[心得] 【Cupido Project】SJM 3週年慶祝活動籌劃感言

看板SuperJunior作者 (manager)時間13年前 (2011/04/11 02:32), 編輯推噓53(5309)
留言62則, 61人參與, 最新討論串1/1
On Sunday 10th April 2011, said: 大家好,我們是這次 SJM 3週年,【Cupido Project】的執行人員。 Hello Everyone! We are the E.L.F. that are responsible for Super Junior M's 3 Years Anniversary Project [Cupido Project]!   因為這次的籌備只有一星期的時間,所以事前沒有公開這個計畫,對大家感到很抱歉。 由於許多團體與後援會都有為4月的壽星慶生, 於是【Cupido Project】只有 focus 在3週年的慶祝上面。 要知道,M團可以再度活動,是非常難得的。 所以我們都很珍惜現在的這一切(M的回歸、M的long stay…,等。)   Due to the reason that we've only planned this project within a week, therefore we did not publicly announced about this project. We are very sorry about that. Since that many organizations and fanclubs have prepared several birthday events for the April babies, this Cupido Project insisted in focusing on Super Junior M's 3 Years Anniversary. Please keep in mind, it is very precious to have SJM releasing new album and being able to do activities. Therefore, we must treasure about this (SJM's comeback, SJM's long stay, etc.)   我們是一群 E.L.F.,聚集在一起,執行了這個計畫。總共人數約10幾個人。 We are a group of E.L.F. (around 10+ people) that came together to make this project happen.   並沒有所謂的什麼「主辦單位」或者「主辦人」, 因為我們有些人負責製作影片、有些人負責剪輯配樂、有些人負責與廣告公司聯繫; 其他人就負責每天 twitter 告訴成員有這個慶祝活動。 We are not an organization, organizer, or fanclub. Some of us responsible for video editing, music editing, contacting advertising company, and the rest responsible for tweeting all the SJ+SJM members about this congratulatory project.   這次的【Cupido Project】,twitter 發生了很大的作用。 (從聯繫到散播,全部都是經由 twitter 產生) twitter 改變了 Super Junior、Super Junior M,還有 E.L.F. 的生活, 感謝有 twitter ~~~ XDD We must said, Twitter contributed a big help to this Cupido Project (by spreading the news to everyone). Twitter had not only changed the life of Super Junior, Super Junior M, but also E.L.F.’s!!! It makes us get closer to them! Thank you to Twitter!!!   【Cupido Project】的媒體露出,也是佔了許多篇幅。 There were also many news related to Cupido Project.   在此統整如下: These are the news:   1. 韓星網 (感謝 Jeff oppa) Korean Star Daily http://www.koreastardaily.com/tc/photo/7850   2. Kpopn (感謝 BiBi 與 Kpopn 寫手) http://kpopn.com/2011/04/08/59585/   3. 中國時報 Chinatimes http://showbiz.chinatimes.com/showbiz/110511/112011040900038.html   4. 聯合報 UDN http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT5/6262284.shtml   5. 香港文匯報 Wen Wei Po http://paper.wenweipo.com/2011/04/09/EN1104090035.htm   6. kpoplive.com http://www.kpoplive.com/2011/04/09/fan-project-of-taiwanese-elfs-awes-super-juniors-ryeowook/   7. TVdaily http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1302337632148459011   8. nate.com http://news.nate.com/view/20110409n06359     另外,厲旭 twitter 的內容大家都曉得了,就不特別轉述; 只是,4月10日晚間他真的有親自去LED牆那邊 雖然不曉得他有沒有真的親眼看到該則慶祝廣告 但我們所有人都非常感動…   In addition, I believe you've all know about Ryeowook's tweets regarding this project. And what make us more touching is that on April 10, Ryeowook had personally walked there to see the LED project himself!!!!! Although, we are not 100% sure if he really sees it but we are sure he is below that LED wall!!! Ryeowook had done what he promised!!!!   你們不愧是我們永遠的 Super Junior M … 這樣叫我們如何變心呢?T__T You guys are surely forever our Super Junior M How can we be unfaithful to you guys?!!   最後僅祝福?圭賢早日康復。 Last but not least, we hope Kyuhyun get well soon and come back to us quickly!!!   ps. 許多去現場觀看LED廣告的親辜,都會詢問我們說「為什麼沒有音樂?」   真的很抱歉,由於版權的關係,若要公開播放需要取得「公播授權證明書」   我們已經很努力去爭取,但若是有權力開力證明書的單位不願意幫忙的話,那我們也沒辦法。   我們已經盡我們一切努力去申請,希望大家可以理解。非常感謝你們。   PS: Many fans that went and see LED project will ask us “How come there is no music?” We are very sorry. Due to copyright, if we want to publicly broadcast the music, we will need to obtain the Public Broadcast Right from the music company. We’ve tried our best to ask for this right, but then if the music company won’t help us, we can’t do anything about it. We’ve tried our best. Hope everyone can understand! The music in the videos on Youtube were edited!! Thank you very much. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/11 02:35, , 1F
04/11 02:35, 1F

04/11 02:35, , 2F
推!! 辛苦了! 謝謝你們~
04/11 02:35, 2F

04/11 02:36, , 3F
辛苦了^^謝謝你們 你們很棒//////////
04/11 02:36, 3F

04/11 02:37, , 4F
辛苦了 這個很棒 謝謝你們 Super Junior-M恭喜出道三週年^^
04/11 02:37, 4F

04/11 02:43, , 5F
04/11 02:43, 5F

04/11 02:44, , 6F
04/11 02:44, 6F

04/11 02:45, , 7F
04/11 02:45, 7F

04/11 02:47, , 8F
辛苦了 謝謝你們
04/11 02:47, 8F

04/11 02:48, , 9F
謝謝辛苦了!! 今天有去看 好多ELF都拿著相機在拍XDD
04/11 02:48, 9F

04/11 02:50, , 10F
04/11 02:50, 10F

04/11 02:52, , 11F
辛苦了 謝謝你們 活動超棒 :-)
04/11 02:52, 11F

04/11 02:57, , 12F
我去也是納悶沒有音樂但是有想可能有版權問題 好棒!!!!
04/11 02:57, 12F

04/11 02:59, , 13F
辛苦了!! 覺得這個祝賀廣告好棒啊~~~~~~~~
04/11 02:59, 13F

04/11 03:01, , 14F
04/11 03:01, 14F

04/11 03:13, , 15F
to Cupido Project的執行人員←你們好棒!! & 做得好!!!!
04/11 03:13, 15F

04/11 03:27, , 16F
04/11 03:27, 16F

04/11 03:35, , 17F
04/11 03:35, 17F

04/11 03:36, , 18F
04/11 03:36, 18F

04/11 04:48, , 19F
謝謝你們~~~辛苦了 今天去看了三次完全是厲旭的前後場
04/11 04:48, 19F

04/11 04:49, , 20F
04/11 04:49, 20F

04/11 05:54, , 21F
04/11 05:54, 21F

04/11 06:42, , 22F
辛苦了! 謝謝你們!!!
04/11 06:42, 22F

04/11 07:25, , 23F
辛苦了! 謝謝你們!!!
04/11 07:25, 23F

04/11 08:30, , 24F
這個活動真是太棒了! 謝謝你們!!!
04/11 08:30, 24F

04/11 08:42, , 25F
謝謝!! 辛苦了~~~
04/11 08:42, 25F

04/11 08:47, , 26F
辛苦了! 謝謝你們舉辦這麼棒的活動~
04/11 08:47, 26F

04/11 08:49, , 27F
04/11 08:49, 27F

04/11 09:20, , 28F
04/11 09:20, 28F

04/11 09:24, , 29F
04/11 09:24, 29F

04/11 09:26, , 30F
04/11 09:26, 30F

04/11 09:44, , 31F
真的很令人感動:) 辛苦了!
04/11 09:44, 31F

04/11 09:55, , 32F
04/11 09:55, 32F

04/11 10:02, , 33F
辛苦了 這活動豪榜!!! 工作人員謝謝你們!
04/11 10:02, 33F

04/11 10:13, , 34F
04/11 10:13, 34F

04/11 10:16, , 35F
04/11 10:16, 35F

04/11 10:25, , 36F
辛苦了 這活動真的超棒的!!!!
04/11 10:25, 36F

04/11 10:45, , 37F
辛苦了! 超棒的活動:D
04/11 10:45, 37F

04/11 10:51, , 38F
04/11 10:51, 38F

04/11 11:13, , 39F
04/11 11:13, 39F

04/11 11:19, , 40F
04/11 11:19, 40F

04/11 11:46, , 41F
04/11 11:46, 41F

04/11 12:12, , 42F
辛苦了!!! 謝謝你們~讓台灣ELF和SJM一起擁有了回憶
04/11 12:12, 42F

04/11 12:24, , 43F
04/11 12:24, 43F

04/11 12:34, , 44F
辛苦了^^ 真的是很感謝辦這活動 awesome^^bbb
04/11 12:34, 44F

04/11 12:41, , 45F
辛苦了!! 謝謝你們~~~
04/11 12:41, 45F

04/11 12:42, , 46F
04/11 12:42, 46F

04/11 13:09, , 47F
04/11 13:09, 47F

04/11 13:18, , 48F
04/11 13:18, 48F

04/11 13:35, , 49F
04/11 13:35, 49F

04/11 16:10, , 50F
辛苦了!!謝謝你們 以你們為榮
04/11 16:10, 50F

04/11 16:47, , 51F
04/11 16:47, 51F

04/11 16:59, , 52F
今天特地去看了 你們辛苦了 真的好棒 太完美!!
04/11 16:59, 52F

04/11 17:54, , 53F
04/11 17:54, 53F

04/11 18:05, , 54F
04/11 18:05, 54F

04/11 18:55, , 55F
04/11 18:55, 55F

04/11 19:16, , 56F
04/11 19:16, 56F

04/11 20:54, , 57F
04/11 20:54, 57F

04/11 21:52, , 58F
活動已在今晚6點結束了喔,謝謝大家的支持 很感動 謝謝^^
04/11 21:52, 58F

04/11 21:57, , 59F
04/11 21:57, 59F

04/11 22:28, , 60F
辛苦了^^謝謝and 加油喔~~!!!!!
04/11 22:28, 60F

04/11 22:30, , 61F
辛苦了: ) 這活動又讓我愛上ELF們了XDDDDD
04/11 22:30, 61F

04/11 23:14, , 62F
04/11 23:14, 62F
文章代碼(AID): #1DeVUlfC (SuperJunior)