[請益] TPO 18 lightning

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (不屬於人類的天堂)時間13年前 (2011/02/28 21:26), 編輯推噓3(304)
留言7則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The formation of the channel is initiated when electrons surge from the cloud base toward the ground. When a stream of these negatively charged electrons comes within 100 meters of the ground it is met by a stream of positively charged particles that comes up from the ground. When the negatively and positively charged streams meet, a complete channel connecting the cloud and the ground is formed. The channel is only a few centimeters in diameter, but that is wide enough for electrons to follow the channel to the ground in the visible form of a flash of lightning. The stream of positive particles that meets the surge of electrons from the cloud often arises from a tall pointed structure such as a metal flagpole or a tower. That is why the subsequent lightning that follows the completed channel often strikes a tall structure. Which of the following claims about lightning strikes can be inferred from paragraph 5 ? 1.During a lightning strike the diameter of the channel the electrons follow is considerably enlarged beyond a few centimeters 2.A building is unlikely to be hit by lightning unless it is at least 100 meters tail 3.A building is hit by a lightning strike because the building itself has first determined the path the lightning then takes to it 4.The light of a lightning strike first appears at the point where the streams of negative and positive particles meet 答案就是第四個 可是我找不出是從哪裡推出來的 可以麻煩解答一下嗎?! 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/14 23:32, , 1F
03/14 23:32, 1F

08/10 01:17, , 2F
08/10 01:17, 2F

09/17 16:05, , 3F
我的版本答案是4,我覺得答案是在when the negatively
09/17 16:05, 3F

09/17 16:06, , 4F
and positively charged streams meet, a complete
09/17 16:06, 4F

09/17 16:07, , 5F
channel connection to the cloud and the ground is
09/17 16:07, 5F

09/17 16:08, , 6F
formed. 這段說的channle應該等同"雷擊"的path
09/17 16:08, 6F

09/17 16:08, , 7F
09/17 16:08, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1DQwA3o6 (TOEFL_iBT)