Re: [遊戲] Influent 遊戲介紹及全成就攻略

看板Steam作者 (蛇蛇Sir.Snake)時間8年前 (2016/01/14 08:04), 8年前編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
網頁好讀版 -------------------------------------------------------- Influent為一款學習語言(應寫為增加字彙)的遊戲 目前共有16種語言可買 近期才剛特價結束,之前也有入過包的紀錄,要購買的人可先考慮 日文版評論 本文為簡易攻略 分別為隱藏成就達成方法與全字彙列表 這遊戲已經躺在我的遊戲庫很久了,感謝板上大德的文章,才能讓它從遊戲堆中浮出來XD 操作方式在前一篇小茄的文章有,故在此不贅述 (幫補充 : 同個物件通常有一個以上的字彙,可以按圖示的"上"來更換想要考試的題目) ------------------------------ 全成就簡易攻略(由達成率高至低) ------------------------------ 36.7% Gold Star Master your first word! 熟練第一個字彙 10.9% NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Kaboom! (隱藏)解鎖飛機後墜毀 10.3% Blast Off Master 50 words and unlock Fly By! 熟練50個字彙後解鎖飛機 4.6% 100 Club Master 100 words! 熟練100個字彙 4.2% The Cake is a Lie Master that cake! (隱藏)熟練"蛋糕"這個字 2.1% 200 Club Master 200 words! 熟練200個字彙 1.9% Half Time Master half the words in the game! 熟練210個字彙 1.2% 300 Club Master 300 words! 熟練300個字彙 1.1% Mission Improbable Complete all tasks on the to do list! 遊戲中按E可看到任務目標,全部達成即可 1.0% 400 Club Master 400 words! 熟練400個字彙 0.9% Finders Keepers Collect all 420 words in the game! 收集420個字彙 0.8% Done Deal Master all 420 words in the game! 熟練420個字彙 ------------------------ 全"名詞"字彙列表(由A到Z) ------------------------ *只列名詞,動詞或形容詞可在遊戲中的名詞分頁開啟(字彙後方有藍色點代表尚未開啟) 大約列了一下物品所在位置(靠慘到不行的記憶力) 有些物品會不只在一個位置,這邊只列一個 /臥 為臥室 /廁 為廁所 /客 為客廳 /廚 為廚房+玄關 Air Conditioner/臥 Air Freshener/廁 Alarm Clock/臥 Amplifier/客 Apple/廚 Ash Tray/客 Baking Sheet/廚 Banana/廚 Bandages/廁 Baseball/臥 Baseball Bat/臥 Baseball Glove/臥 Basil/廚 Basin/廁 Battery/廚 Bed/臥 Bed frame/臥 Beer/廚 Beef/廚 Bell Pepper/廚 Blanket/臥 Blazer/廁 Blender/廚 Blinds/客 Blueberries/廚 Book/客 Bookshelf/客 Bottle/廚 Bottle Opener/廚 Bowl/廚 Box/客 Bread/廚 Broom/廚 Bulletin Board/臥 Burner/廚 Business Card/臥 Butter/廚 Cabbage/廚 Cabinet/臥 Cactus/客 Cake/廚 Calendar/臥 Camera/臥 Can/廚 Candle/廁 Can Opener/廚 Carrot/廚 Cat/臥 CD/客 Ceiling/臥 Ceiling Fan/客 Celery/廚 Cell Phone/臥 Cereal/廚 Chair/臥 Cheese/廚 Cherries/廚 Chips/廚 Chocolate/廚 Chopsticks/廚 Cinnamon/廚 Clock/廚 Closet/臥 Coaster/客 Coat Rack/廚 Coconut/廚 Comic Book/臥 Computer/臥 Conditioner/廁 Controller/客 Controls/廚 Cookies/廚 Cooking Oil/廚 Cooking Pot/廚 Corn/廚 Counter/廚 Crackers/廚 Cucumber/廚 Cup/廚 Curtains/廚 Cutting Board/廚 Deodorant/廁 Desk/臥 Dice/臥 Dirt/客 Dishwasher/廚 Door/臥 Door Frame/臥 Doorknob/臥 Drain/廚 Drawer/臥 Dresser/臥 Dustpan/廚 DVD Player/客 Eggplant/廚 Eggs/廚 Eraser/廚 Faucet/廚 Fan Blades/客 Fish/廚 Flier/臥 Floor/臥 Floss/廁 Flour/廚 Fork/廚 Freezer/廚 Frying Pan/廚 Game/客 Game Console/客 Glasses/臥 Grapes/廚 Guitar/客 Hair Brush/廁 Hammer/臥 Handle/廚 Hanger/廚 Hat/廚 Headphones/臥 Hood/廚 Ice/廚 Ice Cream/廚 Incense/客 Jam/廚 Jar/廚 Juice/廚 Ketchup/廚 Kettle/廚 Key/臥 Key Chain/臥 Keyboard/臥 Keys/臥 Knife/廚 Knob/廚 Lamp/臥 Laptop/客 Laundry Basket/臥 Laundry Detergent/臥 Leaf/臥 Lemon/廚 Lid/廁 Light/廁 Light Switch/廁 Lighter/客 Lime/廚 Lotion/廁 Magazine/客 Magnet/廚 Marker/廚 Mat/廚 Matches/廁 Mattress/臥 Mayonnaise/廚 Microwave/廚 Milk/廚 Mirror/廁 Monitor/臥 Mop/廚 Mouse/臥 Movie/客 Muffin/廚 Mug/客 Mushroom/廚 Mustard/廚 Napkin/廚 Necktie/臥 Newspaper/廚 Notepad/廚 Nuts/廚 Onion/廚 Orange/廚 Outlet/臥 Oven/廚 Oven Rack/廚 Painting/客 Pants/臥 Paper/臥 Paper Towels/廚 Pasta/廚 Peach/廚 Pear/廚 Pen/臥 Pencil/臥 Pepper/廚 Photograph/臥 Pie/廚 Piggy Bank/臥 Pillow/臥 Pills/臥 Pineapple/廚 Pipes/廚 Pitcher/廚 Plant/臥 Plastic Wrap/廚 Plate/廚 Popsicles/廚 Pork/廚 Poster/臥 Pot/客 Potato/廚 Printer/臥 Pumpkin/廚 Razor/廁 Recycle Bin/廚 Refrigerator/廚 Remote/客 Report/臥 Rice/廚 Rice Cooker/廚 Rod/廚 Rolling Pin/廚 Rug/臥 Salt/廚 Sandals/廚 Sandwich/廚 Sauce Pan/廚 Scarf/臥 Scissors/廚 Screwdriver/臥 Serving Tray/廚 Shampoo/廁 Shelf/臥 Shirt/臥 Shoe/客 Shower/廁 Shower Head/廁 Sink/廚 Skateboard/臥 Slippers/臥 Soap/廁 Soap Dish/廁 Soccer Ball/客 Sock/臥 Soda/廚 Sofa/客 Soy Sauce/廚 Spatula/廚 Speaker/臥 Sponge/廚 Spoon/廚 Spray Bottle/臥 Stapler/臥 Stem/臥 Sticky Note/臥 Stove/廚 Strainer/廁 Strawberry/廚 Sugar/廚 Suitcase/客 Sweater/客 Sweatshirt/客 Table/客 Tea/廚 Teacup/廚 Tissues/廚 Toaster/廚 Toilet/廁 Toilet Paper/廁 Toilet Seat/廁 Tomato/廚 Tomato Sauce/廚 Tool Box/臥 Toothbrush/廁 Toothpaste/廁 Towel/廁 Toy/客 Trash Can/臥 Tray/客 TV Stand/客 TV/客 Umbrella/廚 Underwear/臥 Vacuum Cleaner/客 Vent/廚 Vinegar/廚 Vitamins/廚 Wall/臥 Wallet/臥 Wardrobe/臥 Water/廚 Watermelon/廚 Window/廚 Wine/廚 Wrench/臥 Yogurt/廚 附註 : 若覺得電風扇扇葉特別難點,可以用CE的speedhack降速 以上為成就攻略與字彙整理,感謝觀看 -- 歡迎加我~想玩GMOD/BBT/城堡毀滅者/L4D2/Portal 2 還有100種其他遊戲~大部分單機~徵求合作遊戲夥伴xD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

01/14 08:38, , 1F
wt... only 420 words?!
01/14 08:38, 1F

01/14 08:48, , 2F
是的,只有420字QAQ 我是組包時買的,還滿划算
01/14 08:48, 2F

01/14 08:52, , 3F
01/14 08:52, 3F

01/14 08:55, , 4F
01/14 08:55, 4F

01/14 08:55, , 5F
01/14 08:55, 5F

01/14 09:23, , 6F
01/14 09:23, 6F

01/14 09:24, , 7F
01/14 09:24, 7F

01/14 09:24, , 8F
01/14 09:24, 8F
voicetube好方便喔!!感謝推薦 另外我也推薦BBC的學外語網頁 之前在上面學過西語,超讚的,看那俏麗的妹子... 不說了 直接互動影片連結

01/14 10:10, , 9F
01/14 10:10, 9F

01/14 10:14, , 10F
Apple/廚 .... 這樣寫有點敏感.....
01/14 10:14, 10F

01/14 11:24, , 11F
01/14 11:24, 11F

01/14 14:12, , 12F
01/14 14:12, 12F

01/14 14:14, , 13F
01/14 14:14, 13F
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