[ JJ ] 2014 1/18 送佛計畫寫作機經擬答

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (送佛計畫)時間10年前 (2014/01/17 21:40), 編輯推噓2(204)
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送佛計畫,幫各位編輯了明天1/18日的獨立寫作論點整理!! Which way do you think is the best way for a student to make new friends? a. joining a sport team b. participates in community activities c. traveling 審題: 1、三選一題目的解題流程,首先要確認自己選的是哪個選項。 2、確認自己的選項之後,一定要注意的是,支持自己選項(sports team)的論點(優 ,應該是要其他選項(community activities、traveling)沒有的。例如說,如果說因為參 加sports team可以認識各種background的人,就是不好的理由。因為參加community activities也可以認識不同background的人。 In the first place, when it comes to efficiency, compared with participating in activities and traveling, there is no doubt that joining a sport team is more efficient to build friendship. As we all know, when we arc joining a sport team, we naturally communicate with other members about the match strategy without any hesitations, enhancing mutual understanding dramatically. Furthermore, in contrast with community activities and traveling, another advantage of joining a sport team is that students gel more relaxation in sports. Students nowadays have to face heavy pressures from work and study, which have even jeopardized their health and growth. Under this circumstance, it is by joining a team that they have a break from overwhelming class and study. Last but not the least; when students join a sport team, for example basketball team, to achieve victory, they must cooperate with their mates. Therefore, it will undoubtedly foster their cooperation ability, at the least possible lo achieve if students choose to go traveling and participate in activities. Sense of cooperation will lay a more solid foundation to nurture friends. Do you agree that government should not provide any financial support for musicians, filmmakers and artists? 審題: 1、這是相對好發揮的題目,可以從musicians、filmmakers和artists這類職業的特色去想 ,就很好發揮。例如這類文創產業確實是有發展性的產業,以及這類職業的產品(畫作、音 樂等等),是社會重要的資產,基於這些理由,政府應該支持這些職業。 Firstly, art like music and movies are important industries in the modern society. Art industries generate profits in economic activity annually, supporting million jobs and generating billions in government revenue. Investment in the arts supports jobs, generates tax revenues, promotes tourism, and advances our creativity-based economy. Furthermore, the arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts help us express our values, build bridges between cultures, and bring us together regardless of ethnicity, religion, or age. When times are tough, art is salve for the ache. 完整的濃縮雞精放在送佛計畫社團的檔案夾裡。 密碼:ilovebeattoefl 關於寫作要寫四段或五段,其實都可以 不過如果臨時只能想出兩個論點的話,絕對不要勉牆寫五短 以避免論點重複,甚至是離題的狀況 只要Topic sentence跟example寫得很清楚 邏輯緊扣者題目,寫四段其實很容易寫到高分 寫作評分標準,ETS曾經在2010公布 確實就是電腦和人改 ETS也說得很清楚,電腦就是針對修辭和用字有無錯誤去改 而文章的邏輯是否正確,有沒有論點重複以及離題的部分,就是由人工批改 這是電腦程式無法處理的 (可以的話就真的是人工智慧了) 2010年之前的題目,大多邏輯不難,例如 Do you agree or disagree that parents are the best teachers. 這是邏輯很簡單的題目,也不容易離題的題目,只要選邊站,講兩個論點就很好寫 套個模板就可以寫很高分 ETS很聰明,知道亞洲人有各種高分模板 大概2010年之後的題目,在邏輯的辨證上都有越來越繞的趨勢 所以會有很多同學明明英文不錯,又寫了400多字,卻拿個F,或是很低分的G 就是因為即便模板提供了一個很好的文章架構,很多同學對於內文邏輯,離題與否 還是掌握得不好 現在的題目就會變成 Do you agree or disagree that with the improvement of technology, parents now do not provide more education functions than in the past? 這樣的題目在邏輯上確實就比較容易讓同學離題 請大家下筆之前,除了模板之外,一定要好好審題目,不要讓自己離題 祝大家考試順利!一起Beattoefl!! 送佛教學團隊送大家到哈佛,史丹佛,或丹佛!!! 相信自己,你們一定可以的!! http://beattoefl.pixnet.net/blog http://www.beattoefl.com.tw/ https://www.facebook.com/beattoefl -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Beattoefl 來自: (01/17 21:41) ※ 編輯: Beattoefl 來自: (01/17 21:43) ※ 編輯: Beattoefl 來自: (01/17 22:08)

01/17 23:40, , 1F
01/17 23:40, 1F

01/18 10:00, , 2F
01/18 10:00, 2F

01/18 10:00, , 3F
01/18 10:00, 3F

01/18 10:01, , 4F
文中幾乎所有arts都不對,但是the arts是正確用法。
01/18 10:01, 4F

01/18 10:02, , 5F
01/18 10:02, 5F
※ 編輯: Beattoefl 來自: (01/18 12:14)

01/18 12:16, , 6F
01/18 12:16, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1IsJBLg1 (TOEFL_iBT)