[心得] 48到89的心得 (模板已放上)

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (原虫人)時間15年前 (2008/12/27 19:46), 編輯推噓14(1401)
留言15則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Test Test Date R L S W Total TELXML October 18, 2008 15 2 13 18 48 TELXML October 26, 2008 23 4 18 20 65 TELXML December 6, 2008 21 26 17 25 89 以上就是50天進步41分的紀錄.... 自從12/06的分數出來後,當點下View Scores時.. 人整個攤在電腦桌前= = 心裡想著終於解脫了... 89分對我這個工科英文半殘綽綽有餘了 先說個本人英文實力背景 私大的工科學校,在校修的第二語言是日文 大學四年外加當兵一年 英文整個是放著給他爛 從一月初退伍後 利用了大約10個月準備GRE和TOEFL的考試 8月去馬來西亞考完GRE後才開始準備TOEFL... 10月初補完習,接著就於10/18在士林地球村初戰 隔一禮拜於敦化地球村再戰 頭兩次的L都慘不忍睹....雖說我英聽實力不是很好 但Cambridge起碼都有13-19的分數, 2分和4分讓我覺得應該是被雷了... 我的準備策略是只要求80+ 所以我放棄了準備口說 只在考試前隨便看一下模版 重點擺在R+L至少要45+ 這樣S+W如果有35就有機會上80 我的教材是Cambridge , Barrin's 知英聽力和閱讀 眾文的托福分類字彙 寫作則是完全套用模版 整合和獨立都是... 需要補充的一點就是12/06那次考試 我獨立寫作只寫了288字 整合寫作也只寫了186字(Writing Skills Level good/good) 288字裡有200字是模版 186字有100字是模版 三次考試都用一樣的模板 分數卻差異很大!? 所以我想給只要求80分以上戰友的一個鼓勵 如果我都做得到,相信你們也可以! 大家共勉之~ (1)整合式寫作模板 : In the lecture, the professor casts doubt on the information presented in the reading passage. First of all, the reading passage mentions that_________. Therefore, _____________. But, the lecturer points out that the results will be possibly misled. For example,_______________. Second, the reading passage asserts that_______________. However, the professor argues that the results are not good enough so that they may cause misjudgments. For example,________________. Finally, the reading passage claims that ______________. Nevertheless, the lecturer thinks differently._________________. 我的整合寫作模板很簡單,就是R1-L1 R2-L2 R3-L3 帶入空格就可了 整合寫作冗言不需多,重點是放在reading passage和listening passage的互相對應 (2)獨立寫作模板: From my point of view , I will strongly agree that__(S + V)__ rather than______(S + V)_____. While _______ sound appealing / rational, in fact, ___________ brings more benefits to ___( O )____. Is anything that we can do to remedy this situation? there are a variety of ways to look at this question. First of all, I think it is very important to improve the quality of_______ Although.... For instance, On the other hand, our ________ is at (risk / in trouble) now. Therefore, it would be great to________. In addition,__________( Ving / N )________provides a better and easy way to gain knowledge rather than just reading book. I believe that (Ving / N ) plays an essential role in (education). Last but not least, I prefer to_____V______. Moreover, there is another advantage of ___________ : it helps me to broaden my horizon and gain more valuable experience. It is necessary for people to__________. For the above reasons, I support that _____ is definitely more beneficial than detrimental to society. 獨立寫作我的模板是屬於大眾模板,也就是能泛用大部分的主題 其中內容可根據題目再做適當的潤飾和變化 自己平常唸文章時 可把一些好用的句子添加進去,整合出屬於自己一個的模板 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Amebaman 來自: (12/27 19:50)

12/27 20:17, , 1F
恭喜你唷 ~~~ :)
12/27 20:17, 1F

12/27 20:23, , 2F
12/27 20:23, 2F

12/27 21:04, , 3F
12/27 21:04, 3F

12/27 21:35, , 4F
12/27 21:35, 4F

12/27 22:05, , 5F
謝謝分享~ 我也想參考一下模板..
12/27 22:05, 5F

12/27 22:09, , 6F
12/27 22:09, 6F

12/27 22:22, , 7F
這麼神的模版XD 恭喜你唷~如果願意分享給我一份~~
12/27 22:22, 7F

12/27 22:53, , 8F
12/27 22:53, 8F

12/27 22:55, , 9F
我明天放上來XD 模板存在我隨身碟中 但在我朋友那....
12/27 22:55, 9F

12/27 23:42, , 10F
12/27 23:42, 10F

12/28 00:27, , 11F
12/28 00:27, 11F

12/28 22:49, , 12F
12/28 22:49, 12F
※ 編輯: Amebaman 來自: (12/29 10:06)

12/29 23:17, , 13F
感謝分享 有看有推!
12/29 23:17, 13F

01/01 19:51, , 14F
01/01 19:51, 14F

01/09 21:35, , 15F
01/09 21:35, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #19LXLzjP (TOEFL_iBT)