[分享] 獨立寫作首段怎麼寫? by J2

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (蘿蔔)時間4年前 (2020/03/14 15:43), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
最近同學應該在網路上有看到一張圖,是一個多益的題目,疑似有時空旅人 出題, 題目是: ______ in Wuhan, China, the flu spread rapidly throughout the country. 給了四個選項: A)Origin B) Originate C) Originated D) Originating A, B兩個選項應該可以直接刪掉沒問題,但好多同學C跟D之間無法確定。 其實這題考的是分詞構句+慣用語兩個點,也難怪很難選。 首先先說分詞構句部分,分詞ing還是ed看是主動還是被動,如果選C, 原本 的句子會變成the flu was originated in Wuhan, 但中文說起源於...英文 就是直接用originate這個字,是主動的用法,所以應該是the flu originated in Wuhan,,原本的兩個句子是: 1) The flu originated in Wuhan. 2) The flu spread rapidly throughout the country. 兩個句子合在一起就變成了: Originating in Wuhan, the flu spread rapidly throughout the country. 這個問題對托福來說或許關聯性沒有很強,畢竟不考文法的選擇題,但是對 於獨立寫作來說,卻很實用喔! 我們來看怎麼把這種句型用在introduction首段! 假設一個題目是問政府該不該蓋核電廠,introduction可能可以這樣寫: There have been numerous controversies concerning whether or not the government should build the nuclear power plant. Recognizing the importance of its ability to generate tremendous electricity compared to any other power plants, I, however, maintain that the government should not build the nuclear power plant because of the following three reasons. 可以利用分詞構句的句型,表達「了解到核電廠發電量很大,但我還是覺得 政府不應該蓋核電廠,因為以下三個理由。」 這裡同學應該也可以發現到,這是英文作文首段很常用的方式,在表明自己 立場前,會先說反方的優點,簡單來說就是先贊成反方,在提出己方的論 點。 可以看一下其他不同網路文章的首段: While work is widely viewed as the major source of stress for Americans, new research shows that people have significantly lower stress levels when they are at the office compared to their time at home. While the effect of human activity on the global climate is hotly debated, physical signs of environmental change are all around us. 從上面兩篇文章的首段也不難看出,也都是習慣提出反方的論點,後面再加 上自己的看法。所以同學在寫introduction也可以把握這個原則,就能簡單 的寫出一個好的首段。 我們可以拿一題寫作真題來練習: 免費寫作機經下載請到: https://www.facebook.com/groups/437362266344116/ 加入社團後搜尋「學科機經整理」免費下載 20180324 People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work. 如果立場是同意,那就要先提到反方的優點,也就是平常的興趣跟工作相關 的一個好處,例如: There have been numerous controversies concerning whether or not people should take time to relax with hobbies that are very different from what they do at work. Recognizing the fact that hobbies that are similar to work can improve people’s work performance, I, however, maintain that people should choose hobbies that are very different from work for the following three reasons. 如果不確定自己寫的正不正確,歡迎同學來「陪你讀」時間免費諮詢!完全 免費且不限班內生,歡迎同學們帶戰友們一起來! 時間:週二下午13:00-17:00 地點:台北市信義路四段六號13F-7 SK2教室 不用報名,直接過來即可喔! Cheers, J2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1584171811.A.778.html

03/17 21:08, 4年前 , 1F
03/17 21:08, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1UR8iZTu (TOEFL_iBT)