[情報] 喝酒不開車開車不喝酒

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「喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒!」 不分本外國人、也不論有無肇事,只要酒後駕車就是違法行為。 提醒有聘僱移工的雇主應多關心移工在臺生活情形,提醒移工飲酒適度,對於移工下班後 喝酒行為,應多加注意並加強宣導我國交通規則,也要提醒移工,應避免酒後騎電動自行 車等動力交通工具的行為,保障荷包也保障工作權益! 宣導圖文另有英文、越南文、印尼文、泰文版,歡迎分享給移工朋友。 移工相關權益可上多國語言「跨國勞動力權益維護資訊網站」 (https://fw.wda.gov.tw)查詢,雇主也可以多加運用。 #移工工作權益 #酒駕零容忍 #多國語言宣導 Do not drink and drive! Drink and drive is illegal no matter who you are or there is an accident or not. Remind employers with hired migrant workers to give more attention to the living conditions of their workers in Taiwan, and remind workers to drink moderately, to be careful when drinking after work and strengthen the promotion of traffic rules. Migrant workers should also be reminded to avoid riding electric bicycles and other powered vehicles after drinking to avoid getting fined and to protect your working rights! The promotion pictures and texts are also available in English, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Thai language. Welcome to share with migrant workers. Migrant workers related rights are available at [INFORMATION SITE OF FOREIGN WORKER RIGHTS DEFENCE] https://fw.wda.gov.tw in multiple languages, and also for the Employers. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TaiwanJobs/M.1603077129.A.936.html
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