[外電] Steve Nash retiring from basketball

看板SteveNash13作者 (Playmaker#13)時間9年前 (2015/03/22 02:37), 編輯推噓13(1302)
留言15則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Steve Nash @SteveNash 9 分鐘前 I'm retiring from basketball. Thanks for all the love through the years. http://www.theplayerstribune.com/steve-nash-retirement/ 連結有Nash的退休聲明... 來源:twitter Thank you Steve. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SteveNash13/M.1426963025.A.D82.html

03/22 02:42, , 1F
唉 這天終究來了
03/22 02:42, 1F

03/22 03:19, , 2F
03/22 03:19, 2F

03/22 03:33, , 3F
03/22 03:33, 3F

03/22 03:38, , 4F
好好享受退休生活吧 Q.Q
03/22 03:38, 4F

03/22 04:14, , 5F
03/22 04:14, 5F

03/22 05:57, , 6F
03/22 05:57, 6F

03/22 07:13, , 7F
03/22 07:13, 7F

03/22 11:32, , 8F
03/22 11:32, 8F

03/22 14:13, , 9F
謝謝Nash! 終於可以專心陪小孩了
03/22 14:13, 9F

03/22 16:20, , 10F
03/22 16:20, 10F

03/22 16:29, , 11F
03/22 16:29, 11F

03/22 18:04, , 12F
03/22 18:04, 12F

03/22 18:04, , 13F
03/22 18:04, 13F

03/22 18:04, , 14F
03/22 18:04, 14F

03/22 18:09, , 15F
QQ.......Thank you Steve Nash
03/22 18:09, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1L3RfHs2 (SteveNash13)