[rumor] Pistons-NBA Headlines - Billups: It …

看板SteveNash13作者 (brik)時間18年前 (2006/04/02 23:09), 編輯推噓1(100)
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轉載自hoopchina...感謝對岸的翻譯 Billups:Nash, MVP和他自己 04-02 19:11 黃瓜豆腐 “如果不是我,我希望是他(Nash)”,Billups說, “他讓球隊的每一個人都變得更好,這正是MVP這個獎項所要體現的素質。 他們評選最佳防守球員,不是麼?所以他們也應該評選一個最佳進攻球員, 在MVP之外。” 在獲悉太陽在48分鐘內轟下不可思議的140分之後, 草根MVP這樣說。活賽明天將在主場迎戰太陽, Billups說幫助球隊獲勝更加重要,而因為Nash的進攻如此不可阻擋, 他希望能用進攻迫使Nash在防守端付出更多體力。 ───對應的部分原文─── Billups: It's not about the MVP "If it's not going to be me, it has to be him," Billups said. "He makes everybody on his team better. That's what the MVP award should be about. They have a defensive player of the year award, right? Well, they should have an offensive player of the year award, too, and a separate award for MVP." Chauncey Billups was told that their next opponent, Phoenix, had scored 140 the same night. "Man!" he said. "Was it overtime?" "Steve Nash is unbelievable. He can break down your defense, find open guys and he can score. It's a huge challenge." "It's so hard to guard him when they run him off two and three screens, you have to make him work at the other end." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/03 14:47, , 1F
04/03 14:47, 1F
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