Fw: [新聞] 邊緣禁地3的玩家抱怨遊戲問題 在Steam上

看板Steam作者 (瘋法師)時間4年前 (2019/09/15 06:06), 4年前編輯推噓30(31131)
留言63則, 39人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
Borderlands 3 PC gamers dump on the game — in Borderlands 2’s Steam forums https://tinyurl.com/yyjtzpqf Disgruntled Borderlands 3 players on PC are unhappy about the numerous connectivity and performance problems they’ve encountered barely a day into the game’s launch, and they’re letting people know about it in the forums. For Borderlands 2. On Steam. You’ll recall that Borderlands 3 is an Epic Games Store exclusive. Epic Games Store does not have forums. Nor does it have user reviews, thwarting the primary means of revenge for disappointed PC gamers. For while players are lighting up the franchise subreddit, the PC gaming subreddit, and the official forums at Gearbox Software, nothing says spite like unloading on a seven-year-old game in a marketplace that can’t even sell its sequel. One Steam user pleaded with Borderlands 2 fans not to engage threads on Borderlands 3, and included a link to the Gearbox forums. People are still popping in questions and requests for help with Borderlands 3’s performance. Framerate drops and stutters appear to be the biggest bugaboo facing PC users. “Need help,” wrote one player, “regardless of the graphics settings, frequent reductions in FPS, CPU and GPU are only loaded at 60%, RAM at 70, but the hard drive jumps from 0 to 100% and hangs at 100% when FPS reduced. I already turned off all Windows services that might be the reason, I also checked the disks, fragmented them, can there be a reason that the game is installed on the same disk as windows?” “Try an actual Borderlands 3 forum,” someone replied. “You’ll probably get more responses.” “ty,” OP replied. The most recent guidance from Gearbox Software’s official Twitter account is that the studio is investigating all of these various issues, and users are being steered to 2K Games’ official support site to log a ticket. Back in April, when Gearbox announced Borderlands 3 — and announced it would be exclusive to the Epic Games Store — angry PC gamers flooded the user reviews for Borderlands 2 with enough negative remarks that it triggered Steam ’s first ever “off-topic review activity” flag, set up to combat “review bombs.” Borderlands 3 launched for Windows PC, as well as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One yesterday. Our review noted that the version we played was “obviously not … a finished version” that featured frequent crashes for users on three different gaming PCs. ==== 邊緣禁地3目前是Epic獨佔也剛發售,但出了很多問題,主要是掉幀和連線斷斷續續。 但Epic沒有討論區,而玩家們則是又跑去Steam的邊緣禁地2討論區發問了。 另外在PC、PS4和Xbox三個版本,PC版的好像不完整所以會經常崩潰。 -- 我們不應該依負擔的罪惡來選擇道路, 而是在選擇的道路上負擔自己的罪惡。 ──蒼崎橙子 「空之境界」── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1568498808.A.FAA.html ※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 09/15/2019 06:07:55

09/15 06:13, 4年前 , 1F
09/15 06:13, 1F

09/15 06:13, 4年前 , 2F
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09/15 06:14, 4年前 , 3F
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09/15 06:15, 4年前 , 4F
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09/15 06:15, 4年前 , 5F
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09/15 06:22, 4年前 , 6F
09/15 06:22, 6F

09/15 07:13, 4年前 , 7F
09/15 07:13, 7F

09/15 07:31, 4年前 , 8F
09/15 07:31, 8F

09/15 07:37, 4年前 , 9F
一群可憐蟲 是不會去Gearbox BL3論壇
09/15 07:37, 9F

09/15 09:02, 4年前 , 10F
到討論區抱怨遊戲公司 又不是抱怨steam
09/15 09:02, 10F

09/15 09:20, 4年前 , 11F
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09/15 09:52, 4年前 , 12F
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09/15 09:54, 4年前 , 13F
抱怨遊戲公司 怎不抱怨出資的中資大老闆
09/15 09:54, 13F

09/15 09:59, 4年前 , 14F
09/15 09:59, 14F

09/15 10:39, 4年前 , 15F
判謝依涵殺人 怎不判發薪水給他的咖啡店老闆
09/15 10:39, 15F

09/15 10:50, 4年前 , 16F
謝依涵殺人 你跑去告隔壁咖啡店老闆?
09/15 10:50, 16F

09/15 10:54, 4年前 , 17F
怎扯到謝依涵去了 老闆不應該有事是因為殺人不是
09/15 10:54, 17F

09/15 10:54, 4年前 , 18F
咖啡店員工正常的業務範圍 所以因其產生的事和老闆
09/15 10:54, 18F

09/15 10:54, 4年前 , 19F
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09/15 11:16, 4年前 , 20F
09/15 11:16, 20F

09/15 11:39, 4年前 , 21F
能扯到謝依涵 真的是韓粉智商耶
09/15 11:39, 21F

09/15 12:02, 4年前 , 22F
09/15 12:02, 22F

09/15 12:20, 4年前 , 23F
各位半年後才能玩到 討論熱情還是不減呢 真好
09/15 12:20, 23F

09/15 12:30, 4年前 , 24F
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09/15 12:51, 4年前 , 25F
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09/15 14:59, 4年前 , 39F
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09/15 14:59, 4年前 , 40F
寶庫之子=韓粉 超好笑 整天看中天
09/15 14:59, 40F

09/15 16:34, 4年前 , 41F
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09/15 16:56, 4年前 , 42F
但E粉的行為跟韓粉真的很像阿 lol
09/15 16:56, 42F

09/15 17:25, 4年前 , 43F
09/15 17:25, 43F

09/15 19:03, 4年前 , 44F
貼來笑的阿 嘻嘻
09/15 19:03, 44F

09/15 21:26, 4年前 , 45F
chinese用中資平台 很合理吧 兩岸一家親
09/15 21:26, 45F

09/15 22:30, 4年前 , 46F
爽啊就想酸EPIC啊 E糞不爽不會自己開版喔
09/15 22:30, 46F

09/15 22:52, 4年前 , 47F
瘋法釣魚很爽的八 每次都有人上鉤 這餌好吃欸XDDDD
09/15 22:52, 47F

09/15 23:05, 4年前 , 48F
嘻嘻A我ID說我韓粉 STEAM廚真可憐
09/15 23:05, 48F

09/15 23:09, 4年前 , 49F
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09/15 23:09, 4年前 , 50F
CSGO Gabe去0次Major 好香
09/15 23:09, 50F

09/15 23:09, 4年前 , 51F
Valve完全不聽玩家選手意見 好香 Valve親手把NA最有潛
09/15 23:09, 51F

09/15 23:09, 4年前 , 52F
力選手生涯毀掉 Skin箱子手續費賺一堆錢 結果每年Major
09/15 23:09, 52F

09/15 23:09, 4年前 , 53F
總獎金池比dota2五個人平分還少100萬 WOW Valve 真棒
09/15 23:09, 53F

09/15 23:09, 4年前 , 54F
09/15 23:09, 54F

09/16 00:01, 4年前 , 55F
Epic是不是沒討論區= =
09/16 00:01, 55F

09/16 00:47, 4年前 , 56F
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09/16 00:48, 4年前 , 57F
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09/16 04:35, 4年前 , 58F
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09/16 10:27, 4年前 , 59F
不太可能 有一堆人在寫搶先體驗的業配心得
09/16 10:27, 59F

09/16 11:22, 4年前 , 60F
這個討論區在討論的遊戲有在steam賣啊 XD
09/16 11:22, 60F

09/17 06:06, 4年前 , 61F
09/17 06:06, 61F

09/17 09:28, 4年前 , 62F
這篇和STEAM有關 看不懂內文還是中文啊E粉?
09/17 09:28, 62F

09/18 10:18, 4年前 , 63F
現在是開賣時才能使用沒錯啊 因為是2代討論區XDDDDDD
09/18 10:18, 63F
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