[新聞] 富士康聯手 NVIDIA 打造自駕車

看板Stock作者 (咯咯噠)時間1年前 (2023/01/09 14:19), 編輯推噓18(1918)
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原文標題:Foxconn Partners With NVIDIA to Build Automated Electric Vehicles 原文連結:https://bit.ly/3ilEIiw 發布時間:2023/1/3 記者署名:Marie Labrie 原文內容: Foxconn to Manufacture NVIDIA DRIVE Orin Computers for Global Automotive Market, Integrate NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion Sensor Architecture for EV Fleets As part of the agreement, Foxconn will be a tier-one manufacturer, producing electronic control units (ECUs) based on NVIDIA DRIVE Orin™ for the global automotive market. Foxconn manufactured electric vehicles (EVs) will feature DRIVE Orin ECUs and DRIVE Hyperion™ sensors for highly automated driving capabilities. “This strategic cooperation with NVIDIA strengthens the intelligent driving solutions Foxconn will be able to provide. Together, we are enabling the industry to build energy-efficient, automated vehicles,” said Eric Yeh, senior director of the Software Development Center at Foxconn. “This is a well-considered partnership that leverages unique strengths on each side in the pursuit of innovative EV development and opportunities.” The partnership with Foxconn will allow NVIDIA to further scale its efforts and meet growing industry demand as more transportation leaders select DRIVE Orin for intelligent vehicles. In addition, by building EVs on the DRIVE Hyperion qualified sensor set, Foxconn will speed up its time-to-market and time-to- cost strategies. “Our partnership with Foxconn will provide OEMs developing intelligent driving solutions with a world-class supplier that can scale for volume manufacturing of the NVIDIA DRIVE Orin platform,” said Rishi Dhall, vice president of automotive at NVIDIA. “Foxconn’s decision to also use the DRIVE Hyperion sensor suite for its EVs will help accelerate their path to production without compromising safety, reliability or quality.” The automotive-grade NVIDIA DRIVE Orin system-on-a-chip achieves up to 254 trillion operations per second and is designed to handle the large number of applications and deep neural networks that run simultaneously in autonomous vehicles. NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion is a modular development platform and reference architecture for designing autonomous vehicles. Combined, they serve as the brain and central nervous system of the vehicle, processing massive amounts of sensor data in real time so autonomous vehicles can safely perceive, plan and act. 心得/評論: 富士康將負責 NVIDIA DRIVE Orin的電控系統同時加上 DRIVE Hyperion 的感測器。 鴻海葉光釗表示有 NVIDIA 在智能自駕解決方案會對鴻海造車有莫大的幫助。 鴻海車務副總 Rishi Dhal 表示 富士康引入輝達的方案將會加速他們造車的速度。 -- yoche2000 旅居香港的台南人 #科技 #資訊 #電機 #留學 #物聯網 #IoT 個人網站: https://bit.ly/yoche2000 個人履歷: https://bit.ly/yoche2000cv 時事評論: https://bit.ly/alopexpolitics -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (香港) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1673245169.A.11D.html

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公公說要有車 便有車
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01/09 15:06, 1年前 , 14F
前幾天不就有了 根本沒用 躺在地上
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根本什麼屁都還沒有 只有ppt
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還有哪間公司沒有 據傳 與 公公 合作的嗎
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nvidia很棒啊 但是主體還是納智捷...
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Tier 1提供零組件.那種電腦沒印刷電路板.提供印刷電
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路板廠商算不算Tier 1
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沒營收就滾 不要炒新聞
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