
看板TOEFL_iBT作者時間15年前 (2008/11/02 21:02), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前言: 其實這類寫作從CBT時代就開始了,有需要的大家加減參考一下囉 寫作策略: 首先我將題目分為,agree/disagree & prefer 兩大類 (題目絕大部分是這兩類) 第一段寫出很八股,其實就是套模板,先前板友有分享一個pdf檔,有七、八種模板, 可以爬一下文,以下是我自己的模板: Regarding the choice between agreeing and disagreeing with the above statement, which one do I choose? It is believed that each side has its proponents. In my opinion, I (agree/disagree/partially agree) the view that 第二段寫agree/disagree的論點1 第三段寫agree/disagree的論點2 第四段寫agree/disagree的論點3 (論點3看當下點子與時間再決定要不要寫) 這三段寫法也是大同小異 舉例而言,文章中提到論點1,接下來就要寫原因為何,並加以發展 (看例子) 第五段總結,也因此我主張為何 準備的資料與心得: 1、康老師新橘寶書-獨立寫作的題庫 自己大概練習了七、八篇,一開始每篇大概要寫1小時,因為脫離英文寫作有 一陣子腦袋不太靈光,重要的是要讓自己練習寫作感覺,然後上google查自己 的寫法是否常見。第一篇在30分鐘內寫完就是在考場內 orz... 真的有時間準備的話,最好記時練習 2、最近預測範圍的口語題庫,題目1與題目2 (先前我有整理在板上,有需要可以去看看) 之前也有板友提過了,口語題目1與題目2其實是很好的作文題材,我自己順便在 練習口語時,也把論點記在稿子上,因此在第二次考試時,命中我認為不好寫的題目 "Should government invest money on art and culture like museums and theatres? What’s your opinion?" In my opinion, I think that government should invest money on art and culture, such as museums. The reason is that it would preserve a nation’s social and cultural artwork as well as improving a nation’s economy. The cultural and historic artwork would represent the spirit of the country and let its people to appreciate and recognize their motherland. Besides, the beauty of the artwork would attract thousands of the tourists to visit this country, thus bringing an increase in national revenue. 再一個例子 Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? In my opinion, I think it would be better for high schools to require all students to wear school uniforms in terms of safety and management. It would easier for the security guards to aware the strangers and keeps them outside the schools. This would prevent potential kidnappings happened in the campus. In addition, the staffs would recognize the students that flee away from classes and have them back into classes. This would prevent potential accidents happened in the campus. 大家應該可以明顯看出來,在口說的部分我採取的策略就是回應題目, 提出原因,加以論述或舉例,而我也把這套方法應用在獨立寫作上 口說真題也是讓自己練習獨立寫作感覺很好的題材哦 考試感想: 我認為在獨立寫作的部分,文章論點是否支持你的主張是相當重要的 前面雖然有板友有講到評分的方式是以電腦來進行... 但是我"感覺" 應該也是有人工評分...只是我不太確定 理由是第一次考試時,我獨立寫作部分其實寫了350 up以上,只不過後來 我事後回想...我的論點有些相互矛盾的地方,很擔心會不會扣分,果不其然, 在成績分析上,有提到我的論述很難被理解, 反而第二次考試時,因為點子不多,鍵盤超難用,只寫了兩個論點而已, 字數大約300多,不過我認為有符合我的主張即是,在成績分析上,提到 elaboration of ideas or connection of ideas that could have been stronger 提供經驗給大家參考...希望大家都可以拿到理想的成績 ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lentivirus 來自: (11/02 21:24)

11/02 22:58, , 1F
推~謝謝分享 我常常因為想不出三個論點而傷腦筋
11/02 22:58, 1F

11/02 22:59, , 2F
11/02 22:59, 2F

11/08 18:07, , 3F
11/08 18:07, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #193QJET9 (TOEFL_iBT)