更新: 虛心請教大家都怎麼上900分? (刪舊文)

看板TOEIC作者時間7年前 (2017/01/12 00:48), 7年前編輯推噓20(21134)
留言56則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
[聽力求救] 回difeon大大目前分數: L 430 R 425 糟糕 不上不下 想請教短時間 怎麼掌握聽力技巧? 跪求建議... 目前常常發現聽力第一次會miss細節 第二次聽往往沒壓力狀況常會聽到? 總結目前缺點: 太 求快 1 沒有認真看完題目,急著掃描完選項 2 所以細節(用同字但不同義,ex:受詞不同)沒看完(或陷阱常常掉入) 太 求慢 3 手腳太慢,讀細項,想用細節推理大綱=>想太複雜,題目不合推測大亂 4 題目讀完來不及聽到開頭 有時錯失大綱 是否考聽力高分的大大們 技巧是如何? 如: (目前自己歸納) 先看問題->抓大綱 題目細節->短暫記憶? 聽的時候回想短暫記憶,若命中->答題 聽力高分的大家是如何作答的呢? [閱讀求救] 從這本書 <NEW TOEIC 補教天王 教你 完全破解新多益文法> 看到的題目 但是覺得有些地方書中沒講到, 所以很好奇該怎麼解 想請求協助, 感恩解答~^^ 68 Although no one expected a budget cut any time soon, every departement head was ___ to know that it was a possibility. (A) given (B) allowed (C) asked (D) demanded 正確答案:A 為什麼C比較不對? 語感? 75 Even though his job performance is not ___ comparable to that of his predecessor, one can see his potential. (A) so (B) remotely (C) far (D) much 正確答案:B 選D錯的原因是? 79 The poor performance of our sales departement was blissfully ___ by the outstanding achievements of our R&D departement. (A) balanccing (B) accepted (C) counter (D) offset 正確答案:D 選B錯的原因應該是語意邏輯嗎? 110 A recession was ___ predicted, although to see a surmise become fact still hurt. (A) finally (B) long (C) thus (D) otherwise 正確答案:B 選A錯的原因是邏輯用法? 131 Since we specialize in design in its various forms, we don't ___ comformity in our associates. (A) concern (B) appreciate (C) mind (D) bother 正確答案:B 選A錯的原因是? 150 Gloves were ___ to the hazardous materials crew for the removal of the toxic waste. (A) issued (B) giving (C) handing (D) lauched 正確答案:A 選B錯的原因是時態嗎? 151 When ___ if collaboration with our rival was likely, our boss replied that it remained a mystery. (A) inquiring (B) inquired (C) inquiry (D) being inquired 正確答案:B 強調[被問到] 選D錯的原因是沒受詞嗎? 152 Seeing that company picnics are ___ to our staff's morale and productivity, the new company policies reuire all the staff attend at least three of them a year. (A) conducive (B) helpless (C) used (D) collective 正確答案:A 選C錯的原因是? 163 ___ is typical of our staff, their morale depends a lot on their clients' response. (A) It (B) What (C) As (D) That 正確答案:C D應該怎麼修改才會通呢? 211 ___ can be indicated by his job performance this quarter, he has lost his passion for his job of auditing. (A) As (B) What (C) It (D) This 正確答案:A 同上 C應該怎麼修改才會通呢? it ,as傻傻分不清>< 257 Promotional campaigns are apparently in order ___ mean to boost our sales in this region. (A) so (B) unless (C) if (D) that 正確答案:C in order表必要, D應該怎麼修改才會通呢 263 Though his habitual rardiness has given his superior a headache, he is ___ perfect, especially in his dedication to his job. (A) nearer (B) otherwise (C) therefore (D) besides 正確答案:B A應該怎麼修改才會通呢?nearerly嗎? 295 His being able to ___ come up with new ideas has helped him over the years to survive many crises. (A) ready (B) finally (C) ever (D) better 正確答案:C B是不是語意不對? 334 Though this venue for our annual convention can ___ more than 2,000 people, it will be crowded if the press is invited too. (A) seat (B) sit (C) capacity (D) place 正確答案:A D是不是沒這種用法,A應該怎麼修改才會通呢? 被動嗎? 338 Even when our plant is manufacturing at its top capacity, lots of orders are yet to be ___. (A) filled (B) placed (C) made (D) collected 正確答案:A B是不是語意不對,不加yet就OK嗎? 365 The issue ___ the bottom line that has been negatively impacted by this economic recession. (A) of (B) has (C) is (D) with 正確答案:C A應該怎麼修改才會通呢?去掉that(D也是吧?) 366 I cannot deny that a lot of us in the R&D departement have trouble ___ to the concept behind this new model. (A) related (B) connected (C) relating (D) linking 正確答案:C D是不是沒這種用法 370 The authorities require that every one of us ___ every need of our client from Alaska. (A) should (B) provide (C) replace (D) accommodate 正確答案:D B是不是語意不對 B應該怎麼修改才會通呢? 387 One protestor held a sign ___ read, "People need jobs." (A) to (B) as (C) with (D) that 正確答案:D BC應該怎麼修改才會通呢? 399 A ___ of food products are being developed to meet the needs of the market for food that is both tasty and convenient. (A) bag (B) combination (C) sort (D) variety 正確答案:D B是不是語意不對 401 As ___ characteristic of most female workers in Eastern countries, they have to work much harder than their male counterpart to be promoted. (A) is (B) so (C) for (D) that 正確答案:A CD應該怎麼修改才會通呢? 406 Since I will have to cover two projects at the same time, I had better ___ that vacation in March put off. (A) make (B) have (C) be (D) let 正確答案:B D是不是沒這種用法 420 Unbelievable ___ the rumor of insider trading may seem, an investigation into it by the board has begun. (A) in (B) that (C) while (D) as 正確答案:D B應該怎麼修改才會通呢 428 Witnessing our dormitory restored to ___ it was like before the earthquake struck, all the staff threw a party to celebrate. (A) that (B) which (C) originally (D) what 正確答案:D A不通的地方是?沒這樣用法? C應該怎麼修改才會通呢? : 因為上次剛好摸到855 : 又聽說只要認真檢討錯的題目 : 把該拿到的分數運用 檢討錯的那些 : 基本上轉錯為正 : 再加多練習 : 似乎都有機會? : 九百分以上的大家 : L R都是怎麼配分的? : 哪些基本上是不要漏分的部分 : 還請大家多多指點迷津。 : 謝謝您

01/10 08:55, , 1F
01/10 08:55, 1F

01/10 09:36, , 2F
有底子 洗題本 900很簡單吧
01/10 09:36, 2F

01/10 10:47, , 3F
01/10 10:47, 3F

01/10 11:50, , 4F
01/10 11:50, 4F

01/10 11:51, , 5F
可以試著全力準備 托福gmat gre 後(最少托福100gma
01/10 11:51, 5F

01/10 11:51, , 6F
t700) 回來多益 應可輕易破900
01/10 11:51, 6F

01/10 11:54, , 7F
準備難的幹嘛 人家要多益的分數 不是英文的實力提
01/10 11:54, 7F

01/10 11:54, , 8F
01/10 11:54, 8F

01/10 13:39, , 9F
01/10 13:39, 9F

01/10 14:56, , 10F
01/10 14:56, 10F

01/10 14:57, , 11F
01/10 14:57, 11F

01/10 14:57, , 12F
01/10 14:57, 12F

01/10 14:57, , 13F
01/10 14:57, 13F

01/10 14:58, , 14F
01/10 14:58, 14F

01/10 14:58, , 15F
01/10 14:58, 15F

01/10 14:58, , 16F
01/10 14:58, 16F

01/11 01:01, , 17F
01/11 01:01, 17F

01/11 01:01, , 18F
01/11 01:01, 18F

01/11 01:03, , 19F
01/11 01:03, 19F

01/11 01:03, , 20F
01/11 01:03, 20F

01/11 21:00, , 21F
01/11 21:00, 21F

01/11 21:00, , 22F
01/11 21:00, 22F
-- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1484153304.A.3B6.html ※ 編輯: airjordan325 (, 01/12/2017 00:49:30

01/12 04:03, , 23F
01/12 04:03, 23F

01/12 04:04, , 24F
而知了 畢竟沒貼分數 很難確定真偽 也許也知是爽吧?
01/12 04:04, 24F

01/12 08:32, , 25F
我上次聽力滿分, 在先看聽力題目時: 1.多寫題目久
01/12 08:32, 25F

01/12 08:33, , 26F
了,比較能抓到每句關鍵字,就會好記憶了 2.依題目
01/12 08:33, 26F

01/12 08:34, , 27F
01/12 08:34, 27F

01/12 08:34, , 28F
01/12 08:34, 28F

01/12 08:34, , 29F
01/12 08:34, 29F

01/12 11:34, , 30F
01/12 11:34, 30F

01/12 11:34, , 31F

01/12 14:22, , 32F
一樓要不要貼一下成績單?我晚點補貼900成績單 900
01/12 14:22, 32F

01/12 14:22, , 33F
明明很容易= =
01/12 14:22, 33F

01/12 14:36, , 34F

01/12 14:36, , 35F
01/12 14:36, 35F

01/12 15:21, , 36F
01/12 15:21, 36F

01/12 15:22, , 37F
01/12 15:22, 37F

01/12 15:22, , 38F
01/12 15:22, 38F

01/12 15:44, , 39F
01/12 15:44, 39F

01/12 15:46, , 40F
01/12 15:46, 40F

01/12 15:46, , 41F
01/12 15:46, 41F

01/12 16:01, , 42F
01/12 16:01, 42F

01/12 16:01, , 43F
01/12 16:01, 43F

01/12 16:01, , 44F
01/12 16:01, 44F

01/12 16:04, , 45F
01/12 16:04, 45F

01/12 16:04, , 46F
01/12 16:04, 46F

01/12 21:39, , 47F
01/12 21:39, 47F

01/12 23:01, , 48F
01/12 23:01, 48F

01/13 07:25, , 49F
01/13 07:25, 49F

01/13 19:59, , 50F
01/13 19:59, 50F

01/13 20:00, , 51F
閱讀比較難加強 但聽力明顯不夠力 要每天聽 猛聽
01/13 20:00, 51F

01/13 20:21, , 52F
有底子再刷題庫, 有底子是指裸考能考幾分嗎? 750?
01/13 20:21, 52F

01/13 20:35, , 53F
另外問一下, 閱讀題庫不建議慢慢做當學英文嗎?
01/13 20:35, 53F

01/13 22:19, , 54F
01/13 22:19, 54F

01/13 23:14, , 55F
考過滿分的真的不多 但900以上很多吧
01/13 23:14, 55F

01/14 15:10, , 56F
指考or學測英文有前標的人肯花點時間 且準備方式正
01/14 15:10, 56F

01/14 15:10, , 57F
確 就幾乎穩過900了
01/14 15:10, 57F

01/14 15:10, , 58F
01/14 15:10, 58F

01/14 15:10, , 59F
01/14 15:10, 59F

01/14 15:13, , 60F
你可能會說比例根本不一樣 (25% vs 10%) 但其實絕
01/14 15:13, 60F

01/14 15:13, , 61F
01/14 15:13, 61F

01/14 15:13, , 62F
備 跟指考學測不一樣 所以我才說要在肯用正確方式
01/14 15:13, 62F

01/14 15:13, , 63F
01/14 15:13, 63F

01/14 15:17, , 64F
至於對練習題目很不屑的人 我只能說你自己準備多益
01/14 15:17, 64F

01/14 15:17, , 65F
不會練題目嗎 以前準備各種考試也沒做考古題 題庫?
01/14 15:17, 65F

01/14 15:17, , 66F
如果自己也有 卻很不屑別人那樣 不是很怪嗎
01/14 15:17, 66F

01/14 15:19, , 67F
另 每個人有自己準備考試的方式 你不喜歡可以不要
01/14 15:19, 67F

01/14 15:19, , 68F
那樣做啊 為何要去批評別人的準備方法
01/14 15:19, 68F

01/14 18:48, , 69F
我準備多益就是洗題本啊= =然後就900了 我分享一下
01/14 18:48, 69F

01/14 18:48, , 70F
01/14 18:48, 70F

01/14 23:33, , 71F
01/14 23:33, 71F

01/14 23:33, , 72F
01/14 23:33, 72F

01/14 23:33, , 73F
01/14 23:33, 73F

01/14 23:33, , 74F
01/14 23:33, 74F

01/14 23:33, , 75F
01/14 23:33, 75F

01/14 23:33, , 76F
01/14 23:33, 76F

01/15 16:07, , 77F
01/15 16:07, 77F

01/16 08:37, , 78F
01/16 08:37, 78F
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