[其他] 股市混亂時你可以做的七件事(翻譯文章)已刪文

看板Stock作者 (@@)時間4年前 (2020/04/27 23:53), 4年前編輯推噓12(13112)
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翻譯Charles Schwab的文章,希望能有幫助。 Disclaimer: 翻譯跟理財是我個人興趣,我個人不在金融保險業上班。 原文網址: https://tinyurl.com/yd7pwyfx Bouts of market volatility are an unnerving, but normal, feature of long-term investing. They’re not fun, but you can expect to see market declines periodically throughout your investing career. 對長期投資而言市場震盪的來臨讓人緊張不安,但同時也是正常的。它們不有趣,但是你 能預期在你的投資生涯中,市場會有週期性的下跌。 Yet it’s hard to sit still when the market is sliding. You can’t help but think: “Shouldn’t I be doing something?” Every investor is different, but here are a few steps that everyone should consider. 在市場滑落之時保持鎮定是不容易的,你常不由自主地想:難道我不應該做點甚麼事嗎? 每個投資者都不一樣,但是以下是你該考慮的 During market volatility: 在市場震盪的時候 1. Resist the urge to sell based solely on recent market movements. Selling stocks when markets drop can make temporary losses permanent. Staying the course, while difficult emotionally, may be healthier for your portfolio. This doesn’t mean you should hold on blindly, but we suggest taking into account an investment’s future prospects and the role it plays in your portfolio, rather than being guided by noise and fear. 不要單純因為市場的變化就賣掉[資產]。在市場大跌時馬上賣掉股票會讓你短暫的損失變 成有恆,相反地,保持你原有的[投資]路線對你的投資組合才是有益的,即使在情緒上很 難接受這一點。當然,這不代表你就該盲目地死守,我們只是建議應該連同考慮該投資的 遠景還有該投資在你的投資組合中扮演的角色,而不是被一堆雜訊及擔憂牽引著。 2. Adapt your trading to fast-moving markets. If you must trade during volatile markets, take current conditions into account when entering orders. There are defensive steps you can take to protect an unrealized gain or limit potential losses on an existing position, such as stop orders and stop-limit orders.[1] These can help give you more confidence when markets are volatile. 要針對快速變化的市場做出相對應的交易。如果你在市場震盪時一定要交易,下單的時候 一定要考慮當下的情況。你可以採取一些措施來保護尚未實現的收益,或者限制現有部位 的損失,比如使用stop orders或者stop-limit orders。這些可以讓你在震動市場中更有 信心。 3. Take the long view. Markets typically go up and down, and you’re likely to experience several significant declines during a long investing career. But even bear markets—that is, periods when the market fell by more than 20% —historically have been relatively short when compared to bull markets. Because timing the market’s ups and downs is nearly impossible, but all investors would do well to ignore the noise and stay focused on their plans. 採取長遠投資。市場不會左左右右而是常常上上下下,在長期投資生涯中,你會經歷許多 重大的[市場]衰退,但從歷史角度看,跟牛市比,熊市(也就是股市跌20%)也是相對短暫 的。因為預測市場漲跌幾乎是不可能的,但是所有投資者在忽略雜訊且專注自己的計劃上 都做得很好(這邊的英文原文表達有些問題,感受一下意思就可以了) 4. Review your risk tolerance. Some investors learn the hard way that they aren’t as willing to face a sharp drop in the value of their portfolios as they had assumed. Similarly, risk you took on years ago may no longer make sense given your current situation and life stage. An aggressive allocation has historically gained more over time, but at the price of greater volatility —which can be especially risky if you don’t have much time to recover. Market downturns sometimes can be a wake-up call to consider adjusting your target asset allocation of the level of risk in your portfolio doesn’t match your situation. 檢視你的風險容忍度。有些投資人在慘痛的經驗中,認知到自己並不如自己所想地願意面 對自己投資組合的大跌。同樣地,你之前所能承擔的風險亦不適用於當前。在歷史角度上 ,積極的[投資]分配會有更好的收益,但代價是高度震盪,如果你沒有足夠的時間來恢復 ,這樣是很危險的。市場衰退有時候是一個警鐘,讓你重新調整那些風險已不符合你當下 情況的資產分配。 5. Make sure you have a diversified portfolio. Volatile markets also can reveal that portfolios their owners thought were appropriately diversified in fact aren’t. If you haven’t looked at your portfolio recently to make sure you understand what each asset class is doing and that the mix matches your target asset allocation, now is a good time to become reacquainted with it. Schwab’s investor profile questionnaire can help you determine your profile and match it to an appropriate target asset allocation. If you need more help, call 800-355-2162 to be connected to a Schwab investment professional. 確保自己有多樣性的投資組合。震盪的市場能顯示投資組合並不如原本所想的多樣化,如 果你還沒有檢視自己的投資組合來確保你了解各個投資類別的表現和組合是否符合原本的 分配,現在就是好時間來熟悉他。(接下來這段有點廣告,就不翻了) 6. Consider including defensive assets for more stability. Defensive assets, such as cash and cash equivalents, Treasury securities and other U.S. government bonds, can help stabilize a portfolio when stocks are slipping. Also, if you expect to spend from your portfolio within the next few years, it ’s a good idea to hold those funds in assets that historically have been relatively liquid and less volatile than stocks, such as cash and short-term bonds. This can help you avoid having to sell in a down market. 為了穩定考慮防禦性資產。在股市下跌時,防禦性資產如現金、現金等價物、財政證券和 政府公債可以幫助平衡投資組合。此外,如果你預期在幾年內從你的投資中變現,那這些 資產便是你該擁有的,因為歷史顯示跟股票相比,這些資產(如現金或者短期公債)有比較 高的流動性以及較低的市值變化。這些能讓你在市場低迷時避免[為了現金]而不得不變賣 這些資產。 7. Rebalance your portfolio as needed. Market changes can skew your allocation from its original target. Over time, assets that have gained in value will account for more of your portfolio, while those that have declined will account for less. Rebalancing means selling positions that have become overweight in relation to the rest of your portfolio, and moving the proceeds to positions that have become underweight. It’s a good idea to do this at regular intervals. 需要時,需再平衡投資組合。市場變化會讓你原本的目標配置開始走偏。隨時間流逝,增 值的資產會佔據你投資組合一大部分,而那些貶值的佔相對小的部分。再平衡指的是賣掉 那些已經佔據投資組合中太多部位的資產,同時買如那些比較小部位的資產。定期地再平 衡投資組合是一個很好的想法。 [1] There is no guarantee that execution of a stop order will be at or near the stop price. Stop order不保證成交時的價格一定等同或接近stop price -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1588002821.A.198.html ※ 編輯: wawi2 ( 美國), 04/27/2020 23:54:11

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感謝 推
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密技是 上上下下左右左右ba
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股版只想要發大財 此篇不適用
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現在看到網址就想點一下 看裡頭有沒有連結廣告筆者
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