[演員] Richard (aka Gabriel)給影迷的信

看板Supernatural作者 (黔之驢)時間14年前 (2010/04/28 01:29), 編輯推噓15(15017)
留言32則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Richard Speight Jr., aka "Gabriel", aka "Trickster" 在最新的第十九集播出之後, 給他的影迷們寫了一封道別信。 我是在他自己的Facebook粉絲頁裡看到的,所以把它轉貼過來, 並附上翻譯: 這是他的臉書的粉絲頁:    http://tinyurl.com/28r6edq ================== 以下是信件開始: Dearest Fans of SN, **WARNING** Spoilers are a-comin', so if you watch the show and are behind in episodes, close this window now. We'll wait... It's the little button with the "x" in the corner of the page... There you go. (以上是說此信可能有劇情雷,請慎入) Now, for those of you still here, hello. Sorry for the pre-episode radio silence, but I didn't want to slip up and ruin it for anyone. But now the cat is out of the bag, so I'm free to speak up. I can't tell you how amazing this "Supernatural" experience has been for me. As an actor, I've always worked in a vacuum. I do my work, watch it if I can, then move on to the next thing. Rarely am I privy to the reactions of the show's audience. And that's how it has been for me for years and years. So you can imagine my surprise when I began to realize that my brief appearances on "Supernatural"were getting such positive reactions from fans. (給還在這裡的影迷們,謝謝你們。抱歉在5X19播出之前維持箴默, 因為我不想說溜嘴,破壞了大家的觀影樂趣。但是現在影集已經播出了, 我可以暢所欲言了。 我幾乎無法表達這段在Supernatural演出的經驗有多棒。 身為一個演員,我的工作和現實總有些落差。我演完一個角色,等它播出時, 能夠就看一下,然後繼續接下一個角色,很少有機會知道觀眾的實際反應。 許多許多年下來,我都是在這樣的狀態下工作著。所以,你們不難想像到, 當我發現我的角色在SPN的觀眾心中有很正面的反應時,我有多麼的驚喜。) When I was first invited to appear at a convention, I said no. It didn't make any sense to me that anyone would want to meet me based on only a few appearances on a show. When I finally did go to one (shout out to Chicago!), I was blown away. The enthusiasm you, the fans, display at those events is contagious and has made every convention I've gone to an absolute blast. (當我第一次受邀參加影友會時,我拒絕了。我實在想不出有什麼理由, 影迷會想見一個只在裡面出現過幾次的人物。 等我真正參加過一次之後,我非常的震撼。影迷們,你們所展現出來的熱誠 充滿了感染力,並且讓我隨後出席的其它幾場影友會都精彩萬分。) After a while, I started a Facebook Fan Page, kind of as a lark, to see who- if anyone - would sign up. Now, barely a year later, I've got about 2,000 of you that I get to interact with and hear from regularly - and let me tell you, that is AMAZING! (過了不久,我設立了一個Facebook的粉絲頁,多少有點試水溫,想看看會有誰 ──如果有人的話──來加入。而,在將近一年後的現在,我已經有了2000位粉 絲。每個人都和我頻繁的交流互動。我得說,一切真是棒透了。) Thank you so much for being here. YOU are the ones who have kept me on the show this long. YOU are the ones who have gotten me invited to conventions. There's an old saying, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, actors face the same dilemma - If an actor performs, but no one watches or cares, then why do it? For the past four seasons of "Supernatural", you people have been my reason why. I am consistently astounded by the support and kind words I get from so many of you on this page. (感謝你們在這裡支持我,你們就是讓我能在SPN裡一直演下去的原因。 你們就是讓我能受邀出席影友會的原因。 有句俗語說:「如果一棵樹在森林裡倒塌,卻沒有人在場發覺,那麼它算不算 有發出聲響?」 這也是一個演員要面對的難題──若他演完之後,卻沒有造成任何迴響, 那為什麼還要演呢? 在過去四季的SPN裡,你們正是讓我一直演下去的原因。你們持續不斷給我的支持 和好評,總是讓我驚異萬分。) I genuinely appreciate every post, every compliment, every uploaded photo, every handmade work of art, every carefully edited video... I see them all. If I neglected to comment on something specifically, I sincerely apologize, but I can assure you that I look at and love everything that is posted on my page. (我誠心的感謝每則留言,每則讚美,每張你們上傳的照片,親手畫的圖片, 和精心剪接的短片……我通通都看過了。 如果有哪幾則我漏了留言了,在此誠心致歉,但我向你們保證,每一則我都看過 ,而且深深喜愛你們所貼的每樣東西) I know many of you were sorry to see my character get killed off. I was, too. When I got the script, I was crushed. Sure, it was another great episode in which I got some great stuff to do, but it also meant the end of my run, and that was a real disappointment. But really, it is hard to complain. I was only supposed to do one episode back in Season 2, yet it's now season 5 and I'm still here - or at least I was. That's pretty good. And what has made it even better is to have had all of you along for the ride with me. (我知道你們很難過我的角色被殺死了。我也是。當我拿到劇本時,我都心碎了。 當然,這集還是很好看,我有些很棒的素材可以演出,不過這也代表我的旅程結束了, 真是令人失望啊。 不過,說真的,我不能抱怨,因為我本來只預定在第二季演出一集而已, 沒想到現在已經第五季了,而我還在這裡──起碼之前都還在。 這種感覺很讚。更棒的是,這一路下來有你們相伴。) The reactions to Gabriel's death have been incredibly flattering. Someone on my page even posted a petition to save my character and bring him back to the show (www.petitionvoice.com/save-gabriel-petition.html). It is that kind of response that has made this experience so special for me, because if you're sorry to see my character go, that means you were glad to have him around in the first place - and that is the highest compliment an actor can ever get. (你們對Gabriel之死的反應讓人很窩心。有些粉絲甚至發起一個 「把Grabiel救回來」的連署頁 http://www.petitionvoice.com/save-gabriel-petition.html 就是你們的熱情讓我的這段演出經驗如此特別。 如果你們很難過看到我的角色離開,那代表你們打從心裡喜歡他的存在── 而這對一位演員來說,是個至高無上的讚美。) I've said it before and I'll say it again - working on "Supernatural" has been one of the highlights of my professional career. I am truly indebted to each and every one of you who have embraced my character and enabled me to come back to the show repeatedly to play - without question - the most fun character I've ever had the good fortune to play. (有句話我已經說過了,但我還想再說一遍:在SPN演出的這段經歷是我職業 生涯中的高潮。 我極度的感激你們每一位,你們對這個角色的熱烈喜愛讓我能不斷的回來 繼續演出。毫無疑問,這是我有幸演過的、最有趣的一個角色。) This is the longest message of all time. Sorry about that. I just wanted to be sure I said my proper thanks and goodbyes. I will still be here on this page and will always be thrilled to hear from any and all of you. And of course I will keep you updated about my future projects. (這是我留過最長的一段話,抱歉太雜唸。我只是想確定我好好的和大家道謝 與道別了。 我仍然會繼續維持這個粉絲頁,也永遠會很開心看見你們的任何留言。 當然,我也會持續更新以後的演出動向。) Enjoy the rest of the SN season. And remember, just because I'm gone doesn't mean you should stop giving Misha underwear. We don't want him to forget about me, do we? (請繼續享受往後幾季的SPN。切記,雖然我不在了,不表示你們就該停止送Misha 新內褲,畢竟我們可不能讓他忘了我,對吧?) (Richard,我們永遠會記得你分享的關於Misha的橘色內褲的故事的XDDD) (我相信Misha一定會更痛徹心肺的記得的 XDDD) Thanks again for making my time on "Supernatural" one helluva sweet ride. Toodles for now. (謝謝你們讓我在SPN的這段時光成為一段甜美萬分的旅程。回頭見了。) Sincerely, Richard Speight, Jr. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 01:35, , 1F
04/28 01:35, 1F

04/28 01:35, , 2F

04/28 01:35, , 3F
04/28 01:35, 3F

04/28 01:36, , 4F
04/28 01:36, 4F

04/28 01:36, , 5F
04/28 01:36, 5F

04/28 01:36, , 6F
04/28 01:36, 6F

04/28 01:37, , 7F
"南瓜色內褲"了 XDD...那次迫得Misha必須在他自己的
04/28 01:37, 7F

04/28 01:38, , 8F
04/28 01:38, 8F

04/28 01:38, , 9F
04/28 01:38, 9F

04/28 01:38, , 10F
04/28 01:38, 10F

04/28 01:39, , 11F
04/28 01:39, 11F

04/28 01:39, , 12F
04/28 01:39, 12F

04/28 01:39, , 13F
Misha當場就傻眼了 XDDD...整個非常好笑
04/28 01:39, 13F

04/28 01:43, , 14F
04/28 01:43, 14F

04/28 08:18, , 15F
好可愛啊這位加百列....XD 希望阿編把它變回來 XD
04/28 08:18, 15F

04/28 08:20, , 16F
Richard人真好^^/ 我也想要加百列復活~~~
04/28 08:20, 16F

04/28 10:10, , 17F
04/28 10:10, 17F

04/28 11:34, , 18F
04/28 11:34, 18F

04/28 11:38, , 19F
04/28 11:38, 19F

04/28 11:41, , 20F
Misha的內褲真的超好笑的XDD 感謝翻譯:)
04/28 11:41, 20F

04/28 12:25, , 21F
04/28 12:25, 21F

04/28 14:02, , 22F
04/28 14:02, 22F

04/28 14:17, , 23F
04/28 14:17, 23F

04/28 15:43, , 24F
04/28 15:43, 24F

04/28 15:59, , 25F
我愛加百列 支持你!!!!!
04/28 15:59, 25F

04/28 16:04, , 26F
04/28 16:04, 26F

04/28 16:29, , 27F
好感動唷~之前有聽過這個的消息,不過加了Fan Page之後
04/28 16:29, 27F

04/28 16:30, , 28F
04/28 16:30, 28F

04/28 17:33, , 29F
Richard這篇好誠懇的感覺 小加我們愛你!
04/28 17:33, 29F

04/29 00:05, , 30F
推薦這篇文章 唉 想不到加百列就這樣被掛了...
04/29 00:05, 30F

04/29 12:48, , 31F
Richard好窩心,希望加百列回來。 謝謝翻譯!
04/29 12:48, 31F

04/29 17:20, , 32F
04/29 17:20, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1BrnyJUy (Supernatural)