[分享] Tom on Henry V

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Tom 的FB 轉貼的獨立報專訪,順便一起訪問目前在劇場演出Henry V的演員 網址:http://tinyurl.com/cx2lvhe We happy two: Jamie Parker and Tom Hiddleston tackle Shakespeare's Henry V 主要翻Tom的部分,不過劇場組也滿有趣的:) "It was the first scene we shot," Tom Hiddleston joins in. "I had to gallop along the moat of Arundel Castle with a cannon firing behind me, jump off my horse and address the army who were retreating having just had boiling oil poured on their faces. There were 30 tremendous, salty extras with me that day and I had never met any of them in my life before. I remember thinking, 'This is for me, this is for you, this is for all of us...'" Tom回憶拍攝"Cry God for Harry, England, and St. George"那段演說: 這是他拍攝Henry V的第一天的第一場戲。 他得從奔馳的馬上跳下來面對一群被熱油澆得四處竄逃的士兵,後面還有大炮在發射。 他面對30個他這輩子從沒見過的臨時演員,心裡想著: 為了我、為了你們、為了我們所有人 If this all sounds a bit dramatic, that's because it has to be. Hiddleston and Parker, two of Britain's brightest acting talents, are sitting in the wooden stalls of Shakespeare's Globe on a rare sunny morning, comparing notes on the stirring, throat-shredding "Once more unto the breach" speech that opens Act III of Henry V. Both can currently be seen playing Shakespeare's heroic monarch – Parker on stage at the Globe and Hiddleston on television in The Hollow Crown, the BBC's acclaimed series of History Plays produced by Sam Mendes. Parker's is a hearty monarch, leaping into the groundlings, joking about the rain, but always ready with a rallying roar or sober speech. Hiddleston's is rather more refined in a tight leather doublet, galloping on horseback and growing into his kingship frame by frame. 其實上述的演說正式名稱是"Once More Onto The Breach",Henry V 第三幕的開頭。 Tom的Henry V與原作比較不同: 原作(劇場)的國王平時親切和藹,四處活躍又幽默, 但總是適時得發出怒吼,給予振奮的演說。 Tom則是穿著緊身皮衣,騎著馬四處奔馳,隨著劇情的變化越來越像一位國王。 For both, it's the biggest leading role of their careers so far; the biggest, Parker points out, in Shakespeare, beating even Hamlet with over 1,800 lines, "if you string together Henry IV, parts 1 and 2 and Henry V". Both have done the triple whammy – Parker played Prince Hal at the Globe in 2010 while Hiddleston appeared in Richard Eyre's Henry IV earlier this month before taking the lead in Henry V, directed by Thea Sharrock. "It's one of the greatest journeys you can play – from wayward, wild, rebellious youth to compassionate, intelligent warrior poet," says Hiddleston. "I've always dreamed of it." 這是Tom目前為止扮演過最重要的主角,甚至比哈姆雷特還重要。 把Henry IV兩部跟Henry V加起來看,亨利國王的台詞多了哈姆雷特1800條。 Tom說這是自己所能扮演的最偉大的旅程之一: 從任性、野蠻又叛逆的青春少年演到富有智慧與同情心的英雄詩人。 他一直夢想可以演出這個角色。 They are just two of a horde of Henrys currently cutting a swathe through theatres. Propeller has just brought its macho take back to Hampstead Theatre after a national tour, the Iraq war inspires a modern-day version at the Old Red Lion theatre in north London, while Theatre Delicatessen's Falklands-flavoured promenade production has just ended a run in a former BBC building on Marylebone High Street. And last month the Michael Grandage Company announced that Jude Law has signed up to play the monarch in the West End next year. 除了受訪的這兩位之外,也有越來越多人要演出Henry V,包括Jude Law! It's not hard to see why the play, centred on the English triumph over the French at Agincourt, with its patriotism, "band of brothers" underdog spirit and even a romance with a beautiful Princess Catherine, has captured the imagination in 2012.Laurence Olivier's flag-waving film of 1944 was commissioned during the war as a rallying cry but the play, which portrays the gore of war as lustily as the glory, has always been a more complex treatise on patriotism. Each generation has looked to it to comment on their own conflicts – from Agincourt to Afghanistan. 要理解這部結合了愛國主義、兄弟情節還有與美麗公主的愛情故事的戲劇 為何在2012年如此受歡迎其實不難:1944的版本或許是為戰爭而號召, 但是這部用同樣的濃墨重彩描繪戰爭與榮耀的亨利五世 一直是對愛國主義複雜且重要的論述。英國人總是用這部戲劇來對比他們面對的衝突。 Hamlet aside, Henry is the dream role for a thirtysomething thespian – more muscular than Romeo, more heroic than Macbeth and, naturally, more vigorous than Lear. "It's about being on the threshold of manhood. It speaks deeply to parts of the male psyche," says Parker. And putting it on television, with Hiddleston, better known as Loki in Thor and The Avengers, is likely to bring it a new, generation of fans. "Thea talked about doing it for her 14-year-old nephew who loved Gladiator," says Hiddleston. "Most teenage boys are stewing in those ideas of masculinity. They want to be noble, to be men, but they're not yet. 亨利國王是除了哈姆雷特之外,30多歲的男演員們最想演出的角色。 比羅密歐強壯、比馬克白更有英雄氣息、比李爾王更生氣蓬勃, 這個角色充分描繪了男性心理,是象徵成年的一道門檻。 Tom的電視劇預計會吸引許多更年輕的粉絲, 因為導演曾經提到這部作品是為了她的神鬼戰士迷姪子而拍的。 Tom覺得這些年輕人正在培養他們對"Man"的想像,這部作品可能是個參考。 From Shakespeare to superheroes is not such a leap, he says. "When I started playing Loki, Edmund in Lear and Iago in Othello were my touchstones. Two impeccable bad guys, let's throw in a bit of Cassius from Julius Caesar, a lean and hungry look and we're off to the races. I think Ken Branagh was consciously tracking the journey of Henry V when he was thinking about Thor." Tom說自己在演Loki的時候參考了很多莎士比亞作品裡的反派, 他認為雷神索爾就是是用亨利五世的架構描繪索爾的成長。 Hiddleston and Parker can now add their names to an illustrious list – Richardson, Olivier, Burton, Dalton, Branagh – of Harrys on stage and screen. Do they feel the weight of history? "As an actor, it's completely terrifying," says Parker. "It's graduation day." "'Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,'" says Hiddleston, quoting Henry IV. They both do this a lot – a by-product, no doubt, of learning all of those lines. "I was uneasy. I didn't get a lot of sleep. I knew that it rested on my shoulders." Tom被問到是否因為先輩們對亨利五世的演出而有壓力? 他引用亨利四世的台詞:帶著王冠的人內心總是不安的。 在研究台詞的過程中,他也感染了這種不安,因此失眠。 Now Hiddleston is playing the part that made Branagh's name on screen in 1989. Does he worry about comparisons? "I don't feel any pressure to be him. I worked with him a lot, he gave me a huge opportunity and then I go and play the part that made him famous. I'm very aware of it. I think he is too. He said he can't wait to see it."Did he ask Sir Ken for advice? "No, I didn't think it would be helpful to either of us. All of us are standing on the shoulders of our predecessors. He knew he was a generation behind Olivier, Gielgud, Richardson, Schofield. We're the generation behind Branagh, Russell Beale…" Tom還有被問到會不會擔心因為再度演出他的導師(Kenneth Branagh)的成名作而被比較? 他說在受到Ken很多的提拔之後演出這部作品,他跟Ken都很清楚這一點。 Ken已經跟Tom說他等不及了。 那麼Tom有尋求Ken的建議嗎?Tom的答案是沒有,因為他跟Ken有不同的前輩要追趕。 Hiddleston's endurance test was a four-month shoot of all three plays back to back last winter. "Out there in chainmail, on horseback, shooting battles. My hands were absolutely ruined, my knuckles were split and bleeding from being outside and fighting every day. You think, 'I am reliving this'. Your imagination has to supply less of the detail, but at the same time I didn't have the live audience backing me up." "I'm really envious of Jamie doing the whole thing every night", he adds. "And I'm really glad that I don't have to be filming it every night. The stamina required… I was on the floor after the shoot." Tom在去年底到今年初的四個月內連續拍完三部曲, 因為每天穿鎖子甲騎在馬上拍戰鬥戲碼,雙手破皮、膝蓋出血。 除此之外,還必須不停的用想像力重現當時的場景,卻沒有現場演出的臨場感加持。 雖然Tom很開心不用每天晚上從頭到尾演一遍,但是他每天拍完戲之後都累趴了。 Post filming he collapsed and headed to Maui "to sit on a beach and watch whales". They will both miss being a king. "It's a part with which you can light fires under people," says Parker. "The experience of playing it is one that changes you permanently," agrees Hiddleston. "The intelligence, compassion and wisdom in the writing pulls you in. You carry it with you until you die." Tom拍完三部曲之後真的去了夏威夷,坐在海邊看鯨魚。 他很懷念當國王的感覺,這個角色對他的改變恆久不滅。 Tom表示:亨利五世的聰明、同情心與智慧深深地吸引你, 而這些特質會跟著你直到人生的終點。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/20 15:14, , 1F
(最後一段)坐在海邊看鯨魚 也太夢幻了吧~希望Tom可以
07/20 15:14, 1F

07/20 15:15, , 2F
多一點時間休息 感覺他最近又變瘦了....
07/20 15:15, 2F

07/20 15:15, , 3F
07/20 15:15, 3F

07/20 17:14, , 4F
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07/20 22:07, , 8F
07/20 22:07, 8F

07/20 22:08, , 9F
多,也讓人更期待明年上映的三部電影! 謝謝辛苦翻譯~>3<
07/20 22:08, 9F

07/20 22:32, , 10F
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07/20 22:50, , 11F
07/20 22:50, 11F

07/21 00:36, , 12F
坐在海邊看鯨魚 他是天使嗎?
07/21 00:36, 12F

07/21 01:06, , 13F
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07/21 11:19, , 17F
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07/21 11:20, , 18F
其他演員都沒有火花擦出 Tom獨撐大局讓我對亨四失去信心
07/21 11:20, 18F

07/21 11:21, , 19F
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07/21 11:23, , 21F
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07/21 13:31, , 22F
star0504 就是妳~哈哈哈哈,我英文也超無能的,唉
07/21 13:31, 22F

07/21 13:31, , 23F
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07/21 18:42, , 24F
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07/21 18:44, , 25F
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07/21 18:46, , 26F
至少我就超喜歡父子之間的對戲~~ (父子控曝露無疑)XD
07/21 18:46, 26F

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07/21 20:01, , 30F
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07/21 21:35, , 31F
"for you, this is for all of us..."根本LOKI啊XDDDDD
07/21 21:35, 31F

07/21 22:56, , 32F
這邊網路很貴, 最近應該無法為大家服務
07/21 22:56, 32F

07/21 23:22, , 33F
07/21 23:22, 33F

07/22 00:46, , 34F
axl2523感謝你唷>"< 希望他會回你!!!!
07/22 00:46, 34F

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文章代碼(AID): #1G2Ez__L (TWHiddleston)