[ JJ ] 6/30機經回憶

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J2幫大家整理各大論壇及網站所有網友分享的6/15機經回憶, (只負責整理,版權歸所有原分享者,感謝各網友熱情分享) 命中情況: 閱讀 第三篇 (J1等級plan 15 = 20120706NA) 口說 Task 1, 2 (J1等級Q11, Q3 = 20110619CN = 20100227NA) Task 3, 4 (J1等級Q10, Q2 = 20121027CN = 20110304NA) Task 5, 6 (J1等級 Q9, Q8 = 20110320CN = 20091219NA) 寫作 整合 (J1等級 plan 1 =20100424NA) 獨立 (J1等級plan1 = 20091219NA) 回憶如下: 閱讀 第一篇 版本一: 是在敘說語言的發展 多數歐系語言都來自拉丁文 還有提到羅馬文明 版本二: 是語言學 發現很多語言其實都是從1種演變來的 講了語言的樹模型 最後一 段講的是人們的遷移 是個complicate factor什麼的 第二篇 版本一: 是在講巴拿馬板塊運動開啓了北美洲跟南美洲的物種交流 其中又因為南美洲 的動物無法適應氣候環境的關係 所以北美的物種比較穩定 並未因南美洲來 的物種而重新洗牌 版本二: 南北動物的之間的聯繫找到了然後講的是一個imbalance 再講 北部動物的3 個 advantage 最後一段是 講 competitive factor 和 非競爭因素 第三篇 (J1等級plan 15 = 20120706NA) 米蘭科氏維奇假說 ; 就是JJ裡的那篇Milankoviych cycle 聽力 Conversation 1 男生找教授問上課提到的問題,兩組學鋼琴,一組不斷彈,訓練,第二組只 去想像彈鋼琴,一段時間後兩組的大腦中某過區域都發生expand,且彈的一 樣好,男生說那我do sport也可以這樣嗎?只去想像,教授說那你可得和教 練說好,good luck(有題)並表示理論上應該如此 Lecture 1 生物:昆蟲變態。部分(蜻蜓)+完全變態(蝴蝶)好處:幼體成 蟲食物棲息地外加需要達成的目標完全不同,方便幼蟲成長減少競爭。 Lecture 2 版本一: 教授講的這個議題是到目前都還沒有結論的。在結束之前用恐龍來當做例子 表達科學家從假設到被証實一件過去的歷史事件是需要很長的時間。提到冰 河時期的發生原因,原本以為是流星雨 但是nanodiamond鑑定出來的時間是 比冰河時期還要晚許多,所以假設被推翻.... 版本二: ice age結束後,又一個時期氣溫突然變冷,科學家研究最大可能是隕石砸下 來,用microscope研究加拿大black layer,找到很多diamonds證明了。 Conversation 2 對話是在講學生參加的球隊要出去比賽,可是球隊包車出發的時間跟學生要 去面試intern的時間衝突 有考慮過搭公車自己去,但是公車時間太早了不可能 教授有建議學生寫信去改面試時間,可是學生擔心這樣會讓公司對他有不好 的印象 Lecture 3 一篇講technic music,主要講音樂的保存,早期磁帶錄音,兩個困難一是反 復翻錄噪音增加品質下降,一個是磁帶保存時間有限,提到電影膠捲低溫保 存,但磁帶不行(有題)後面說digital形式的保存在cd解決了第一個問題( at least they thought),但面臨一個問題是播放軟體的更新 Lecture 4 版本一: 剛開始說的是硬性指標和軟性指標,舉了餐廳例子。後舉了一個買衣服的例 子,說大家其實最care的是衣服有多便宜還有衣服的種類多不多,什麼背景 音樂啊,燈光啊都不怎麼重要。中間還穿插了那個男生好像是買咖啡機的例 子,那個男生說售貨員知道的比他還少難道是故意 版本二: 心理學的樣子...現在一時想不起來,只記得提到一個專有名詞,然後這專有 名詞會在前面加上complete或者incomplete會變成不同的意思 口說 Task 1 (J1等級 Q11 =20110619CN = 20100227NA) Describe something you already know how to do but want to improve the ability or skills to do so. Task 2 (J1等級 Q3 = 20110619CN = 20100227NA) Advertisements have great impact on consumer's behavior Task 3 (J1等級 Q10 = 20121027CN = 20110304NA) newspaper change: not many students listen to campus radio, it proposed to increase the time playing music in the campus radio station. reason: many students like to listen to music, more students would listen to the radio, therefore, school announcement could be broadcast in the radio. Task 4 (J1等級 Q2 = 20121027CN = 20110304NA) XXX regret. (第一個字忘記了) Definition: When people encountered a tough situation, there are two ways to deal with it. one is to do nothing, and another is to take some action trying to make things better. People used to do nothing because they are afraid that they will regret for the actions they took. Example: 教授要去搭飛機,可是路上塞車。這時候他有兩個選擇 一個 是繼續塞在車陣然後趕不上飛機,另一個是走另一條替代道路,雖然比較遠 但是比較不塞。最後因為教授擔心那條路平常比較少走,不知道現在有沒有 在施工或者多加了一些紅綠燈,所以不敢走,結論是還是沒趕上飛機 Task 5 (J1等級 Q9 = 20110320CN =20091219NA) 版本一: Sue(the female student) will go to a concert with her roommate tmw night, she is very excited. but there is a problem. her sis is in town tomorrow night( only one night) 2 options: 1.ask roommate with another friend to go to the concert + Sue and her sis can talk and spend time together - she cannot go to the concert 2. get one more tkt and bring her sis to the concert + they can enjoy the concert - they cant talk since too noise and also the tkt is very expensive on the day before the concert 版本二: problem: a concert is coming up, the students are really looking forward to it, but her sister is coming to town on the same day. solution1: give the ticket to roommate and spend time with sister. solution2: buy another ticket for her sister and to go together. (but the ticket will be more expensive at that time) Task 6 (J1等級 Q8 = 20110320CN =20091219NA) Express two ways of immune system protect body: Ans: 1. (不知道那什麼單字): the first phase of the protection. Like the skin, which can protect **** from entering body. ex: bite from mosquito. 2. Mechanism removal: reaction to move out the **** being carrying into body. ex: sneeze. 口說 Task 1 (J1等級 Q11 =20110619CN = 20100227NA) Describe something you already know how to do but want to improve the ability or skills to do so. Task 2 (J1等級 Q3 = 20110619CN = 20100227NA) Advertisements have great impact on consumer's behavior Task 3 (J1等級 Q10 = 20121027CN = 20110304NA) newspaper change: not many students listen to campus radio, it proposed to increase the time playing music in the campus radio station. reason: many students like to listen to music, more students would listen to the radio, therefore, school announcement could be broadcast in the radio. Task 4 (J1等級 Q2 = 20121027CN = 20110304NA) XXX regret. (第一個字忘記了) Definition: When people encountered a tough situation, there are two ways to deal with it. one is to do nothing, and another is to take some action trying to make things better. People used to do nothing because they are afraid that they will regret for the actions they took. Example: 教授要去搭飛機,可是路上塞車。這時候他有兩個選擇 一個 是繼續塞在車陣然後趕不上飛機,另一個是走另一條替代道路,雖然比較遠 但是比較不塞。最後因為教授擔心那條路平常比較少走,不知道現在有沒有 在施工或者多加了一些紅綠燈,所以不敢走,結論是還是沒趕上飛機 寫作 整合寫作 J1等級 plan 1 =20100424NA 版本一: Prescribed Burning: Reading passage lists three disadvantages while professor expresses three interpretation to again them. Disadvantages: 1. threat to wildlife 2. will cause CO2 3. Not very sure. but mainly is about PB will cost more money and time Professor's opinion: 1. As long as plan the time before, and remove the young animal. also the burning time is short. it will not threat the wildlife animals. 2. Vegetation actually absorb the co2 very quick 3. now still have natural fire, for instance, light. PB actually help to reduce the cost, and make the nature firs less severe becuz many tress were dead during the PB. 版本二: 森林計畫火燒prescribed fire 閱讀:1對wildlife的毀壞,因為幼崽會難以逃脫 2排出溫室氣體,對環境破壞 3好像是說還有自然發生的火災,expense高 聽力:1一般都是在不繁殖期用火的,不會傷害他們 2植物生長會吸收二氧化 碳3減少自然大火的可能性 獨立寫作 人擁有得少會更快樂 獨立寫作 J1等級plan1 = 20091219NA People would be happier if they had fewer possessions. J2TOEFL機經團隊 最專業機經整理機構,歡迎加入J2 TOEFL社團,掌握TOEFL機經最新資訊,每週更新托福機經 我們會在FB社團上分享即將考出的原文原題!請立即加入我們,不要在資訊上輸在起跑點! http://www.facebook.com/groups/437362266344116/ SK2TOEFL顧問團隊 的網站帶給同學托福準備上最有效的方法,歡迎大家造訪? http://sk2toefl.blogspot.com A2GMAT高分團隊 近三年訓練出PTT GMAT版超過90%的高分同學, 用最短最有效率的方式搞定GMAT! 歡迎加入全球最大GMAT社團掌握最完整留學及考試資訊,每日更新最新GMAT機經直接下載! http://www.facebook.com/groups/A2GMAT/ -- ████ █ ██ ███▌███ ███ ███ █ █ ▃█ ▊ █ █ █ █   █ █ █ ▊ █ █ ██◤ ██◤ █ ◥▆◤ ██ ▊ █ █ █ █ █ ▊ ███ ███ █ ███ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: TOEFLJJ 來自: (07/01 02:30) ※ 編輯: TOEFLJJ 來自: (07/01 02:31) ※ 編輯: TOEFLJJ 來自: (07/01 02:36)

07/01 14:35, , 1F
口說的Task4是anticipated regret
07/01 14:35, 1F

07/10 15:03, , 2F
07/10 15:03, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1Hq7aaXS (TOEFL_iBT)