議你把主要決策放到一月再做,如果 你要在十二月簽約還是做任何決定,之後還是會再重複一遍的。 December is also not the month to buy any electronics, so if you planned to buy one as a gift, you might want to get a gift certificate for your friend or relative instead. Although technically Mercury will not be retrograde until December 10, I still suggest you not buy any electronics whatsoever this month. You can shop for other things from December 1-5, leaving some space before Mercury's turn to retrograde. When we buy anything expensive during these Mercury retrograde phases, later we often regret having done so. 十二月也不太適合買電器用品,所以如果牛兒打算買來當禮物,最好還是 替親朋好友拿份保證書吧。雖然技術上來說,水星12月10日後才開始逆行, 我還是不建議在這個月花這筆錢。搶在水星逆行之前的12月1~5日可以買 買別的東西,因為在水星逆行期間買的貴重物品,過不了多久就會開始後悔。 Travel, study, and increased interaction with people abroad in foreign countries are some of the best parts of the month, for Mars, the energy planet, will be entering Capricorn, a sign that loves you, from December 7 to January 15. Mars will see to it that you can travel either now or in early January, and possibly go quite far. You may get a chance to go away because you need to do face-to-face work in another city, because you have frequent flier miles you can use up, or because a parent will send you a ticket, as some examples. No matter why you go, you'd thoroughly enjoy your trip. 這個月很適合旅行、念書,還有多多跟外國人交流,因為火星這顆活力之星, 在12月7日到15日會走在友星魔羯座。可以期待的是,要嘛現在要嘛一月初, 牛兒會有旅遊的機會,而且可能會走滿遠的。這個機會,有可能是因為必須 要到其他城市出差、有可能是有累積旅程數能用、還是會從父母那拿到機票… …等等,不管原因是什麼,牛兒都會非常享受這趟旅行。 Be sure to allow much more time than you suppose you'd need to get through the airport, as Mercury will be retrograde and delays will be rampant. You won't want to miss your plane, so plan much more time than you think you'll need. Also, we become forgetful during these periods, so be sure you have your cell phone, glasses, wallet, ID, and other things with you, as it would be easy to rush and leave things behind. 如果要去機場的話,記得一定要多預留一些時間,水星正逆行,所以任何 耽擱都是無法控制的,你也不想錯過飛機對吧?那就比預計中的再提早 多一點吧。另外,在這段時間也會很健忘,所以確定手機、眼鏡、錢包、 身份證和其他東西都帶齊了,不然可是很容易忘東忘西哦。 Romantically, Venus in Scorpio will be in your partnership sector all month, so if you are attached, your relationship should go very smoothly. This month, if you are an attached Taurus, Venus will help you a little more than if you are single. If you are seriously attached, such as married or living together a long time, you may even get financial support from your significant other, and that would be a blessing, if you needed someone to spot you this month. Venus is your ruler, so the fact that Venus is now in your partnership house shows how focused you are on your significant other (or business partner). 桃花方面,金星整個月都會在天蠍座,所以有伴的牛兒,感情會進展得很順利哦。 這個月,金星給有伴的牛兒的幫助,會比單身的來得多;如果是已婚,或是 同居很久的牛兒,有可能會從阿那答那得到些財務上的幫助,這對在卡在關口上 的你來說,可是一大福音。金星是你的守護星,所以當出現在人際宮,可以想見 牛兒對另一半(或生意夥伴)有多重視。 If you are a single Taurus, you may have an exciting meeting on or near December 5 when Mercury and Pluto conjoin. Three days later, on December 8, when Venus meets with Pluto and the moon moves through fellow earth sign Capricorn, you may have another shot at a sweet romantic episode. Mercury rules your true love sector, so when it goes direct on December 30, you will find that by month's end, your romantic life improves! 單身的牛兒,在水星和冥王星合而為一的12月5日左右,會有很棒的邂逅; 三天後,也就是12月8日,金星和冥王星交會的時候,月亮經過同為土象的 魔羯座,所以牛兒可能會有另一段很棒的桃花哦。水星掌管真愛區,所以 當他在12月30日順行的時候,牛兒會在月底發現感情生活有很大的進展! Your best romantic nights will be: December 4-8, 11, 13, 16, 22, 25, and 30. 最浪漫的夜晚:12月4~8、11、13、16、22、25、30日。 ================================================== Summary 總結 Taurus is considered talented and prudent when dealing with financial matters like year-end tax planning and investments. This month you may live up to your reputation, for the new moon, December 5, will bring you the motivation and opportunity to have a look at finances to see which areas of your financial life could use attention. If you need an advisor, the days that shortly follow this new moon will create the right time to contact one. Your interest may be motivated by something financial that happens December 3 that proves not to your liking. Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus, a difficult day when it comes to finances. 在年終稅務計劃和投資上,金牛座向來被認為是精明的佼佼者,本月牛兒 絕不會辜負這麼一個名聲,因為12月5日的新月會讓你有機會和動機好好 審視財務,看有哪方面是該好好注意一下的。如果有需要,新月後的短短 幾天,會是個找顧問的好時機。某個出現在12月3日的財務狀況,會是促使 牛兒做審查的動機,因為火星和天王星對沖,在財務上是個困難點。 Money will again be on your mind within days of December 21, when a full moon lunar eclipse either requires a large outlay of cash from you or will end a main source of income. Whatever occurs will be unusual - something you don't see coming. It is very possible that a social event will appear to be costing more than you anticipated and is causing you anxiety about all that you need to spend. Travel seems to form part and parcel of this event, which could be driving up costs, too. Still, the event seems special and worthy of participation, so sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump in. 12月21日的月全蝕也會讓牛兒煩惱金錢問題,要嘛是有大筆支出,要嘛是斷了 某個收入來源。不論是哪一種都是異常──非常出乎意料之外。很有可能是 某個社交活動花費的金額太大,讓牛兒產生焦慮;或是因旅遊而拉高的支出, 也有可能成為小部分原因。但是,這活動很特別,也頗值得參與,所以就牙關咬緊, 撐過去吧! Keep in mind that Mercury is again retrograde, and as a result, your memory or judgment may be off when buying gifts, booking hotels and flights, and engaging in negotiations. Put off important decisions and new ventures until several days after next month's January 4 eclipse. (Eclipses always come in pairs.) Only then will you have all the information you'll need to make an informed decision. 注意水星又要逆行了,所以,在買禮物、訂房間、訂機票、或談判上,記憶力 跟判斷力可能會突然當機哦。盡量把重大決策或是冒險的事情,放到下個月4日的 月蝕後幾天吧(月蝕常是成雙成對地出現)。到那時後才真的可以把訊息收集完全, 做出完整的決策。 Your career should be going through an exciting phase now that Uranus, the planet that rules your tenth house of honors and achievement, is orbiting very close to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. On top of that, Uranus will turn direct on December 5, marking an important moment in your professional timeline. Watch for clues that your efforts have been effective and will be even more so from now on. By the first half of February, you should get at least one impressive offer for a new job or promotion. Foreign people and international trade, the media, and academia will be areas opening for you now. 因為掌管第十宮(榮耀/成就)的天王星走得非常靠近木星這顆吉星,所以 在工作方面,會是很令人興奮的一個階段哦。更棒的是,天王星在12月5日 轉順行,成為牛兒職業生涯頗重要的時刻。好好注意你曾付出努力的事, 今後也許會變得更有利。二月上半月,牛兒會得到至少一個很不錯的新工作 或升遷機會,外籍人士相關、國貿、媒體和學術界這些領域,都展開雙臂歡迎你哦。 Romantically, if you are an attached Taurus, you will have the edge. Venus will glide through your committed relationship sector almost all month, bringing a feeling of closeness that will grow in intensity if you do small things for your partner to show your affection. 感情方面,有伴的牛兒佔著一個優勢,金星幾乎整個月都走在『承諾』這個 區域裡,如果你對另一半釋放出一些關心的小訊息,會讓關係感覺更親密哦。 If you are a single Taurus, December 4 could be quite special for you, since Mercury is the natural ruler of your house of true love and will receive lovely vibrations from Pluto. 對單身的金牛來說,12月4日挺特別的,因為掌管真愛的水星,會受到冥王星 的影響,感覺到些浪漫氣息。 -- 本月財運以外應該平平... 我也想出去玩~~~ QQ 前天領到薪水後馬上『被迫交出』...也算是某種程度的財務動盪? 米勒阿姨這個月的「重要日子」一直在鬼打牆(財務/月蝕/財務/月蝕.......Orz), 所以請容許我偷懶跳過~ >"< 先預祝牛牛耶誕&新年快樂(←太早了吧!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/07 00:13, , 1F
看完腦中只剩下財務兩個字Q_Q 4~8很忙碌的實驗...
12/07 00:13, 1F

12/07 00:14, , 2F
12/07 00:14, 2F

12/07 00:14, , 3F
謝謝分享~~ ^^
12/07 00:14, 3F

12/07 00:22, , 4F
12/07 00:22, 4F

12/07 00:27, , 5F
12/07 00:27, 5F

12/07 00:39, , 6F
12/07 00:39, 6F

12/07 03:05, , 7F
12/07 03:05, 7F

12/07 07:46, , 8F
所以...12月 是感情不錯的日子囉?? 但怎都在趕報告...
12/07 07:46, 8F

12/07 08:48, , 9F
挖 ~有聖誕節ㄟ ...
12/07 08:48, 9F

12/07 09:19, , 10F
感謝原po的用心 比對岸的順>"<
12/07 09:19, 10F

12/07 10:21, , 11F
12/07 10:21, 11F

12/07 18:44, , 12F
旅行的機會 真的耶~我幾天後要去日本 0.0
12/07 18:44, 12F

12/07 19:30, , 13F
12/07 19:30, 13F
  感謝各位不棄嫌小女子的拙作>_</// ※ 編輯: regretless 來自: (12/08 00:37) ※ 編輯: regretless 來自: (12/08 00:38)

12/08 01:02, , 14F
12/08 01:02, 14F

12/08 16:17, , 15F
哈 原PO好可愛>v</ ~ 感謝分享:)
12/08 16:17, 15F

12/14 11:02, , 16F
12/14 11:02, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1C_GTE3j (Taurus)