[情報] 2010五月金牛運勢 by Susan Miller

看板Taurus作者 (無怨無悔)時間14年前 (2010/05/05 22:57), 編輯推噓19(1905)
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噢...四月好快就飆過去了~真是連車尾燈都看不到啊~(望) Again,拙翻了一下,還請路過的牛兒們不吝指教~^^~ 先巴結(?)的祝大家生日快樂耶唷~~~~~(轉圈) 來源:http://www.astrologyzone.com/forecasts/monthly/taurus_full.php Taurus Horoscope for May 2010 By Susan Miller May brings lots of excitement and a chance to start fresh on a whole new chapter of life. You are so fortunate that the new moon in Taurus on May 13 is so favorable! We all depend on having a really positive, friendly new moon each month to package all the energy swirling about a chart, but sometimes a new moon brims with luck, and other times it falls short. This is one of the best of the year and it's falling in Taurus. 五月帶來許多驚喜,也能讓牛兒有機會開啟人生新的一頁,而且很幸運地, 5月13日在金牛座的新月十分討喜喔!每個月,我們都希望有正面、親切的新月, 讓整個月都充滿能量;不過有時候的新月幸運到一個不行,有時候卻又少得可憐。 而這個月的新月是今年最好的其中一次,而且就落在金牛座上! This new moon receives golden beams from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your house of friends and group events. Uranus is currently traveling close to Jupiter too, so Uranus will add his gift of out-of-the-blue surprises, in a noticeable, positive way. The people you know should turn out to be quite an area of help and support from mid-to-late month. You may get this support from a whole group of people or from one or two individuals. Saturn, in your house of love, will send all the help he can find for you, and because it's Saturn working, you can bet the help will be substantial. As soon as this new moon appears, you will have your chance to plot your course and to set an initiation very dear to your heart. Truly, however, a friend or even a casual contact will have a big part to play in your luck. Your social life should be fairly lively this month too, especially in mid-to-end of May. 木星是顆吉兆之星,這次的新月受到木星的加持,尤以在交友或群體方面表現 特別明顯。加上冥王星最近運行得很靠近木星,所以又會再多一點意外的驚喜。 五月中下旬,牛兒身邊的朋友會成為十分有力的貴人,可能會有一群,或是一、 兩個朋友十分支持你。在戀愛宮的土星,更會盡其所能的幫助牛兒們,因為是 土星的作用,所以可以保證是非常牢固的助力。新月一出現,牛兒就有機會重新 規劃未來的方向,而且會是的對牛兒來說非常重要的一個開始。但說實在的,   不論是一個朋友、或是一次偶然的造訪,對牛兒的運氣來說,都扮演著非常重要 的角色。這個月,尤其在中旬左右,牛兒的社交生活也會非常活躍。 The initiation you make could be about anything important to you, but it appears, by looking at your overall chart, that you seem to be on a mission this month to create a richer and more balanced personal life. This new moon activating your friendship / group / humanitarian area of your chart, and Saturn in your romantic fun / pregnancy and care of children area of your chart, says it all. This seems to be where your priorities lie, and you can make headway in any of these areas. 不管牛兒的新計畫是什麼,絕對都會是非常重要的事,但綜觀來說,這個月的 重大任務似乎就是要創造一個更豐富、更平衡的人生。新月活化了牛兒的交友/ 群體/博愛宮,土星則是在戀愛/懷孕跟照顧小孩的區域,這些似乎就是牛兒 的最優先,而且也會有很大的進展。 If children are not in your life, you may be thinking of new ways to express your artistic talents. Generate a new project by submitting a query, arranging a meeting, or presenting a proposal. Your timing would be superb! 沒有小孩的牛兒,也許可以循其他方法秀出你的藝術天賦。用提問的方式引出 新方案、安排會議、提計畫,這時機絕對超適合! I can conjecture about what you will be thinking about, but when a new moon is in your sign, it is up to you to find a way to use it. A new moon has the power to change your life in a big way, not for a few days but for a whole 12 months to come. The caveat is that you must act within the two weeks following the new moon. Once those initial actions take root - and they can take as long as you feel is necessary, whether in terms of weeks or even months - you will begin a new chapter of life. This new moon, May 13 at 23 degrees Taurus, is an important one for you, so start thinking of what you'd like to do. 我可以大概猜到牛兒的心思,但是當新月在你的星座上時,要怎麼使用全都得 靠你自己找了。你的人生會因為新月的力量而有重大改變,而且還不只是這幾 天而已,是會影響接下來的一整年。唯一要注意的是,你必須在新月後兩個禮 拜內行動,一旦這個預備動作扎了根,就將會是人生的一大轉變,因為它會持 續很久很久,幾週、甚至幾個月,直到你覺得「夠了」為止。5月 13日在金牛 座23度的新月非常重要,所以好好想想要做什麼吧。 If your birthday falls within five days of May 13, you will notice that the wind is in your sails. 生日在13日前後五天的牛兒,更會有一帆風順的感覺。 With Mars in your home and property base, you seem still to be focused on a move or renovation, or you may have family tensions that have been hard to fix. This may have been going on as far back as last October when Mars first entered this house. When Mars turned retrograde in late December 2009, you may have had little choice but to put the project on hold. Similarly, if a parent was your focus, you may have had to delay your search for solutions to help your Mom or Dad. 火星還待在牛兒的家庭/房產宮,所以牛兒們似乎還關注在“遠行”或 “翻新住所”這些事上,或者是與家庭成員之間,有著難以平復的緊張。 這事情的源頭可以追溯到去年十月,也就是火星第一次進入這個宮位的時 候。火星在2009年十二月底開始逆行時,牛兒實在是無從作出選擇,只好 把這事擱著;同樣地,如果是跟父母有關的事情,牛兒當時可能就只能把 “找出能幫助父母的解決辦法”這件事,給緩一緩了。 Things began to change when Mars went direct in early March, but at the time, Mars was moving, but creeping along slowly. Now, however, Mars is moving REALLY fast, and you should be able to get a lot done this month - more than any progress you made so far. 在三月初,火星開始順行,事情也開始有了變化,但那時候的火星,移動… 應該說“爬行”地非常緩慢。不過現在,火星真的移動地飛快,所以這個月 的牛兒,理應可以完成許多事情了──或者說,跟之前比起來進展更大了。 If you are involved with some sort of home-related or property-related project, aim to have things wrapped up by June 7, the day Mars will move into another sign. After that, you won't have the rocket booster energy of Mars behind you anymore, and you will have to be patient until the new moon in Leo appears on August 9 to give you additional help. If that is too long to wait, you have excellent aspects the week of May 17, so work hard to complete things. Be decisive and swing into action. If a family situation is on your mind, do research, talk to your siblings or relatives, and start to shape a blueprint for your next step. 涉及家庭/房產相關的牛兒們,盡量在 6月 7日前完成計畫吧!那天也是火星 移進另一個星座的日子。在那之後,就再也沒有這種被火星在背後推著走、 一飛沖天的感覺了,除非到 8月 9日,也就是新月在獅子座出現的那天,才 多少會增添點助力。覺得八月太久,那麼 5月 17日這個禮拜也是一個時間點, 所以請加把勁完成任何事情吧!果決點、身體力行些,如果家人的事務一直 在腦中盤旋不去,那麼就跟兄弟姐妹或親戚研究一下,再開始畫出下一步的藍圖。 You should not schedule important actions during the first half of the month because Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus. Although Mercury goes direct on May 11, the day it turns direct is one of the days Mercury will be on his worst behavior, acting out of control and being a menace to one and all. You will want to give any planet that turns direct two days (at least) before initiating plans. If you need to buy any expensive items like a computer or new TV set for your home, wait until after May 13 to do so. 在五月前半個月,因為水星在金牛座逆行的緣故,所以牛兒們最好不要計劃 什麼大事。即使 5月11日水星順行了,轉向的當天會是水星最糟糕的一天, 完全失控、甚至還會造成危害。所以最好是在星相轉變的後兩天,再開始執 行計畫,任何星相都一樣。如果牛兒想敗點貴重物品回家,像是電腦或電視 之類的,等到13日之後再進行吧。 Mercury is tied to your income, so if you've found your finances to be rather unpredictable and unreliable, it's probably because Mercury is retrograde. If you have anticipated a check but not been paid, chances are the money will arrive mid-month. After mid-month you will have an easier time making financial deals too, and generally life in other areas will improve. 水星會讓你的財務吃緊,所以如果你覺得在金錢方面出現非常多意外,而且 很不可靠的話,那大概是因為水星逆行。如果你有未收到款的支票,那麼月 中可能就會到了吧。月中之後要處理財政就相對輕鬆得多了,且在其他方面 ,大體來說也改善許多。 On June 12, you will have a new moon in your financial house and that may be the moment you need to push things assertively in the direction you choose and to generate good cash flow. 6月12日的新月會在牛兒的財帛宮,若想讓資金流動順利,到時候就必須更 果敢地把事情推向你選擇的方向。 You have one outstanding day on May 7 that could work out well for having positive financial negotiations or developments. Or, you may receive a beautiful, possibly quite valuable gift, perhaps for your birthday. Mars and your ruler, Venus, will be receiving some lovely beams from each other, so it's likely to be a happy day for you. The moon will be in gentle Pisces, too - perfect for you - and because it's the sign of two fishes, you may get new pieces of good financial news (or, two gifts)! 5月 7日是個極佳的日子,這天可能會在財務上有很好的進展,或是會收到 一個很漂亮、也許十分珍貴的生日禮物。火星和牛兒的守護星:金星,會 相互映照著彼此,所以對牛兒來說是很不錯的喔。這天,月亮也出現在溫和 的雙魚座──這真的非常棒,加上雙魚代表兩隻魚,所以牛兒會得到很好的 財務情報(或是兩份禮物)! The very best week of the month will extend from May 17 to 21 when you will have one sweet and encouraging aspect after another. 17日到21日是這個月最棒的一個禮拜,好事會一樁接著一樁來喔! First, on Monday, May 17, the Sun and Jupiter will be beautifully supportive, indicating that a friend will offer you amazing help or will do something that makes you feel quite blessed. 首先,在5月17日,太陽跟木星相輔相成,代表著牛兒會接受到朋友很大的 幫助,或者是有朋友會做一件讓你覺得很開心的事。 On May 18, the Sun will summon Saturn and create a day for setting foundations for the future and for creating deals of mutual benefit. Venus, your ruler, will signal Neptune, too, on this day, so you might have a gorgeous social event to attend that evening. 5月18日,太陽召喚著土星,這不只是個能替未來立下基石的一天,也會在 處理事情上創造雙贏的局面。牛兒的守護星,金星,也在同一天呼喚海王星, 那天傍晚,也許會有非常美妙的社交活動喔。 On Thursday, May 20, the Sun and Uranus will have an upbeat conversation, and again, friends are part of the picture, but quite unexpectedly so. This is a lively wonderful influence, filled with fun. 5月20日,星期四,太陽跟天王星『相談甚歡』,出乎意料地,這也跟朋友 有關,而且是個會讓牛兒覺得很不錯的影響。 Still, not everything will be easy on the friendship front, as Saturn and Jupiter (as well as Saturn and Uranus) will be arguing with each other. You may have problems with one friend that you don't see coming, so keep your antenna up. You may have seen evidence of problems with this friend at the end of April, so perhaps this will be a time of continued discussions or meditations about what occurred then and what to do now. Saturn opposed to Jupiter usually brings a big expense, so perhaps you will need to go to a wedding or charity event and have to lay out quite a bit of cash to attend. 但是,不是所有跟朋友有關的事情都是這麼簡單的。土星跟木星(還有跟 天王星)過不久就會開始吵架,牛兒可能會跟一個意想不到的朋友間產生 一些問題,所以提高警戒吧。也許這個問題在四月底左右就已經有徵兆了, 所以現在可能是對當時的問題持續討論或斡旋中。土星跟木星對沖,通常會 帶來很大的支出,所以牛兒有可能會因為去參加婚禮,或做慈善捐贈而多 一筆開銷。 If a friendship has troubled you (and not I am saying it has or will, but if so), then you would need to fix things before May 31, the date Neptune will go retrograde. Neptune is the ruler of your solar eleventh house of friendship, and once you reach May 31, will stay in weak position until November 7. This is assuming the friendship is important to you, but if it is not, let it go. 如果有段友誼困擾著牛兒(我不是說一定有,是假設),那麼最好在 5月31日, 也就是海王星逆行的那天之前,把關係修復回來。海王星是朋友──也就是 第十一宮的守護星,5月31日之後,到11月17日這段時間,會一直在很不利的 位置。不過這也要看這段友誼對牛兒來說重不重要,如果不重要,那就讓它去吧。 In your career, thanks to the move of Saturn direct on May 30, you'll see publishing and broadcasting enterprises take off - and you'll have the rest of the year to make progress. If you need to take a business trip that you had cancelled, you will be able to proceed with plans, confident that you won't need to backtrack. 事業方面,拜 5月30日順行的土星所賜,印刷業跟媒體界都會有不錯的成績 ──而且接下來的一年也會蒸蒸日上。如果有趟出差,是之前取消過,這次 又再重新去一次的,那麼這次你不會再白跑一趟,計劃也能順利進行。 Financial considerations will come up again as a main focus within three days of May 27. That full moon in Sagittarius (6 degrees) will focus you on loans, matters of credit, venture capital, scholarships, and similar areas of side money. Yet that full moon is a happy one, for the gang of three - Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn - will be back to help you in a big way. News could even be really exciting. For example, you could find a windfall or get some news you didn't expect. 5月27日左右,財務問題會再次成為焦點,到時候在天蠍座的滿月(6度) 焦點,聚集在貸款、信用、現金投資、獎學金,或類似的金錢領域上。然而 ,對木星、天王星跟土星來說,滿月是很不錯的,它們會因此而回來幫牛兒 一把,所以可能會有讓人興奮的消息出現喔!比如像意外之財,或是意想不到 的消息之類的。 Neptune will be in hard angle to that moon, however, so if you are in a legal dispute over money, make sure you have all the information you need and that no financial facts have been deliberately hidden. 但是,海王星跟月亮呈現的相位不佳,所以如果在金錢上有法律糾紛,一定 要確保手中的資料夠齊全,而且沒有任何蓄意隱瞞的事情。 Neptune will be cranky though, and that planet can obscure facts and cause errors, so check all statements. If you are in the middle of a financial dispute, demand a chance to dig deeper. 海王星很反覆無常,而且是個會遮蔽事實、引發錯誤的行星,所以請仔細 檢查所有的聲明;如果是已經進行到一半的金錢糾紛,那麼提出深入調查的要求吧。 Romantically, the turn of Saturn to direct speed on May 30 should allow you to find a person that is truly appropriate for you. Saturn has been causing one obstacle after another in regard to your social life ever since it entered your fifth house of true love in September 2007. Saturn left this area in late October 2009 and retrograded back in on April 7. 5月30日,土星順行加速,所以牛兒可能會遇到非常速配的對象喔。在2007年 9月,土星進入你的第五宮那時候開始,你的社交圈就被設下重重關卡;2009 年10月底離開了之後,又在今年4月17日逆行回來。 This month, on May 30, Saturn will go direct, and you will finally start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You will have to wait until Saturn is fully out of this house and into Libra, and that will happen on July 21. Once there, Saturn will not be back to your true love sector until 2036. For now, you will see a slight change for the better, and you will have the peace of mind in the knowledge that Saturn is finally traveling in the right direction - away from your house of true love for good. For you, love lessons learned are almost completed. Great! Stronger and wiser, you won't likely repeat any debilitating patterns in the future because you will know better. 5月30日,土星開始順行,牛兒總算可以看見一絲曙光了。不過要好,還是 得等到 7月21日,也就是土星完全離開這個宮位,跨進天秤座的時候。土星 一旦離開,2036年以前它都不會再回到你的戀愛宮,所以從現在開始,事情 會開始有一絲好轉的跡象,因為土星終於順行,而且有好長一段時間不會再 回到戀愛宮來,也會讓牛兒的心靈平靜許多。對牛兒來說,愛情課程也學得 差不多了。非常好!那麼就堅強些、聰明點吧,未來你會越來越好,不會再 重蹈覆轍了。 Saturn's departure in July will be big news, but for now you have some reasons for being optimistic, too. 土星會在7月離開這無疑是一個大消息,不過即使是現在,牛兒們也是可以 樂觀的啦。 On May 19, you will have Venus moving into Cancer, which will give you a small but sweet reason to believe you will have some luck in the love department later this month. You may be able to travel to a nearby spot that are you particularly fond of, and when you do, you will fan the fires of romance. 5月19日,因為金星走到雙魚座,牛兒可以小小的期待一下五月下旬的愛情 運勢,如果有機會到附近感覺不錯的景點走走,就很可能會擦出愛情的火花喔! May 19 is significant and lyrical for another reason - Mercury will work well with Pluto, planet of transformation. Pluto's in your house of long distance travel, and Mercury rules your fifth house of true love. Again, the message is if you can travel, romance could easily find you. 會讓5月19日變得浪漫且重要的原因還有一個,那就是水星跟變化之星─ 冥王星的合作無間。冥王星管轄著長途旅行的宮位,水星則掌管代表戀愛 的第五宮,所以,這表示如果你有機會旅行,愛神就很容易找到你唷。 Although the full moon of May 27 (operative plus or minus four days) brings a strong emphasis on money, other things going on in your chart will ALSO help to promote tender feelings in love, too. In the US, the Memorial Day weekend (May 29-31) coincides with this full moon, a popular time to go away. If you can, do! As you see, this month will be chock full of activity once you get to the middle. You'll enjoy the fuss! 就算5月27日的滿月把重點放在金錢上(前後五天都有效),星盤上的其他 東西也會來幫助提升戀愛運勢的。美國將士紀念日是周末(5月29~31日), 又剛好是滿月期,所以非常適合出門遊玩。如果可以的話,就上路吧!就像你 看見的,雖然到月中你的行程就會排得滿滿滿,你還是會樂在其中的! Your most romantic dates include: May 3, 7-8 (brilliant), 12-14, 16-17, 20-21, 25, and 29-30. 牛兒在五月最浪漫的日子有:3、7~8(超棒)、12~14、16~17、20~21、 25、以及29~30日。 Summary 總結 Socially, you'll be in demand - so much so you'll be wondering how to keep up with everyday obligations of work, family, and any others you may have. Certainly, your private life has been taking precedence lately. 社交上來說,牛兒實在是應接不暇──多到都不知道該怎麼同時hold住 工作、家庭,或其他一些事情了。的確,近期私人生活的優先順序會比 較前面。 Invitations to events will be too sweet to pass up, so you'll need to do some master juggling to accept them all. Personal growth will result, and you could also realize an unexpected professional breakthrough, thanks to the efforts of a friend or your association with a group or community. No matter how crammed your life happens to be, you can find a way to be out and about. 有些邀請真的好到不知道該怎麼拒絕,所以牛兒對於要不要全盤接受會很 掙扎。最後的結果會因為自我成長不同而相異,你也會意外地發現有滿大 的突破,這就得歸功於朋友或所處社團群體的幫忙了。不論生活有多擁擠, 牛兒總是會找到泰然自處的出路的。 Admittedly, a lot is going on with your home situation or in regard to family. You may need to move, renovate, or decorate your apartment, which would keep you mighty busy. Or, you may need to solve a complex family matter that arose several months ago. Still, be cheerful, for if you and your family have not agreed on a direction to take, you can make progress now that Mars is moving at top speed. Present your point of view, but be prepared to compromise too in some cases. 不得不承認,生活擁擠有很大的原因是在家庭、家人的狀況。你可能會被 搬家、裝修、或裝潢家裡的事情,弄得一個頭兩個大;又或者,也可能是 為了要解決好幾個月前出現的複雜家務事。不過呢,如果牛兒尚未跟家裡 達成共識的話,還是打起精神吧,高速移動的火星能讓你在這事情上有很 大的進展。提出你的看法,也準備在必要的時候妥協吧…。 The new moon in Taurus May 13 will mark a change for the better on just about every front. This would be an ideal time to launch a new endeavor or relationship that is dear to your heart. Act within seven days of this date. If your birthday falls near May 13, this new moon will help you even more, for your year ahead will be filled with many fresh starts. 5月13日在金牛座的新月,會讓所有事情都往好的方向發展,這是個很適合 再加把勁兒努力的時機,或者在一段你很看重的關係上努力。總之在七天內 要有動作,如果你的生日剛好在13日附近,那麼新月的幫助會更大,未來 一年會有很多新的開始。 No matter when your birthday happens to fall, a friend or a group / community of people with will be pivotal to your progress. One or two surprise invitations will come up and those events will foretell what's coming next - take those events seriously. A new friend could make you very happy in weeks and months to come. Extend yourself and cultivate new contacts. 不論是幾號生日的牛兒,朋友或團體/社群都會對你的的發展很重要,會有 一、兩個意外的邀請預言著之後會走的路──請認真看待這些事情。在接下 來的幾周或幾個月會因為某個新朋友而感到很快樂,所以敞開心胸培養這份 友誼吧。 The first part of the month may bring a number of frustrating delays due to Mercury, still in retrograde, until May 11. Don't jump on that date to resume important activities, though, as you need to leave a space of at least two days before you act. The last day of a retrograde is often the very worst. 五月上旬,一直到11日為止,因為水星還逆行著,所以有很多事耽擱著讓人 煩躁,但可別急著在這時候規劃重要事情。就算真的很想行動,也再多緩個 兩天吧,逆行的最後一天通常是最糟糕的。 Finances may have been frustrating, especially if checks due you have been late. However, when it comes to money you will have reason for celebration on the full moon, May 27, plus or minus five days, when you may get an influx of cash out of the blue. Help things along by buying a charity raffle or scratch-off ticket. TV game shows would be lucky, too! 財務狀況不是很好,尤其像是來不及軋的支票。但是,到5月27日滿月的前後 五天,你就有機會可以慶祝一下了,因為可能會有一筆意外之財。買張彩券或 刮刮樂試手氣吧,上遊戲節目也會很幸運喔! In love, things are heading in the right direction. Saturn is moving direct at month's end and will soon be out of your house of true love by the end of July, not to return until 2036. While you wait for July to arrive, the new moon in Taurus on May 13 will also focus the world on you, and getting a little extra attention will be exactly what you need to liven things up. By month's end, travel, both near and far, will help you spice up your chances for romance too, especially at the end of May. 愛情方面,事情正朝著好的方向發展。土星在月底順行,而且在不久後的 七月底,就會離開你的愛情宮,沒到2036年都不會回來。在你等待七月的 同時, 5月13日在金牛座的新月也會讓世界關注著你,就算只有一點點 注意力,也能讓牛兒活躍起來。到了五月下旬,尤其是月底,不論遠近的 旅行,都能創造邂逅的機會!   Happy Birthday, dear Taurus!   親愛的牛牛們生日快樂!   Dates to Note for Taurus:   牛兒的重要記日:   ☆ The first half of the month will start slowly. Blame Mercury   in retrograde until May 11.   ☆ 水星逆行的關係,步調會從月初一直緩慢到5月11日。   ☆ You will enter into a fantastic phase for fun and love this    birthday month. Watch for exciting developments related to things   dear to your heart to come up just after the new moon in Taurus    May 13, plus two weeks!   ☆ 這個月在玩樂跟愛情方面會進入一個不錯的階段,5月13日的新月,    加上之後的兩個禮拜,在這段時間多注意你心裡一直很重視的東西吧, 會有令人興奮的進展喔。 ☆ The new moon won't only be a boost for love, but also for any endeavor or relationship close to your heart. Make an initiative as soon as possible after it appears. ☆ 新月點綴的不只是你的愛情,還有你的努力,或是一段很親密的關係, 在它出現之後,盡快付出行動吧。 ☆ Friends will be so good for you that you may even see career advancement, thanks to the quick thinking of a friend. Make new friends and remember to appreciate your old ones. ☆ 朋友絕對是不可或缺的,多虧有思考很快速的朋友,牛兒可能在工作上 有晉升。多交新朋友,對老朋友也要心存感激。 ☆ You may have a problem with one friend at month's end. Money could be part of the problem discussed. ☆ 可能在五月下旬跟某個朋友有摩擦,金錢也許會是問題之一。 ☆ Home and other property as well as family concerns continue to be a big focus and can now bring results. Hurry - Mars is leaving this position next month on June 7. ☆ 家庭、房產還有家人的問題仍然是關鍵所在,可以在現在做出定論了。 動作要快,不然火星就要在 6月 7日離開現在的位置了。 ☆ Finances should bring extra money for your wallet within days of May 27. You might want to buy a raffle ticket or get a scratch-off lotto ticket. ☆ 5月27左右的財務狀況是:會有意外之財,你可以去買獎券、樂透或是 刮刮樂之類的。 ☆ When Saturn goes direct on May 30, you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. ☆ 5月30日,土星順行的時候,牛兒會看見一絲曙光。 ☆ Most romantic dates: May 3, 7-8 (brilliant), 12-14, 16-17, 20-21, 25, and 29-30. ☆最浪漫的日子:3、7~8(超棒)、12~14、16~17、20~21、25、以及29~30日。 -- 排板苦手... 囧rz 哪位版友有較好的排版建議的,還請不吝指教 <(_ _)> 祝牛牛們都能從低沉的戀愛運勢走出來 >////< ←只有你需要,少丟人了!(拖走) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/05 23:05, , 1F
05/05 23:05, 1F
※ 編輯: regretless 來自: (05/05 23:06)

05/05 23:42, , 2F
05/05 23:42, 2F

05/05 23:44, , 3F
5月 7日是個極佳的日子...水啦^^
05/05 23:44, 3F

05/05 23:47, , 4F
7 日是極佳的日子(驚) 祈禱我的工數考高分XDD
05/05 23:47, 4F

05/05 23:58, , 5F
05/05 23:58, 5F

05/05 23:59, , 6F
05/05 23:59, 6F

05/06 00:10, , 7F
5月12!!! 努力 轉學考要上!!!
05/06 00:10, 7F

05/06 00:12, , 8F
05/06 00:12, 8F

05/06 00:23, , 9F
05/06 00:23, 9F

05/06 10:30, , 10F
05/06 10:30, 10F

05/06 11:48, , 11F
5/7號要領獎耶 哈哈阿 獎金會很多嘛(期待~
05/06 11:48, 11F

05/06 11:49, , 12F
太好了 土星881~
05/06 11:49, 12F

05/06 12:45, , 13F
05/06 12:45, 13F

05/06 12:57, , 14F
05/06 12:57, 14F

05/06 12:58, , 15F
05/06 12:58, 15F

05/06 12:58, , 16F
05/06 12:58, 16F

05/06 14:13, , 17F
我就說過5月13號是好日子呀 哇哈哈
05/06 14:13, 17F

05/06 19:02, , 18F
大推! 我也希望可以從低沉的戀愛運勢中走出來呀XDD
05/06 19:02, 18F

05/06 22:20, , 19F
05/06 22:20, 19F

05/06 22:36, , 20F
05/06 22:36, 20F

05/07 16:36, , 21F
05/07 16:36, 21F

05/08 13:45, , 22F
PTT的文可以直接轉FB?? @@
05/08 13:45, 22F

05/08 14:50, , 23F
05/08 14:50, 23F

05/09 12:00, , 24F
05/09 12:00, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1BuOT1iE (Taurus)