[人設] Mastermind

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Nothing is known of Jason Wyngarde's life before joining the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, except that he was a carnival mentalist. With Mastermind's help, the Brotherhood takes over a South American country, with an illusion of thousands of soldiers. However the X-Men free the country, as Professor X sees through Mastermind's illusions, helping the X-Men when they believe they are trapped by a wall of flame. As a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants , he participates in repeated clashes with the X-Men. He attempts to court his teammate the Scarlet Witch, but his advances seem driven more by an unsatisfied need for love than by any true feelings for her, and she repeatedly spurns him. The Brotherhood attempts to lure the Stranger to their cause, but the Stranger temporarily turns Mastermind into solid matter. 除了他曾是一個瘋狂的心靈能力者外,沒有人知道傑森溫嘉德在加入邪惡變種人兄弟會前 的生活。在幻像大師的協助下,用他的幻覺能力製造數千人部隊,邪惡兄弟會接管了一個 南美洲國家。期間,X戰警陷入幻術中,以為自己被困在火牆中,然而,X教授看穿了幻術 ,幫助X戰警解放那個國家。身為邪惡兄弟會的一員,幻象大師多次參與和X戰警的戰鬥。 他試圖向自己的隊友,緋紅女巫求婚,但是他的殷勤無法滿足緋紅女巫對愛的渴求,反使 她感到壓迫,所以緋紅女巫多次唾棄他。 邪惡兄弟會試圖引誘Stranger加入,但幻象大師被Stranger短暫地變成固態。 After the spell wears off, Mastermind joins Factor Three, an organization that attempts to conquer the Earth. Factor Three eventually disbands when their leader turns out to be an alien, instead of a mutant. They team with the X-Men to defeat the alien Mutant Master. Mastermind is then captured by Sentinels, but freed by the X-Men. Former members of Factor Three, Blob and Unus, join with Mastermind to reform the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. 在咒語退掉後,幻象大師加入Factor Three,一個試圖征服世界的組織。結果Factor Three的首領竟然不是變種人而是外星人,所以只好解散。他們和X戰警聯手打倒那個外星 人Mutant Master,之後幻象大師被邵冰機器人俘虜,但又被X戰警解放。而Factor Three 的前成員Blob和Unus和幻象大師一起加入重組後的邪惡兄弟會。 Mastermind attempts to recruit Beast to his group, but fails and winds up battling him instead. Mastermind is briefly held captive by the second Secret Empire. Magneto returns to the Brotherhood to resume his leadership and creates Alpha the Ultimate Mutant. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants battle the Defenders, but Alpha turns the entire Brotherhood team into infants. 幻象大師試圖招募大力獸加入兄弟會,但和他打了起來,以失敗告終。之後他短暫被俘虜 到第二秘密帝國。萬磁王回歸兄弟會並再次拿下領導地位,並且創造終極變種人Alpha。 兄弟會大戰保衛者聯盟(Defenders),但是Alpha卻將兄弟會全員都變成小孩。 After being restored to adulthood, Mastermind becomes involved with the Hellfire Club, who conspire to capture the X-Men for their own uses. He initially poses as Nikos, and begins a romance with Phoenix. Then, he manipulates her through the use of his own powers and a mind-tap mechanism created by Emma Frost, which he uses to project his illusion directly into her mind, causing her to believe she is living out the life of a Victorian aristocrat who was married to Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind),[13] and was the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club. This turns her against the X-Men. Cyclops attempts to free Phoenix on the astral plane, but Mastermind confronts him there and soundly defeats him. Instead of binding Phoenix to him forever, as Mastermind had hoped, the shock of Scott's psychic "death" breaks her free from his control. Enraged at what he did to her, Phoenix reaches into his mind and makes him experience godhood for a moment. This experience leaves him catatonic. 幻象大師恢復成人狀態後,他成為地獄火俱樂部的一員,而地獄火俱樂部則是一個想生擒 X戰警以供己用的組織。一開始,他裝成Nikos和鳳凰之力附身的琴葛雷談戀愛。然後他開 始用自己的超能力,並且和艾瑪聯手使用心控手段控制琴。他的計畫是直接投射幻覺使琴 以為自己是活在維多利亞時代,一個嫁給傑森溫嘉德的貴族,並且也是地獄火俱樂部的黑 皇后。這項計畫使琴和X戰警作對,獨眼龍想在星界層(astral plane)解放琴,但幻象 大師阻止,並且聽起來像是打敗了獨眼龍。本來幻象大師想永久控制琴,但史考特「精神 上死亡」卻使琴擺脫他的控制。清醒的琴(即鳳凰)對於被控制一事極度憤怒,便進入 幻象大師的心使他暫時體驗到神的力量,之後造成他精神分裂。 When Mastermind recovers his sanity, he seeks revenge on everyone that caused him pain. He strikes down Emma Frost, leaving her comatose. He unbalances Rogue's shared psyche with Carol Danvers, prompting her to leave Mystique, while using an induced nightmare on Mystique to let her know he is responsible. Next, since Phoenix is dead, he decides to use those closest to her as proxies for his revenge. He disrupts Wolverine's wedding by psionically compelling his betrothed, Mariko Yashida, to reject him and open up dealings with the criminal underworld. He manipulates the X-Men into thinking Cyclops's fiance, Madelyne Pryor, is the reincarnation of Dark Phoenix, hoping to goad them into killing her before he reveals the truth. However, Cyclops recognizes the patterns of Mastermind's power, and the X-Men defeat him in a short battle. Mastermind later seeks to tap into the power of the Phoenix Force, but is defeated by Rachel Summers and Excalibur. He is imprisoned with the delusion that he achieved cosmic awareness. 當幻象大師恢復神智後,他開始找所有得罪他的人報仇。他擊敗艾瑪,使她陷入昏迷。他 破壞羅剎和驚奇女士共有的精神狀態,慫恿她離開魔形女,然後再誘發魔形女產生惡夢, 使她以為自己可以信賴。接著,因為琴已死,他決定找琴身邊的人報復。他以超能力強制 使金鋼狼的未婚妻矢志田真理子懷疑金鋼狼,藉此破壞他的婚禮;真理子拋棄金鋼狼後, 又開始進行地下非法交易。 之後他操縱X戰警,使他們以為獨眼龍的未婚妻瑪德琳是黑鳳凰轉世,希望能唆使他們在 獨眼龍解開誤會前殺死瑪德琳。但是獨眼龍早已發現這是幻像大師的慣用模式,使得X戰 警在一場很短暫的戰鬥中擊敗他。後來幻象大師試圖將鳳凰之力引為己用,但被瑞秋和 聖劍(超級英雄團體)擊敗。這次他被囚禁在宇宙意識的幻覺中。 Mastermind later dies of the Legacy Virus. Before he succumbs, he asks Jean Grey's forgiveness for what he did to her in an attempt to gain control of the almighty Phoenix Force within her. She forgives him, and he dies peacefully. 後來幻象大師死於遺產病毒。在他死前,他請求琴原諒之前自己試圖控制她和全能的鳳凰 之力一事。琴寬恕了他,使他死得安詳。 The Daughters of Mastermind 幻象大師的女兒 Mastermind's name and powers still live on through his daughters: Martinique Jason and Regan Wyngarde. Both appear to be stronger than the original Mastermind; Martinique can create city-wide illusions that even hypnotize people to believe they are in a whole new era and Regan's lethal illusions can continue even after she has been rendered unconscious. 幻象大師之名和力量在她的女兒身上延續:瑪汀妮克‧傑森和蕾根‧溫嘉德。她們倆都比 幻象大師更厲害;瑪汀妮克的可以創造一個城市大的幻覺,甚至可以催眠他人,使他們相 信自己處於一個全新紀元;蕾根的致命性幻覺甚至可以在她失去意識後仍然生效。 The X-Man Pixie's mother teleports herself to the Wyngarde Mansion, where Regan and Martinique are fighting one another. Pixie's mother claims Pixie is their sister, revealing Jason is her father. Pixie的母親Mrs. Gwynn曾經瞬移到溫嘉德大宅,當時瑪汀妮克和蕾根正在內鬨。Mrs. Gwynn聲稱Pixie是她們的妹妹,意即幻象大師也是Pixie的父親。 Powers 能力 Mastermind's mutant ability is to cast exceptionally powerful realistic illusions via telepathy. He can psionically cause other people to see, hear, feel, smell, and/or taste things that do not actually exist but only in their heads. He can also cause people to sense things in ways that they would not naturally; for example, he can make himself look and sound like a different person, or look and feel like a wall, or even seem invisible. For this to work, these people have to be within a range of his powers. With artificial aids, Mastermind can cause only one person among many who are present to see his illusions. He is even capable of affecting telepaths as powerful as Professor Xavier and Jean Grey. It would appear that these "viruses" can continue to function even without his influence, as the illusions placed in to the mind of the Sentry remained after Mastermind's death. 幻象大師的超能力可以透過心靈能力創造極強極真實的幻覺。他的心靈能力可讓他人看到 、聽到、感覺到、聞到甚或品嘗到其實並不存在的事物。他也可以讓人以為自己感受到不 自然的事物;舉例來說,他可以讓他自己看或聽起來像一個完全不同的人,或者像一道牆 ,甚至隱形。但是這些效果,必須在他的能力範圍內才有效。 經過他人的輔助,幻象大師可讓一個對象身陷多重幻覺,他甚至可以影響其他強大的心靈 能力者,如X教授和琴葛雷 Jason Wyngarde was a slight man with matted grey hair. He frequently used his illusory abilities to assume the appearance of a younger, more handsome man. In his favorite disguise, he sported Victorian era style whiskers. 傑森溫嘉德其實只是個頂著一頭無光澤灰髮得瘦弱男子。但他經常使用他的超能力讓別人 看起來以為他更年輕、更英俊。他最喜歡的裝扮造型是維多利亞時代的絡腮鬍。 -- 同前幾篇,有些不通順的地方 也有看不太懂自己亂補的 如果是只看電影的版友 可以把這個角色想成x2的傑森(史崔克的兒子) 我看英文維基百科 似乎史崔克兒子的能力就是來自這個角色,而且同名... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SuperHeroes/M.1479407156.A.912.html

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