[ JJ ] J2TOEFL 12/20回憶+命中情況

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12/20 回憶總整理 12/19, 20持續命中真題, 今天命中的是 *命中T38 Lecture 4 Electronic music 歷年真題命中情況:http://j2toefl.blogspot.tw/p/j2toefl.html 閱讀 1. Tree ring 第一段(很長):開頭介紹tree ring在不同季節的特性—>怎麼取出?用機 器將core取出 後來說到有些tree ring會消失,所以需要很多很多樣品才可以交叉分析 單字題 extract = remove (跟cut猶豫...但後面有一題題目算是提示, cut的概念是沒有保留,remove概念是移出出來—>做其他分析,所以覺得是 remove) 給了類似這張圖: http://anthro.palomar.edu/time/images/tree_rings_1.gif
詳細一點的: http://images.slideplayer.com/2/696056/slides/slide_82.jpg
第二段、第三段、第三段: 交叉分析,可以定年(需要很多sample) 舉例oak、pine tree適合拿來定年,可以定很長時間,因為他們可以活很久 ~舉了幾個地點來support這個論點。 可以拿來校正放射定年法,或是拿來驗證古蹟的時間。 第五段: 除了定年外也可以來看climate change 不過因為很多factor會影響年輪生長,所以其實很難確立一個準確的因素導 致年輪變化。 (插入題)雖然很多因素,但已經有很多氣候變化時間,已透過此方式確 認。例子是兩區域的(歐洲和美洲?)同種樹但其中一個看起來是夏天,一 個卻是冬天—>因為有區域性climate shift 而這些樹是生長在climate shift tolerance 範圍的邊際 (單字題: margins = ends)所以才可以有機會呈現出這些變化。最後確認這個是因為 volcano爆發導致的。 2.Economic growth of Rome in the August period 第一段:羅馬city經濟發展很好,不僅如此(插入題)只讓羅馬有受到好 處,周遭的城市也收到影響,flow into 和flow out量到很高(有except題 說是比較大—>正確選項)。 第二段:城市很多人湧入的原因是因為,其農地政策是繼承制,而且會越分 越小—>不具經濟規模,所以農田人家為了保持農地大小,則年輕人會湧入 到都市,且因為都市死亡率仍很高,故需要新鮮的人力來支撐城市的發展。 第三段:有一種人(p),是靠農業來致富,並讓城市的發展中心圍繞在他們 附近。他們在城市建了許多好的住宅、禮物、教堂、等等給居民,其行為是 效仿senator (本來就很有錢的人)已取得好的社經地位。 第四段:有些城市因為是在羅馬“供給”的路線上,所以逐漸變大(兩個城 市舉例O & P)。 第五段:不過有些城市也因而沒落,因為在其他old city的p也想要在羅馬 城市中取得好的地位,故他們賺得錢不會拿來用在當地,所以這些老城市逐 漸沒落(簡單來說,取之當地,用於它地)。 3. Food shortage leads to the reaction of animals (時間不夠,沒仔細看完整篇) 第一段:鳥類食物來源會有幾種狀況:1. 天氣冷或乾燥,導致草會退到 shorebirds無法覓食的地方,或是會縮在土裡,而不易讓鳥類吃到,所以鳥 類的食物來源,常常會變化。提到說有些鳥會變換他們的gut,以適應這種 食物短缺的情況已攝取不同的食物當作養分來源,但也因為這種rapid shift of foods有時會傷害鳥。 第二段:food storage:(考題:哪幾種鳥事long-term儲存),有些會儲 存fat在wintering 或是migration時,以用於之後breeding用,保溫孵蛋 第三段:small bird常常要進食,因為他們晚上就會消耗掉能量,頂多只能 稱1~2天(插入題:舉例tiny hummingbird,醒著就是一直吃);成鳥,因 為新陳代謝相對緩慢,所以不需耗費太多能量。 第四段:有些鳥會間歇性休眠,使身體機能下降,保存能量。單字題:in some degree = in a certain extent 有些鳥甚至在夜晚就會有這機制,因為他們的prey也在睡覺。有些鳥是 day,有些鳥是week,如同哺乳類的冬眠(考題:為什麼要提到哺乳類冬 眠)。結語是說,這個還是不是一個很好的方式面對食物短缺。 聽力 C1 很想上課啦! 有個學生跟教授說,他很想要上老師的課agriculture和environment 但他突然知道他下學期要去實習,所以時間衝到無法修課,但他很想上,所 以就看了course catalog,發現此教授有提供online版本授課。 教授很驚訝?!(應該是說這個online課程應該放錯地方了)。 他就說online course其實不太好啊~學生自制力、沒能問老師問題等等 接著,學生就說他為什麼很想上?因為他之前的研究報告就是做pesticide 對環境的影響(內容略......) 這時,教授想到,既然你這麼想跟我,那我們就下學期一起做independent study,然後簡單說了一下大致內容(weekly assignments等等,還有機會 做farm project),學生當然很興奮~但教授說要先請他上學校網站填表 格,還後之後來找教授,再一起討論細節。(學生很開心~) L1 總歸~Taiwan是南島語族的起源!http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/ gallery/3088/3088-252878.gif 透過language tree immigration 路徑,語言的分裂也是不同routes的分裂 然後支持一些早期的model:Pulse-pause model pause可以拿來視為困難與某些技術產生的指標(boats),所以而開始第二次 PPM ,就跑到夏威夷了~ 另外可利用bacteria,細菌比人還早就活在世界上,可以透過DNA 來辨別遷 徙路徑,發現與語言的分支狀況是一樣的~ L2 biology class 教授叫是一個green-roof model in Chicago building 分為兩類(考題:誰較深?) 1. intensive: 土壤deep 12 inches 2. extensive: 土壤deep 1-5 inches 然後說了一句強調 “one” low plant(有考題) 接著說green roof 本來是想說用來drainage system後來發現也可以讓建築 物降溫cooling,達到節省能源功用。 教授就舉他參觀的經驗,上面很漂亮,完全感覺不到是在屋頂上,但當看到 窗戶以及聽到喇叭聲時有點違和。(有考教授經驗) 不僅如此,有個naturist團隊,研究green roof的生態狀況,發現在綠屋頂 提供良好的棲所給很多動物,數量也比往年還要多。 結語:有些人覺得綠屋頂是個expensive的工程,雖然這非常valid,然而教 授覺得應該要多花一些elaborate 或是 complex的綠屋頂讓生物棲息。 C2 Auditorium room reservation (前面說得有點不知道在幹麻......很多考點......囧) 大致上是:學生要reserve一個大的講堂用來舉辦演講,但發現它沒有收到 confirmation email (行政人員很訝異他怎麼沒用email跟他說還特別跑 來?) 行政人員:查看電腦系統,發現學生沒有預約這間紀錄,只有他之前他第一 次借的講堂紀錄。 學生解釋:因為人數超乎預期,所以他取消,然後想預約大間一點的。 行政人員就說,哇~那間已經有人預訂了。 學生問:有其他間嗎? 行政人員問:你一定要這天嗎? 學生說:因為講師是從Chicago遠道而來,沒辦法改時間啊~ (突然間,行政人員電腦白屏) 學生就說:看來你原本的電腦問題沒有解決~顆顆~等等下課再來幫您看看 ~ (突然電腦又復活了) 行政人員:喔我找到另一間講堂。 學生問:夠40人嗎? 行政人員說:夠~ 然後就幫他預定了~之後學生就說待會見 L3 astronomy:(很像機經...但又忘記在哪...感覺又不像...結果就...沒 記很清楚在講什麼QQ) Exoplanet 是透過1960的科學家“偶然間發現的” radio velocity(字卡)會改變軌道 放射出來的光可以檢測exoplanet的大氣組成成分(如果有的話),因為不 同chemical會導致不同波長的光。 blurring problem? 結語:有些東西仍然還不能檢測到,但未來有更好的儀器一定可以用來觀察 L4 *命中T38 Lecture 4 Electronic music 口說 1. 有三種志工活動,選擇哪一個?why? a. tutoring other students b. teach the adults to read c. provide transportation for old people 2. some people may choose that they can borrow money to buy large purchase, and other think that they choose to save enough money and spend on large purchase. what do you think? which one you would choose? 3. electronics bulletin The university letter states that the school is going to set a electronic bulletin to inform students the events on campus. And the woman disagree. In fact, she thinks it will not work. Because, she disagree that the students would like to put the information on the central location. To be more specific, students care about their poster can be seen as wild as possible, and students can read the information everywhere. For example, once the woman walk by the library and see the poster of a show, before she noticed the poster, she even did’t know the event. Therefore, the electronic bulletin may not useful. Also, although the bulletin know would be much clear, she disagree that the students would want to post on the electronic bulletin. To be more specific, students can not wait for their posters appearing on the bulletin. So, That’s why the woman disagree the letter. 4. Shaping The term shaping means that parents and teachers can teach the children gradually. And the professor used his personal example to explain what it means. Ok, as a start, he bought a drawing book and teach her daughter to draw everywhere on the picture and neglect the outline on the picture. And the professor will praise her daughter. He told her: well done! However, after a period of drawing randomly, he told her daughter to draw by following the picture of tree with green color, but she could not do it right. This time, the professor kept silent. Next time, when they were going to draw a trunk with brown color, this time his daughter successfully follow the outline in the picture. As a result, her daughter learned the drawing skill. And, that’s how the professor explain the term. 5. same topic of one presentation The problem of the woman is that her presentation topic is same as other student in the same class. For me, I would recommend for her to keep work on current subject. because it is more convenient for her. Although the topic might similar to the other, still, she can have different ways to present to topic and the professor does not limit that student can not have same topic. On the other hand, if she choose to change her presentation, it will be very inconvenient. Because she need to start out again and do research again, even though she can provide a distinct sharing with new information that can teach other students. 6. irrigation The professor describe the several problems of the irrigation system on the little rainfall region Ok, as a start, the professor talks about too much irrigation will damage the crops. For example, the disease, such as funga, will spread in the irrigation system to ruin all the plants. In addition, the soil will melt because absorbing too much water, also ruin the crops. Second, the professor talks about salty water. Although salty water would not damage the crops immediately, it still have some negative effect. For example, in west United State, less water but with large river. The river is very salty and the farmer in there use the water. The professor say the high concentration salty water even though are not currently affect the crops, the irrigation system might be used at this area because of highly salty soil in one day. That’s how the professor describes the irrigation system in drought area. ————————————————————————— 寫作 獨立 In the following three choices which one would you choose to improve your health? 1. the food you eat 2. do exercise 3. amount of stress in your life 整合 Orcas R: one whale had been seen in Russia (normal type dark portion and white portion) http://oceanox.org/image/orca-1.jpg
one whale had been seen in Alaska, which the scientist called “ Iceberg”, because it was nearly cover all white color. http://uk.whales.org/....../tip-of-iceberg-unravelling...... They are two different individuals, because the following reasons 1. slightly coloration,顏色不同當然不同。 2. far distance(被發現地點相距,1500 km),因為太遠,所以不是同 隻。 3. age estimation,一個是在2000發現,一個是在2010發現,透過體型推 測年齡不同,所以是不同隻。 L: 1. 顏色不同可能是season change by algae(有字卡),因為藻類會在 whale上面grow,所以讓whale有季節性、地區性的顏色變化—>兩隻是同一 隻! 2. 因為不同whale group會有兩類不同族群移動方式(一個是固定在某地方 生存、一個是會跟的魚跑),而此種Orcas是屬於fish hunting,故他們會隨 魚群migration,而且最遠可以達到2000 km (>1500 km),所以這兩隻有有 可能是同一隻! 3. 教授說age estimation uncertainly accurate,因為未考量到會再長大 了,透過體型來判定,可能有誤,比較晚發現的可能是上一隻長到的,因此 也不能確認他是25 or 35歲,但可以確定的是他們應該是同一隻。(第三個 聽不太清楚,可能有誤~) -- ████ █ ██ ███▌███ ███ ███ █ █ ▃█ ▊ █ █ █ █   █ █ █ ▊ █ █ ██◤ ██◤ █ ◥▆◤ ██ ▊ █ █ █ █ █ ▊ ███ ███ █ ███ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1450809239.A.D16.html

12/24 09:55, , 1F
12/24 09:55, 1F
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