[外電] Steve Nash statement

看板SteveNash13作者 (Nash)時間11年前 (2012/07/05 11:13), 編輯推噓3(305)
留言8則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
似乎是接受媒體(ESPN)採訪時的聲明 Steve Nash headed to Lakers http://tinyurl.com/89sfj96 找不到其他的來源 (以下只翻受訪部分) ------------------------------------------ Steve Nash statement ------------------------------------------ For the last 8 seasons I’ve been blessed to play for a team and a city that has embraced me and that I have come to call home. This is a tough business and the only thing constant in life is change. 過去八季來, 我很幸運的能替一個擁抱我的、一個我稱為”家”的球隊與城市打球。 這是個嚴峻的交易,而人生總是充滿著改變。 After talking with (owner) Robert (Sarver) and (president of basketball operations) Lon (Babby) we’ve agreed that it’s time for both of us to move in new directions. I approached them and asked if they would be willing to do a sign and trade deal with L.A. because it is very important to me to stay near my children and family. 在跟Robert、Lon談過之後,我們同意,雙方都是時候該往新的方向前進了.. 我向他們提案是否可以把我先簽後換到洛杉磯, 因為對我來說,能呆在小孩與家庭附近是很重要的。 They were very apprehensive and didn’t want to do it. Fortunately for me, they reconsidered. They saw that they were able to get assets for their team that will make them better, assets they would not have otherwise had and it made sense for them to do a deal that helps their team get better. 他們非常的憂慮而不想交易.. 幸運的是,他們重新思量過了; 他們看見了:他們可以透過交易取得一些資產-- 能幫助球隊向上的資產、非透過交易就拿不到的資產, 而進行一個隊球隊有益的交易對他們而言再合理不過了。 I couldn’t be more grateful to the organization and Robert in particular. I know how hard this was for him and that fact that he was able to help me and my family in this way … it means a lot and says a lot about his character. I will never forget this gesture. Above and beyond. 對於球隊,我不能再感謝更多了,尤其是Robert。 我知道這對他很艱難,然而他確實以這個方式幫助了我跟我的家庭。 這個行為對我來說意義重大,也顯現了Robert的人格, 未來我也不會忘了他此一身姿。 The Phoenix Suns are an amazing organization and fans should be excited about their future. I hope the Suns win a championship some day soon for all the amazing fans and wonderful people in the organization. 太陽是個驚人的團隊,球迷應該為球隊的未來感到期待 我希望在不久的未來,太陽能贏下一座總冠軍-- 為了 了不起的球迷 與 團隊內的優秀人員 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NashTheGreat 來自: (07/05 11:15)

07/05 18:52, , 1F
07/05 18:52, 1F

07/05 18:53, , 2F
不可信的...還是會支持Nash 但他決定到湖
07/05 18:53, 2F

07/05 18:53, , 3F
人 還是很讓我錯愕......
07/05 18:53, 3F

07/05 20:27, , 4F
07/05 20:27, 4F

07/05 23:14, , 5F
老實說 我覺得他愈來愈可能去當演員
07/05 23:14, 5F

07/05 23:14, , 6F
了 退休後 說不定還可以在電影看他
07/05 23:14, 6F

07/05 23:14, , 7F
07/05 23:14, 7F

07/06 01:18, , 8F
07/06 01:18, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1FzGP4b_ (SteveNash13)