[新聞] 希臘,命運停駐之夜

看板Stock作者 (我愛雙馬尾愛我)時間9年前 (2015/06/18 21:34), 9年前編輯推噓3(305)
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1.原文連結(必須檢附): http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/17/news/economy/greece-deal-default-delay/index.html?iid=Lead 文章來自CNN新聞,不專業翻譯,請見諒。 2.原文內容: Deal, delay, or default? 達成,延遲,還是違約? It might sound like a game show title, but it's all very real for Europe. Officials will meet Thursday to try one more time to strike a deal that will keep Greece solvent in return for economic reforms. 這或許有點像遊戲的開頭畫面,但對歐盟來說無比真實。官員們將在周四再一次開會試著 讓希臘軟化接受金融改革。 What happens next? Here are three possible scenarios: 接下來會發生甚麼呢?有三種可能情況: 1. Deal 1.達成共識 Everyone is hoping for a deal. But judging by the ugly rhetoric, Greece's creditors are not willing to offer any more compromises. The only way for an agreement to happen is for the Greek government to back down. 任何人都希望這件事能妥善解決,但嚴格來說,希臘的債權人們並不接受任何妥協,唯一 的解決辦法是希臘政府主動讓步。 Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras remains defiant. On Tuesday, he accused the International Monetary Fund of "humiliating the Greek people" and stood by his anti-austerity demands. He might be bluffing. There is at least one big reason for a last minute U-turn: 70% of Greeks want to stay in eurozone at any cost, according to opinion polls. 希臘總理奇普拉斯依舊維持藐視的態度,在周二,他控訴IMF侮辱了希臘人民並仍堅持他 的反緊縮政策, 或許他是在唬人,因為最新的民調顯示出巨大的逆轉,百分之七十的希臘民眾希望盡一切 手段留在歐元區。 If Greece agrees to the reforms outlined by its creditors, they'll release the last 7.2 billion euros ($8.1 billion) from the international bailout fund, and Athens will be able pay the IMF the money it owes this month. 如果希臘接受債權人的金改政策,他們將會從國際救助基金釋出最少72億歐元,雅典將有 能力支付IMF這個月到期的債務。 2. Default 2.違約 If Thursday's talks end in acrimony, Greece will slip further towards the economic abyss. 如果週四會談不歡而散,希臘將會陷入絕望的經濟深淵。 The country must pay the IMF 1.54 billion euros by June 30, which is also when its bailout agreement is due to expire. It then owes 6.7 billion euros to the European Central Bank in July and August. 希臘必須在六月三十日錢支付IMF15.4億歐元,同時他的經濟支助協定也會到期,其後他 在七月和八月會積欠歐洲央行67億歐元。 It does not have access to international credit markets and without the bailout money, it would have to default on its debts. 沒有任何辦法向國際資金市場取得求助,也沒有任何救援金,他的末路只有違約一途。 Even though it has until the end of the month, no deal in the next few days could be the beginning of the end, because savers are likely to start pulling more money out of Greek banks, fearing the worst. A deep financial crisis and capital controls would likely follow. 即使任何這件事也是到月底才發生,但是如果這幾天沒有任何共識,最害怕的情況,違約 的末路將提早開始,因為儲戶們可能會開始從希臘銀行提出現金,更大的金融危機和資金 控管問題將接踵而來。 The government would ultimately be forced to adopt a new currency in order to pay pensions and public sector wages. 希臘政府最終將面對採用新貨幣與支付退休金和公務員薪水的問題。 3. Delay 3.延遲 But perhaps most likely is another fudge. Europe has a history of kicking the Greek can down the road. Deadlines branded as final have been missed many times in the past five years, and it is possible that EU leaders will find another way to muddle through. 但這或許只是另一次迴避,歐盟有好幾次機會可以把希臘踢出去(這句話不太會翻,請賜 教),過去五年來好幾次最終日都被延期了,或許這次歐盟領導人又會找到另個方法忽悠 過去。 European officials could present Greece with a "take it or leave it" offer on Thursday, giving it until EU leaders meet next week to respond. 歐盟官員可以在周四對希臘說,接受金改或是離開歐盟,直到下周歐盟官員在回應。 Even then, that might not be game over. 即使如此,也未必終結。 German newspaper Bild reported earlier this week that Greece may have found a way of delaying its IMF payments by six months. That could in theory buy a little more time for talks. 德國的報導在稍早指出,希臘或許找到一個辦法來延後六個月支付IMF的債權,期間有更 多時間來談判。 3.心得/評論(必需填寫): 不管答案是如何,對於台股來說都是假議題,今天台幣大漲,找好買點繼續買美金,美元 勢必升值,這匯差不賺太對不起美國出的送分題。 -- 有機會你真的該去張三桌百年小吃一趟,那的食物美味的不可思議。 沒有什麼花招,簡單 質樸 的傳統口味,怎麼吃都吃不膩。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1434634496.A.FAC.html ※ 編輯: humbler (, 06/18/2015 21:42:49

06/18 21:53, , 1F
查了一下希臘 希了二年也不簡單
06/18 21:53, 1F

06/18 21:54, , 2F
何止兩年 五六年有了~
06/18 21:54, 2F

06/18 22:01, , 3F
Fate/Stay Night [希臘版]
06/18 22:01, 3F

06/18 22:05, , 4F
06/18 22:05, 4F

06/18 22:41, , 5F
06/18 22:41, 5F

06/19 20:50, , 6F
kick the can down the road是指把不想做或難做的
06/19 20:50, 6F

06/19 20:50, , 7F
06/19 20:50, 7F

06/20 15:42, , 8F
06/20 15:42, 8F
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