[分享] 我的口說模板

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (miku)時間15年前 (2009/04/04 14:51), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(1.) 獨立口說我基本上是想到什麼就講什麼..||| 1.準備的15秒至少要想好ㄧ個完整的主題句和一個實例/理由 2.主題具和實例後面就順水推舟各掰個ㄧ兩句 3.最後說 Because of these reasons, 主題句(換句話說or一樣皆可) ex.我這次考最喜歡的科目 說完我最喜歡fine art and always got good grade on painting後,脫口說出 "for one thing,...actually,my father is a painter! so I began learning painting when i was little..." 我爸根本就不是畫家,我自己講完那句也嚇了一跳 總之抱著今天來比誰說謊最面不改色的心態,讓語氣保持越自然越好 i am very interested in fine art, and my teachers often ask me to take painting competitions. for another thing, to me, other subjects is too difficult. "for example,..(i hate math the most.But drawing can alleviate my pressure of studying.)" 因為我講的很慢,偶爾還結巴 輕聲細語,類似深夜談話節目"點燈"那樣,講的內容很簡單也很少 (2.) 第二題的講法基本一樣,準備時間想出兩個reason 第一句固定是"uh..I prefer to V than to V (rather than N)." "For one thing, (理由1). (說明或舉例句 X 1-2)." "For another thing, (理由2). (說明或舉例句 X 1-2)." " Because of these reasons, (主題句..)" 外籍老師說過,提出理由時用"for one thing...for another thing.."聽起來 比"Because"好,如果講完主題句馬上接"because...",外國人認為你"只有"一個理由可說 後面要是亂湊就給人辭窮的印象,反之,前者給人感覺你有當場就有很多想法, 就算你之後結巴,他也許還幫你解釋是你思緒尚未整理好XD 我在第一題口說也是這樣用... (3.) 1.In this set of materials, the reading passage describes (a notice about XX / from XXX), and the listening passage provides a student discussion of (the notice / the reason for the policy). 2.In the listening passage, two students are discussing (the notice), which is about.....或 which states that..... 3.in the beginning, the man/woman is (happy) with that because...... 4.According to (the notice),...... 5.the man/woman thinks that..... also, the man/woman says that..... (如果兩人意見相左)However, the man/woman disagree with her/him because... Finally,.... (4.) In this set of materials, the reading passage is about (文章標題), and the listening passage expains/describes/introduces (a relevant experiment/idea). The reading passage describes that...... In addition,........ for example,(如果有的話) And the listening passage goes further. (文章和聽力內容正面相關) However, in the listening passage, (文章和聽力內容持相反立場) the speaker suggests that........................ He also states that... ,such as(如果有舉例). In conclusion,..... (5.) 1.In this dialogue, a man and a woman are discussing a problem the man/woman has with Sth.. 2.First, the man/woman explains that he/she has trouble Ving wonders how ... trys to decide whether to V or to V 3.To deal with his/her problem, the woman/man suggests that he/she V...(方法1) She/He also proposes that he/she V...(方法2) 4.I would probably follow the 1st/2nd solution, because... In addition,..... 我都直接按照對話中的理由講,通常兩個方法都會在聽力中被提出優點 我選擇的方法的優點我會放在4.才講, 另一個方法的優點則在3.的部份就說because.... 以免忽然想不出來理由而顯得毫無想法 (6.) In the listening passage, the speaker is discussing........ According to the speaker,................ He also expains that................ In addition,...................... In conclusion,.......... Finally, he says that...... P.S. 據說詞窮或忽然腦筋空白在想下一句時,錄起來完全沒聲音感覺很差 又不宜一直"...well...you know....well...ummmm....well....." 遇到這情況,我有一兩個片語讓填空情況比較好看 "mm...sorry, let's me check my note..." 這句話請練習用似乎真的再看筆記的禮貌自然方式講 想像你上台報告時回頭找資料的狀態(絕不宜大聲朗讀) 這樣子距離下一句空白了2.3秒聽起來也很自然,對方會想像你正在釐清筆記的樣子 還有"and...if I'm not mistaken,... " 意思就是"如果我沒搞錯的話..blah blah...", 證明雖然你跟別人ㄧ樣腦子一團亂但是還能夠正確的聲明"以下陳述可能有誤" 這樣就算後頭不得已要瞎說,根本不是教授講課的內容 也不至於另人感覺你根本就聽不懂還敢講XD 我考試時兩句都有用,因為我很詞窮...而且lecture很多沒聽懂 我口說評語是 ...some ideas are not fully developed or are inaccurate.<<看吧 However, they do not seriously interfere with overall communication. fff23,比我實力還高的分數..||| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rosemadder 來自: (04/04 14:58)

04/04 15:02, , 1F
04/04 15:02, 1F

04/04 15:03, , 2F
超推辭窮的說法啦 太實用了 很自然!!
04/04 15:03, 2F

04/05 00:46, , 3F
04/05 00:46, 3F

04/07 13:09, , 4F
04/07 13:09, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #19rmDLW8 (TOEFL_iBT)