[人設] Destiny

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Irene Adler was born into a wealthy family in Salzburg, Austria in the 19th century. When her mutant power developed in adolescence, she was more skilled at predicting near-future events that concerned her direct environment, but her powers started to overwhelm her. Irene was flooded with visions of the near and far future and she spent over a year chronicling these visions, resulting in thirteen volumes of prophecies that extended to the early 21st century. Irene was then left physically blind. 艾琳亞德勒出生在19世紀奧地利薩爾茲堡的富裕家庭。青春期的時候變種能力覺醒, 他的能力能預測不遠的未來,在自己直接相關的環境會發生的事,但是他的承受不了自己 的能力。艾琳開始被不論遠近的未來事件淹沒,使他花了超過一年的時間記錄他所見。 他寫下13卷有關未來的事,而他的預測範圍也拓展到21世紀前葉。不久後,艾琳全盲。 Haunted by the disturbing images she had seen and not entirely understood, she sought help. It was then she first met Raven Darkholme, the mutant who would later be known as Mystique. At the time, Raven was working as a detective. Irene and Raven teamed up to not only unlock the meaning of Irene's prophecies, but also prevent the most terrifying predictions from coming true. 這些紛亂的未來景象糾纏他許久,而且他也不完全了解這些景象的意義,於是他尋求協助 。之後他初次遇到瑞雯達克虹,也就是後來知名的魔形女。當時的瑞雯是個偵探,他們兩 人不只共同解開艾琳所看到的未來景象,也預防某些可怕的未來實際發生。 The two women quickly became life-long friends and lovers. Together they were determined to change the world. Their combination of abilities enabled easy personal gain, but they realized that changing the future would be difficult and would require social engineering. 這兩個女人很快成為一生的摯友兼情人,並決定一起改變世界。雖然他們的超能力聯合起 來很容易增加收入,但他們也知道要改變未來很難,而且需要投入社會工程。 Going 'Rogue' At some point, Irene worked as an archivist for the Black Womb Project. She and Raven also lived together in Mississippi to raise their foster daughter, Rogue. Adopting the names Mystique and Destiny, the two women formed their own incarnation of Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants, a group of ideologically minded terrorists. 艾琳曾經在Black Womb Project做過檔案管理員。他和瑞雯住在密西西比州並撫養他們的 養女羅剎,並正式為自己命名「魔形女和命運」,以及開始組織屬於他們的邪惡變種人兄 弟會,一個思想邪惡的恐怖組織。 As part of the Brotherhood, Destiny almost successfully assassinated Senator Robert Kelly, but was stopped by a time-displaced Kitty Pryde. She was one of the most valued members of Mystique's Brotherhood and participated in their various skirmishes. Notably, she also predicted Rogue's defection to the X-Men. 身為兄弟會的一員,命運幾乎成功暗殺參議員羅伯特凱利,但是被穿越時空的幻影貓阻止 。命運是魔形女兄弟會最重要的成員,而且參與過各種衝突,而他也預測到羅剎將脫離兄 弟會加入X戰警。 Mystique eventually tired of being an outlaw and offered the Brotherhood's services to the U.S. government in exchange for a full pardon for their crimes. This offer was accepted and the Brotherhood became Freedom Force, a government-sanctioned super team. On their first mission, Destiny, alongside Freedom Force, apprehended Magneto. Later missions included the arrest of the Avengers and the capture of the X-Men, who didn't fail to see the irony of former criminals being sent to capture heroes. 魔形女最後試著讓兄弟會提供美國政府一些服務以換取特赦。這項提議被接受,而兄弟會 也變成Freedom Force,一支被政府認可的超能力團隊。他們的第一個任務就是逮捕萬磁 王。後來他們的任務還包括逮捕復仇者聯盟以及X戰警,要這群原罪犯逮捕超級英雄,何 其諷刺。 Reavers and Death During a clash with the cybernetic criminals known as the Reavers, Mystique left Destiny in the care of the mutant technosmith known as Forge. In order to protect Mystique, Destiny sent Forge to assist Freedom Force in defeating the Reavers. Destiny, however, knew the cost of this action - she had foreseen that it was going to result in her own death. She was confronted and killed by the telepathic mutant known as Legion, who was being controlled by the Shadow King, a powerful psychic. Mystique was emotionally destroyed by the loss of her longtime lover. 在一次和改造人犯罪集團「掠奪者」的衝突中,魔形女將命運留給變種人科學家鍛造者照 顧,而命運為了保護魔形女,則派鍛造者去協助Freedom Force以擊敗掠奪者。然而,命 運早已預見這次行動的代價會導致他自己死亡。他被一個心靈系變種人大群所殺,而當時 大群則被能力極強的心靈能力者影子王控制。由於失去這個長年的愛人,魔形女崩潰。 Having foreseen her own death, Destiny had left very precise instructions for Mystique. After Destiny was cremated, Mystique was to scatter her ashes at sea at an exact time and date. When she did, a gust of wind blew Destiny's ashes back into Mystique's face. Mystique smiled at the last joke played on her by her now deceased lover. 因為預見自己的死,命運早已留下一道明確的指示給魔形女。在命運火化後,魔形女必須 在一個精確的時間、日期,將命運的骨灰灑到海裡。魔形女照做後,突如其來的一陣強風 將骨灰吹回魔形女的臉上。魔形女笑著接受這位已故愛侶的最後一個惡作劇。 Destiny's consciousness apparently lived on as part of Legion's mind and after his death, both of their ghosts appeared in Limbo, where they worked with Margali Szardos to secretly protect the world. Mystique later protects a young mutant by the name of Trevor Chase. Trevor refers to her as Auntie Raven, and it is implied that he is Destiny's grandson. 命運的意識似乎附上大群,成為他心智的一部分,而在大群死後,他們兩個的鬼魂都出現 在地獄邊緣,他們在那裏為Margali Szardos做事,秘密地保護世界。後來魔形女保護了 一個叫做Trevor Chase的年輕變種人,Trevor叫她瑞雯阿姨,並且暗示自己是命運的孫 子。 Powers and Abilities 能力 Destiny had the power of precognition - she could see the future probabilities and then interpret them to best select or manipulate likely events. This also compensated for her physical blindness, as she could 'see' the environment around her. Destiny was more skilled at seeing the direct future - her predictions of far off events were less accurate, as there were more variables involved. 命運擁有預知能力-他可以看到未來的可能性,經他詮釋後,可以選擇或操作出最好的結 果。這項能力彌補了他的眼盲,因為他可以"看"見(預知)周遭環境。在預知直線未來方 面他相當熟練,不過對於預測將來發生的事件,越遙遠的她的精準度越低,因為越遠的事 件牽扯的變數越多。 Destiny's mutation also likely extended her lifespan greatly, as she was born in the 1800s. 命運的細胞突變很可能大幅延長了他的壽命,因為他出生於19世紀。 Destiny carried a crossbow. Her aim was deadly, as she always knew where her target was about to move. 他隨身攜帶十字弓。射擊準確度極高,因為他可預測目標的大略移動位置。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SuperHeroes/M.1495640604.A.A52.html

05/24 23:43, , 1F
05/24 23:43, 1F

05/25 09:42, , 2F
05/25 09:42, 2F

05/25 11:22, , 3F
05/25 11:22, 3F

05/25 13:58, , 4F
05/25 13:58, 4F

05/25 17:56, , 5F
我跟樓上想的一樣......新世紀裡的艾琳脫光光 A_A
05/25 17:56, 5F

05/25 23:24, , 6F
05/25 23:24, 6F

05/26 01:07, , 7F
05/26 01:07, 7F
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