
看板SuperBike作者 (雪曼坦克)時間10年前 (2014/02/01 10:02), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
This year, I am taking on an ambitious new project! I am calling it the “Global Women Who Ride” project. :) My aim is to highlight women motorcyclists across the globe and provide an insight into what a motorcycle rider in another country looks like, what she loves about riding in her particular part of the planet, and what commonalities and differences there are in her riding experiences vs. those of other riders. 今年我要舉辦一項很有意義的活動!稱之為「全球騎車女性」,我的目標是找到並強調全球在不同國家騎重機的女性、這些女性喜歡重機的那些方面,還有各種不同的騎車經驗。 I hope to cover a woman rider from every country across the planet. These riders will be featured in my blog on a regular basis and who knows, hopefully also be a part of a full-color coffee table book (either self-published or the real deal if I can find a publisher). 我希望在每個國家中都找到一位騎重機的女性。這些騎士將會寫進我的部落格中,哪天也可能會在所出版的相關書籍中出現(我可能會自己出版或是找到一個合適的出版商)。 The kinds of people I am looking to profile are very simply – people who identify as women and are passionate about motorcycling. I’d prefer street and dual sport riders, but dirtbikers, trials riders, stunt riders etc, are also welcome. The more diversity the better! By diversity, I refer to variety of riding experiences, bike types, careers, passions, stories, ages, appearances, body types, race, abilities etc. :) No experience is too small or unimportant! More than one person per country is ok too! 我正在尋找的人非常簡單:對重型機車非常有熱情的女性,比較傾向於街頭重機,但是越野機車、特技機車等等…也同樣歡迎,越多樣越好!說到很多樣,我傾向於各種不同的騎車經驗、重機種類、職業型騎士、有熱情、有故事、各種年齡、各種外型、各種體型、各種種族、各種能力等等…的人,沒有經驗的話也不是很重要!一個國家超過一個騎士也是可以的! I anticipate that participation in the project will take up 30-60 minutes of your time where you fill out a small questionnaire and email it back to me with a few high quality photographs of you with your bike. We can also do a Skype call if you don’t like typing. :) 我預期參加的騎士們將會花30-60分鐘的時間填寫一些問題並提供妳跟妳的重機的高畫質照片。如果妳不喜歡打字的話,我們也可以經由SKYPE溝通。 If you are not fluent in English, please don’t let that discourage you! We will try our best to make it work by finding an interpreter. I’m especially keen on finding women who diverge from the ones we typically see in Western motorcycling media. I also have access to a lot of people who speak languages other than English who could help with translation. I am also keen on publishing interviews in the speaker’s native language as well as English. 如果妳的英文不是很順的話,請不要退縮!我們會盡力找到翻譯人員,我特別想要找到有別於在美國西部媒體上常常看見的一些其他女性騎士,我也有認識很多非英語母語的人可以幫助這些翻譯,我會想要出版被採訪人的母語和英文採訪。 If you are a female rider who would like to be a part of this project, please contact me! If you know of a female rider in your country or another country who you think would be a good candidate for this project, please connect her to me as well. :) You can email me at womenwhoride at red-baroness dot net. 如果妳是一個女性騎士想要這個活動的話,請聯繫我!如果妳知道在妳的國家或是別的國家中有合適的候選人,請告訴她這個活動並請她連繫我,我的E-mail網址為 womenwhoride@red-baroness.net The final interviews will be posted in the original language and English at http://www.red-baroness.net/blog/2014/01/08/the-global-women-who-ride-project/. 最後的採訪將會被上傳到此網址http://www.red-baroness.net/blog/2014/01/08/the-global-women-who-ride-project/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/01 10:31, , 1F
02/01 10:31, 1F

02/01 17:02, , 2F
連個自我介紹都沒有? @@
02/01 17:02, 2F

02/01 22:19, , 3F
02/01 22:19, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ix5N1y2 (SuperBike)